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Everything posted by gkathellar

  1. Oh, see, I thought we were talking about barbarian the character class, not barbarian the imperialist fantasy about foreign cultures. In that case, she's definitely a barbarian. I mean, she doesn't speak any Greek. Where do you think the DnD barbarian class comes from? As of 1E? Conan, mostly, combined with a dose of uniquely Gygaxian weirdness. As of 3E? What it was intended to be was about 1/3 Conan, 1/3 callbacks to earlier editions, and 1/3 imperialist racism. But D&D is famously bad at following through on its intentions, so mostly it just ended up being a melee heavyweight that liked its battles short and sweet (with a side of racism).
  2. So what? You found it "offensive"? So? That's your business. Huh. See, I thought this was, like, a discussion thread, where people share opinions and make conjectures.
  3. Wait, what? Where are you getting that from? If weapons break at random, people will often just reload to avoid that random chance coming into play, especially if it's a weapon they like/have invested resources into/want to keep. It makes any such system of random breaks pointless and irritating.
  4. Indeed. For all anyone in this thread knows, people higher up in Obsidian may have found the limerick just as offensive as I do (stupid, a little offensive, but mostly stupid). All of the babble about "caving to pressure, how cowardly," largely ignores the reality that entities sometimes step back from a mistake because they realize they've made a mistake. That's what they've always been, though. Mockery reserved for those you disagree with. Are there crazy people associated with social justice movements? Sure. But the label "social justice warrior," has always been the hetero cis male gaming crowd's word for "people who tell us that we might have to think about the things we say and do." Just like calling things "gay" as a pejorative, right? That totally doesn't express or reinforce an existing problem. People are just reading too much into things, right? It's not your fault. ... plenty of women are complicit in the patriarchy, just as all men suffer under it. This is, like, foundational feminist theory. The notion that sex or gender is determinative of who gets to do or say what is sort of the problem. On the one hand, if that's legitimately triggering you, I'm sorry, and I strongly encourage you to seek treatment, and perhaps to employ AdBlock in this context. But I'm pretty sure that since it's not triggering you, and you're not part of a group that is systematically victimized and abused by a culture that refuses to address them on their own terms, maybe stop making up dumb syllogisms to mock people who are?
  5. Yeah, that would be fun, and not at all an RNG irritation that people would reload out of almost without fail. Oooh, that's a good example. Remember how in Divinity:OS you would just carry around a repair hammer and thus make the entire durability system into little other than a minor irritation? Yeah, when it comes to durability systems, you can go the Fire Emblem route, or go home. And the Fire Emblem route would be complete garbage in this type of game.
  6. Oh, see, I thought we were talking about barbarian the character class, not barbarian the imperialist fantasy about foreign cultures. In that case, she's definitely a barbarian. I mean, she doesn't speak any Greek. what is this i cant even
  7. Because if you take them for 1st or 2nd level spells, once they become at-will, they'll no longer serve a purpose.
  8. Those're some pretty strong voices in favor of a barbarian and a priest. Two ideas, then: Melee cipher and back-line priest Priest of Skaen, performing as a mock rogue/priest via Prey on the Weak. Thoughts?
  9. /manifests twoooo duuuump staaaaats *drifts into the ether*
  10. I'd say that she's a Ranger, except the Animal Companion pretty much screws that. She's a rogue. Culturally, maybe, but I ain't never seen her charge into a horde of dudes and start cutting them all up, and that's what a barbarian is.
  11. Well, that gives you two dump stats, so it's not like you're going to miss out on a ton of power or something.
  12. Intellect is an effective social stat, and is of acceptable value to a ranger - it'll help with Wounding Shot and Binding Roots, anyway. You might also get some value out of Perception and Interrupt. /shrug
  13. Blunderbuss, blunderbuss, blunderbuss. I'm pretty sure getting off attacks with a high Might character using a powerful weapon and a 1.2-1.44 damage modifier counts as more than just filler. Or do both, using a blunderbuss and penetrating shot.
  14. I'm pretty committed to using Druid and Cipher. Generally, they're my favorite classes in terms of actual good design. Mm. Seems reasonable. Yeah, I kinda know ... but I think it's actually missing out on the loot that bothers me most, which is dumb, but ... yeah.
  15. For what it's worth, freeing him gets you +2 Prestige, and binding him gets you +2 Security. Take that as you will.
  16. Dunno, it gets pretty cosmic, for all that. If there were level 30 characters running around in the setting, I feel like they'd have dealt with some of these things already.
  17. After getting plenty of experience with the "2 tanks, 4 ranged" model of play, I've honestly gotten pretty tired of it. Partially, that's because it makes the game feel too easy. Partially, it's because I keep seeing all this sweet melee loot and growling that none of my characters have the opportunity to use it. So I've decided to restart with a melee-oriented party, but I really can't make up my mind about how it should come together. I'm thinking I'd like to use a party of 4 melee characters, with 2 heavy tanks, 2 off-tanks, and 2 ranged characters, but I'm still trying to figure out a specific setup that would be cool. Here are my thoughts so far, and I'd be happy for any critique or suggestions. Tank 1 - Shieldbearer Paladin. I've had some good experiences with this. Not sure about race or weapon selection - I was thinking Moon Godlike and Peasant (for spears/hatchets). 19/9/3/18/10/18. Tank 2 - Godlike Monk. I'm actually going to respec Pallegina for this, as her racial ability just seems so right for Soul Mirror. Knight weapons seem okay, if only to cover swords. Uncertain about stat spread - I'll probably dump Int. Off-tank 1 - A two-hander, specializing in Adventurer weapons for the versatility of Estoc/Poleaxe. Fighter and Barbarian both seem to have their virtues here, and I've been having trouble making any decisions about it. Off-tank 2 - I know I want a dual-wielder, probably using either Ruffian or Noble weapons for their good selections of one-handed weapons, but aside from that, I'm drawing a blank. Barbarian? Rogue? :/ Ranged 1 - Druid. Dunno that it gets any more specific than that, druids just sorta just have one build - AoE king gogogo Ranged 2 - Standard DPS Cipher. Maxed Mgt/Dex/Int, Blunderbuss, etc. Nothing to see here. So, any ideas? Feedback, etc? Thanks.
  18. That is a great approach for TTRPGs, but terribly constraining and uncomfortable for CRPGs. (So I'm surprised Sawyer hasn't done it already.)
  19. Double Ciphers hits like a truck, yes. It won't break Hard mode entirely, but I hope you're not going to bring that to normal. They'll rip and tear.
  20. This would have made the whole world much less believable. Got a bow fan proving my point right here. Yeah a world where guns have relegated archery to a status and hobby symbol. SOOOOO unbelievable. You ... you do know that bows continued to be used in serious warfare well into the 16th century, right? Around the same point in time that PoE's technology is based. Also: this is a magic world where people use their magic soul powers to do things with magic. One imagines that might be a factor in the endurance of the bow.
  21. Well, that's what you get for going Chaotic Evil. /rimshot
  22. What's the problem with white circles? White would be fine too, although I don't know why they'd do it - RGB is just so natural. Green circles, however, should be party-member only.
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