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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Good luck finding Thanos. Even if you do, how will you deal with the infinity gauntlet?
  2. Shots fired! Shots miss!
  3. You're old enough to be my father.
  4. I don't see that many people claiming the BG games had such awesome writing. I think the OE drone squad just likes to bring it up a lot because it helps to distract from everything else BG2 clearly beats PoE at. I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's unfair to compare PoE to BG2. Better to compare it to BG1. Why is it unfair ? BG1 was made by a heap of noobs who had never before made a game. Why should that be the comparison point ? The reasoning is that BG2 already had an established engine to work with and improve on. BG1 however, was made from scratch like PoE.
  5. I don't see that many people claiming the BG games had such awesome writing. I think the OE drone squad just likes to bring it up a lot because it helps to distract from everything else BG2 clearly beats PoE at. I'm sure you've heard this before, but it's unfair to compare PoE to BG2. Better to compare it to BG1.
  6. Baldurs Gate didn't have a good story, but it was well executed. I've covered this before actually if you can find my rantings about it. To keep it brief; Bioware did a good job of making the player want to resolve the story by making the villains mess with you personally. PoE has a little bit of that, but not enough.
  7. But its been growing. Well, growing is never good. Can't believe you're waiting three weeks.
  8. I'm gunning for final post. Let this one be the last! No one else post anything!
  9. Many of the people critical of the game still like it. They are often discussing what's wrong with the game to help identify how the game can be improved in the expansion. There is after all, little reason to discuss what's working well. I personally really like PoE, but I could see why some one could see many of my statements and think that I hate it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: PoE is a 4/5. That's a good game. Looking forward to the expansion.
  10. You don't have cancer. Probably. Hopefully. I have a mark like that too actually. Mine's bigger though.
  11. I would've just tried to govern really well to prove my worthiness. Oh well, I guess I just wouldn't be fit for soviet politics.
  12. What was the point of assassinating Trotsky anyways? Just to be a jerk? Stalin already beat him, there's no reason I can see to kill him.
  13. Great character. I want to comment on her personality and beliefs, but then I'd end up ruining the thread. Do eeeeeet. There's no use having a thread just for posting stuff no-one ever talks about or comments on. Then it's just another fanfic thread and I loathe fanfic threads. It's not that talking about her would ruin the thread; it's what I'd say.
  14. It's actually sub-optimal to be naked. Clothes don't give any penalties, but can still be enchanted.
  15. Not sure if this was directed at me or at everyone... I was just mentioning that the Dyrford areas were somewhat challenging for me when I did them in Act I around level 3-4. By which I mean they were more challenging than most of the other stuff in Act 1. Also the temple in Gilded Vale was a bit tough I guess. Playing on hard with only Obsidian companions. Act II has been extremely easy so far, except for the lighthouse which was somewhat challenging. Anyway, I agree that the game is too easy from what I've seen so far, mostly seems to be due to handing out way too much XP, among other things. How did you get to Dyford in act 1? Doesn't act 1 end when you claim the stronghold?
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