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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. What a pile. If his reasoning is you don't want to be offensive then he should do that across the board. The reasoning I gave was more sound. Pardon me for overestimating these cowards.
  2. lolololololololololololololol Are you joking? I hope so... A high stress situation is not conducive to romance. I wonder what world you live in where people just get romantic when **** hits the fan. Bob: Jim! Them nazi's are firin' on our position! We need to find cover! Jim: BOB!!! I... love you! Let us embrace in passion. Bob: I'm not normally romantic, but according to TMZuk in high stress situations romance WILL happen. Jim and Bob were then gunned down by nazi's since people automatically fall in love in high stress situations. That why romance never occurs in a relaxed setting. That's why there's nothing more romantic than a war zone. That's why most romance stories are like the D-Day invasion. How romantic. Wanna acquire a spouse? Easy; get them alone and stress him/her out. Romance WILL happen. It's a fact!
  3. HAHAHA!!! Gifted1 you're always a riot.
  4. keep in mind that in America Muslims are a vulnerable minority. Generally Americans would see something like that as fostering ignorance and a hostile attitude towards a minority group. It's generally considered fine to make fun of Christians since they represent an overwhelming majority and thus have nothing to fear from general society.
  5. Or they could get rid of the perks and racial abilities. Really Skyrim's skill system has more depth than Oblivion's.
  6. To me this isn't about GG, but if intel is going to partner with such a vehemently anti-capitalist group; I can't support them anymore.
  7. Seriously dude, shove it up your ass. I'm sick of your passive aggressive bull****. It's the same every time: non-answers and every attempt made to dodge questions. And now this? I've brought that up to you I dunno HOW many times, and every single time it's "oh I seem to have missed that, can you ask it again?" If you had any interest in a serious debate, you'd make an effort to look yourself. You don't. There's a reason I went quiet when you asked to see those questions again: to see if you'd look them up yourself, (at the time the thread was what, 7 pages?) and you never did. And then you sit here and make these smug remarks. As far as I'm concerned, you don't give two ****s about any serious discussion, you're just interested in being a passive aggressive little pest who seeks to be proven right. Seems a little harsh.
  8. What a cry baby. "Oh no, Brianna Wu gets money for nothing! She's rich, why should I continue drawing if people give Brianna Wu money for nothing? OH THE INHUMANITY!!!" Get over it whiner. Could you imagine if everyone had her attitude? I'm not rich either. WHY SHOULD I GO ON!?
  9. Some of the internet personalities surrounding it like Internet Aristocrat have left for various reasons. This has left gamergate with a little less energy, but it's still going pretty strong. It just feels it bit weaker than it used to be IMO. A few gaming websites have improved their ethics policies. A couple of small game projects have been funded. Some charities have been funded. The fighting between GG and the media has created a trolls paradise; while GG can't be entirely blamed for this, it is at least partially responsible. Indirectly, GG has caused the left a lot of problems in the US. It's caused a rift between the libertarian-left and the authoritarian-left that mirrors the rift on the right. This makes a republican victory in 2016 a bit more likely if the republicans run a libertarian-right candidate. To take down Gawker (I single Gawker out because I feel it's the site GG hates the most. Other sites could get by with ethics revisions, but Gawker won't be forgiven.).
  10. I am VERY envious, I have never been to Texas and I desperately want to. I have watched loads of cooking shows about parts of Texas so I would also be eating Texas barbeque every night as well ....have a rack of ribs for me Oh the best BBQ is right here in my home town. Texas has nothing on Memphis on that note. An North Carolina? Please. Someone needs to tell them that a mustard based sauce is an affront to nature! Its interesting because when I watch the various cooking shows about BBQ there are always the same states that come up where you get the best BBQ Texas, Kansas, Tennessee and the Carolinas. It would be interesting to see a BBQ competition between these states but I suppose at this level it comes down to a personal taste. So you will battle to find an agreed on "winner" because they are all winners I just know it all looks good. Meat slowly smoked for 24 hours and different BBQ marinades lovingly applied to brisket and ribs ... and so tender meat just falls off the bones !!! Yummy Memphis is the home of BBQ gods. All other locations are inferior compared to it's BBQ prowess.
  11. I'm having potatoes. They are cheap and plentiful.
  12. I don't know who she is. I guess.
  13. She is pretty too!
  14. Saw this in the journalism thread. Wow, she is quite attractive.
  15. There actually no lore issues with female Thor in the Marvel Universe. Mjolnir has the specific legend of "Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor." Semantic argument over the lack of gender neutral pronouns in the English language aside, the intent was, and always has been, that whoever was deemed worthy by the enchantment could hold the hammer and be Thor. Hence Beta Ray Bill. Is Thor a title? I thought it was the guy's name.
  16. Make the game run smoothly. The Ranger class needs an upgrade.
  17. Technically they said they didn't believe they could do it properly so they would rather not do a bad implementation I can understand that as the creation of there first RPG and all its relevant components was obviously more important but I believe now they will have ample time to apply themselves to a fitting and acceptable Romance solution It certainly is a serious possibility. Another issue is how easy is the game to mod. For example; if PoE is too hard to mod in romances the overall fanbase's desire for Obsidian to include a romance in the vanilla game will be much greater. One of the best arguments against OE providing romance in PoE is that the modding community can add their own anyway. If this can't be done then I believe PoE2 will probably have romances. In a way; you should hope PoE is too hard to mod Bruce.
  18. I'm wondering how hard it will be to add new companions to poe. I hope it won't be too difficult.
  19. Chanters are awesome. Nuff said.
  20. What? Target was targeted by another petition, some 10,000 signatures long demanding they pull the advertising and apologize for having a white girl modelling an Annie inspired clothing line. What a bunch of racists. Even if Annie wasn't a white character; there's nothing wrong with a white girl modeling Annie inspired clothes. Are the clothes for blacks only? Why not just go all the way with that logic and make some institutions for whites only, and others for blacks only. Oh wait, we've seen that before, and it wasn't pretty. Screw those 10,000 people.
  21. I've got some disappointing news for you then... Emphasis mine. Crafting is the primary reason that special items are become less valuable. But I want to slightly modify the great items we find. Say i found a great steel armor, why not stick my chrest on it, hammer its kinks out, if its close to my size, get it refit, and throw a cloak on it or something too. overall, it is still 95% of the same armor I found..but I crafted some small difference into it. THAT I would enjoy. That's not a bad idea.
  22. I've got some disappointing news for you then... Emphasis mine. Crafting is the primary reason that special items are become less valuable.
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