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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. More people bashing Skyrim. Let's keep a few things in mind: 1: Character creation is pretty good. Lots of races to choose from, and you can really customize the crap out of their appearance. Great for role-playing. 2: There are a ton of neat little features. You can get married. Turn into a Werewolf. Become a vampire. Ride on a horse. Sit in chairs. Put buckets on people's heads. Pickpocket people. Fus-Ro-Dah people off of mountains (always good for a laugh). All this and plenty more. It's great for screwin' around. 3: It's got good mod support.
  2. Sure, why not? Well, now would be a good chance for a little more variety. Why shouldn't we have more options than such stale companions? I've yet to see a single reason why such a character would hurt the game. True. No one I've seen is calling for the D&D alignment system though.
  3. There's nothing absurd in the notion that more choice doesn't necessarily = better, as has been argued several times in this thread. It's the same thing as with the narrow doorways. It's just an option to block the corridor with your tank, but the fact that it's clearly the optimal strategy, makes not taking advantage of it, the same as deliberately gimping oneself. The same can be argued with regards to pre-buffing. Except that wouldn't be the case in PoE. Pre-buffing wouldn't be better than buffing in battle for reasons I'm sure you already know if you've been following the thread. Different classes for different playing style!!!??? You sir, must be a grognard. All the classes are supposed to play the same! How dare you even consider the notion that players should be able to control the experience of playing PoE by having any of the classes play different. I mean, what if some one wanted to play a wizard, but the wizard didn't play like a cipher!? IT WOULD BE CHAOS!!!
  4. Every movie with Ryan Reynolds is the worst one.
  5. You're in luck then. PoE has plenty of those already.
  6. The Old Republic isn't canon.
  7. Chewie is so vain. smh.Aside, according to the Chewbacca wiki page, he's already 200 yo when he joins up with Han! I don't think anything besides movies are canon anymore. The Clone Wars and Star Wars Rebels is canon too.
  8. F*ck yeah. You had a cool character concept.
  9. Nah, it's always the rogue. Make the Monk companion in the expansion heartlessly evil instead. Good idea.
  10. I agree, make a rogue companion in the expansion and have him/her be a heartless villain. Some one truly despicable.
  11. In the absence of gestures, tone, and so on, linguistic cues are never as clear as you want them to be. /shrug Poe's Law is why I use the color red for sarcasm. That's a good idea.
  12. It was sarcasm. I thought maybe he was referring to the second bit. I dunno. I thought the "duh" would be an indicator I wasn't serious.
  13. Congratulations. Here is your intellectual dishonesty of the month award. I am sure no one else has put so many lies in so few words so far. WTF are you talking about? What did I lie about? Anyone got any theories here? I'm confused.
  14. No one has been able to provide absolutely indisputable peer-reviewed studies by even handed people on those issues with resorting to some form of fallacy or relying on non-absolute disputable information that can't be 100% confirmed. Thus all things are likely false. Duh. EDIT: I think looking for or asking proof on an internet forum is silly for something as complex as many of these social issues are. We don't prove people wrong/right here as much as spout our opinions at each other.
  15. What's your issue with large battles? It's just a fight, but bigger.
  16. Nope.... Bachman was never as serious a contender as any of the three Republicans that are currently in the race, and she didn't announce her candidacy until June of 2011. At this point last time she was being talked about less than Gingrich (who also hadn't announced yet) was then and Walker is now. Romney did announce by this time last election cycle, he was one of the first to do so. I live in Ames Iowa and I was here in 2011 when the republican primaries started. Bachman was considered a VERY serious contender (for about three weeks) after she won the Straw Poll and one of my dormmates had to sit behind her for a PR stunt. Admittedly I'm not as entrenched within the republican machine as you seem to be so I don't know how they talked about it internally, but Externally everyone was talking about Bachman v Obama. After Bachman it was Gingrich, then the Pizza guy, then Rick Perry, but each was basically forced out after the media started paying attention to them because of what they dug up. Say what you will about Bill's moral failings, but he was an effective governor and ultimately ended with the US running on a budget surplus, and he is an incredibly charismatic person in general. That being said, I don't want Hillary to actually get in the white house because of the implications of a "ruling family", same with Jeb Bush. Seriously, if either of them get into the white house Two families will have controlled the Oval Office for 19 years with Obama interrupting it. Maybe in Iowa she was considered a serious contender, but she was never considered relevant on the national stage. It was obvious from the start that Romney was going to be the candidate. At least it was obvious to me. Switch Cruz with Rubio.
  17. Just say no when Obsidian asks you to change it.
  18. It sucks most whenever you go awhile without it happening and then it happens again. You kinda get used to it when it happens on a regular basis.
  19. I hate you so much right now. I didn't expect you to actually acknowledge your mistake, so now I feel like I should apologise for being cranky at you. Sorry. Namutree is actually a very reasonable person, he is not someone who will debate just for sake of debating and never accept he is wrong. He is also not vindictive or malicious during debates and to be honest I don't think I can recall a time where he has become personal or really angry. Rare character traits for a heated forum debate considering how most of us take these topics seriously so naturally we tend to get emotional Should have checked the early backer beta threads!
  20. You'd have a point if racism was defined simply as discrimination based on race. Most social justice advocates don't define it that way, so you're either ignorant of what the conversation is actually about or you're arguing in bad faith. He does have a point as racial discrimination is a valid definition of racism. The version you referred to is valid as well. Both carry a powerful stigma (and both should); if social justice advocates don't accept both versions as valid, they are perpetuating injustice. ffs, try to actually comprehend what you read. Luckmann was referring to being told that white people can't be subjected to racism. The only scenario where I have seen anyone make such a claim is when sja's are talking about racism as systemic oppression. White people are not subjected to systemic oppression, so when a white person interjects into that conversation with "But a black person was once mean to me!" they are rightfully told to **** off. If I had only written the first sentence you'd have a point, but I followed it up with two more sentences that made it perfectly clear what I was on about. I made my response specifically to what he wrote and with the underlying assumptions in mind. Oh, nvm. Context fail on my part.
  21. You'd have a point if racism was defined simply as discrimination based on race. Most social justice advocates don't define it that way, so you're either ignorant of what the conversation is actually about or you're arguing in bad faith. He does have a point as racial discrimination is a valid definition of racism. The version you referred to is valid as well. Both carry a powerful stigma (and both should); if social justice advocates don't accept both versions as valid, they are perpetuating injustice.
  22. Your confusing tolerance with acceptance. Here's an example: BOB is intolerant. MIKE isn't accepting. JOE changes his name to JENNY and has a sex change operation. JENNY tells MIKE that she was born a man. MIKE: "You're still a man. Sorry, but no operation can make you a woman." MIKE walks away. JENNY tells BOB she used to be a man. BOB: "You disgusting me. You must be punished!" BOB then attempts to harm JENNY. Understand the difference?
  23. Josh Sawyer doesn't like willpower. He saw that some enemies had decent will defense/saves in his games, nerfed the crap out of them, and went, "that's really cool.".
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