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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. Being a console gamer (mostly nintendo) as well as a pc gamer I use term against those I am greatly disrespecting. They're not being intolerant. The notion that black people (or any people really) are property has severe legal consequences. The notion that homosexuality is "unnatural" does not have legal consequences. Said person is not intolerant to the idea. They just don't accept it. Big difference.
  2. That was certainly the case with the limerick situation. Far too many users were frothing at the mouth that Obsidian would care that the limerick offended a trans woman (maybe others too? I dunno.) and wanted to rectify it. Truth be told, I'm of the opinion that Obsidian should have just ignored Erika (not that Obsidian did anything morally wrong; just unwise.), but the reaction from some users to Obsidian removing it was obnoxious as heck. As bad as any SJW.
  3. Despite not being a fan of SJW's; I like the SIJW term. It's the "W" part of SJW that is annoying. When people are actively fighting something just because it's progressive (see the limerick threads) it's actually even more annoying than SJW's.
  4. It can't be bigoted without there being a dislike of the given characteristic. Shallow minded perhaps, but not bigoted. Definition of bigotry: A state of mind where a person obstinately, irrationally, unfairly, or intolerantly DISLIKES other people, ideas, etc. Bigotry carries a powerful stigma for a reason. Don't make the term weaker by applying it to people whom are simply ignorant. It won't help anyone, and just elevates the genuine bigots up to the same level as ignorant but well-meaning people. It's a joke in the same vein as, "pc master race". It's not that SJW's are seen as actual warriors, but rather they're being mocked for the way they (supposedly) view themselves as warriors that are accomplishing great things. The fact that some SJW's would embrace the term is just confirming the joke for the people who use the term as an insult.
  5. Awesome ideas. This would make PoE so much better.
  6. Yes. And that's a GOOD thing. That's not what you say:
  7. No, no it doesn't. That would only be the case if pre-buffing was better than using buffs in battle, which wouldn't be the case. This is true even with pre-buffing. You do realize that buffs in PoE have a very short duration, right? Trying to stack them would just be wasting them. They'll be gone before you're done casting them.
  8. Not really. Not allowing pre-buffing in PoE does nothing to force us to make harder choices. Using pre-buffs in PoE would mean you get less out of them. That's not meaningless as the wizard can only cast so many spells per day, and the duration in PoE are very short. Taking away that option adds nothing. Although it does serve to help make playing a wizard feel more constrained.
  9. If you think PoE beats BG1 in regards itemization; well, you must be on crack. Which boots in PoE are as cool and memorable as, "Paws of the Cheetah"? Which Robes are as epic as, "Robe of the evil Magi"? Which wand is as over the top epic as, "Wand of Monster Summoning"? Which gloves in PoE compete with, "Gauntlets of Dexterity"? The itemization in PoE is very bland compared to that.
  10. If that could be done for the stronghold I would be so grateful to Obsidian. I want PoE to speed up. If only there was some way to make it run faster. If anyone has any idea of what some one can do to make PoE run faster; please let me know.
  11. Death spells worked too IIRC.
  12. The ground is so slippery that they slip just lookin' at it. Seriously though, gameplay wise; we need immunities. Combat is too repetitive, a few enemies with immunities would help deal with that.
  13. This is bullcrap. If this is 'true' then one could say that not left lean glitching in Call of Duty 1 is a self-imposed limitation, and because you don't left lean glitch, you're gimping yourself. Or duping items in Diablo 2 or Titan Quest. It's not - it's exploiting the game. Let's not place exploitable but intended mechanics in the same category as glitches and bugs.
  14. There should be a mod for the IE games that combats rest spamming. Maybe there is one and I don't know it. There is one. It's called 'self control'. Where can I download it?
  15. With luck new enemies in the expansion will be like this.
  16. There should be a mod for the IE games that combats rest spamming. Maybe there is one and I don't know it.
  17. It was removed because it offended a trans woman who asked for it to be removed.
  18. Maybe you're not using him properly. Tell me your attribute spread, equipment situation, level, and chosen talents. I can help you use him better.
  19. Because Wu Tang Clan ain't nuthing ta f*ck wit. The real question is, why don't we all post Wu Tang Clan pictures?
  20. ROI What does that stand for? EDIT: Googled it. I shouldn't have even asked. Now I feel silly.
  21. Awesome. Just, awesome. Well done!
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