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Everything posted by gkathellar

  1. I think, going by Feargus' statement (and in my opinion, rightly) they didn't feel it was their place to make that decision immediately. That's why they contacted the backer in question - to ask if it was a decision he wanted to take on. It's convenient he did so, and it saved them from a more uncomfortable decision, sure. It's also good on him, as was his solution. The new poem lampoons both sides of this ridiculous argument. Honestly, as one of over 500 tiny, easily missed memorials, those participating in the discussion are the people who care about it most, so that seems reasonable! (Besides, we pretty clearly don't need encouragement to discuss it!)
  2. Paying bills is not the only motivation people have in life. Risk/Reward calculations that are designed for human beings but which fail to include self-actualization as a legitimate reward (and alienation as a risk) are inherently flawed, because self-actualization and alienation are what most people actually care about. Sometimes you have to pay bills to pursue other motivations, but getting interviewed by Polygon is not about to put Obsidian under.
  3. Care to back up that claim at all or just gonna leave it at that? Do you care to back up yours? Fighter brings, what ... Engaging extra enemies? Worthless. Defender? Pretty good once you take the child talent, but monks and paladins both get similar tricks that can be used with Cautious Attack.. Constant Recovery? I'd rather just avoid taking damage. Vigorous Defense is pretty good, sure, as is Critical Defense, but they're kind of it. Unbending and Unbroken help a bad tank, I guess. Defenses are the most important part of tanking, and paladin has them in spades. No, you're totally on target, which is why Paladin takes the cake. Fighter is great for more aggressive tanks, just like monk, but if you're looking to stand around looking invulnerable, paladin is the way to go.
  4. This. Mind Wave is that one power that you use if you've got nothing better to do. Not that it's bad, it's just ... you've usually got something better to do.
  5. Okay, clarifying the situation - Bester (the main guy) and Sensuki (the other main guy) are both frustrated with the game, and have left. I dunno about the other other main guy. I think that's everyone. There is the distinct possibility that people who know what they're doing will be able to update it for future patch releases. And by distinct possibility, I mean, "people who aren't me know exactly how to do it."
  6. All I know is that if I were putting those memorials in, my brain would turn off at a certain point and I would probably start browsing forums whenever my bosses weren't looking. ... Canada?
  7. Ctrl-C. Ctrl-V. 500-odd times. And you think it's hard to believe that somebody missed one?
  8. Pistols at dawn. NWN2, but yeah. 's crazy.
  9. Pretty sure you can turn off gibs already, though.
  10. Athletics. Stealth. Lore 5 if you that character want to use scrolls. Mechanics if your PC doesn't cover it. Athletics. Stealth. Athletics.
  11. ... I know you're not kidding, but I really wish you were.
  12. Death Godlike are experts on hastening the end for those closest to it, which seems very Berathian to me. As for Nature Godlike, I don't think they fit with Galawain, but I also don't think they match Eothas. Here's my idea for Skaen - Torment/Slavery Godlike Skaen is usually subtle, but since Godlike are anything but, I think he would go all out on the visual horror and the slavery. Godlike would bear the marks of torture and slavery, I think. Their flesh would seem superficially scarred, as if by the lash, and would be entirely absent in places. Bloody pustules and pools would seem to be just under the skin - Skaen is tied to blood, after all. Their skulls and cartilege would be superficially deformed by violence, giving them the appearance of cracked eye sockets, broken jaws, rent ears and crushed noses. Perhaps they would be decorated with horns and protrusions resembling bits, blinders, or other devices of slavery and torture. The limbs would almost certainly seem rent and twisted by the rack and the lash. The Quiet Slave is about resentment for the powerful, and his godlike are no different. As the Torment Godlike are hurt, their blood and hatred fills the air with poisonous, weakening fumes that dull the minds and slow the bodies of their enemies (especially if those enemies are in good health).
  13. The quote is specifically in reference to all of this stupid drama about the backer memorial. The article it comes from makes that somewhat more clear.
  14. Yeah, I can't really disagree with any of that. I like it more than you do, but ... yeah. That's an excellent summary of all of the many problems with PoE (especially in light of the fact that I've been replaying Tutu simultaneously). It's discouraging.
  15. They do good single-target damage while being relatively durable. An aggressive fighter isn't as good as others at either thing, though, and this game favors specialization. So, adequate, but not fantastic. Nooooope
  16. And speaking of 15-year-old functionality, individual stealth.
  17. It sometimes happens because of the auto-attack AI's incredible stupidity causing your toons to forget their orders.
  18. Pretty sure Durance says otherwise - their presence was part of the magic worked on the bridge. The Godhammer was a sympathetic weapon, with spiritual ties to Eothas, Waidwen, and the bomb's builders.
  19. Why was this posted in the no spoilers subforum?
  20. The engine is capable of both. I'd love to see BG/BG2 in PoE's engine, but it would be a huuuge undertaking. So what, just the Unity Engine, but not actually using PoE-style rules? ... uh, why? Just graphics?
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