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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. I don't know. You tell me. I'm not doing any research. No. I'll spend more effort to get you to tell me about this than it would take to just look it up. This, I swear. Now tell me about what people were angry about in witcher 1!
  2. Doesn't Hiravius say Pallegina has a cloaca? I would scratch her off the list unless you're into that sort of thing. Yeah, I don't think she has the right... 'gear' if you know what I mean. I think it's implied that most Godlike actually lack the gear too, If that's the case then a Godlike pc coming to the Dyrwood, "Looking for love" would be pretty pointless don't you think?
  3. Doesn't Hiravius say Pallegina has a cloaca? I would scratch her off the list unless you're into that sort of thing. I'd deal with it. Not "into it", but it's not a deal breaker.
  4. I don't know. You tell me. I'm not doing any research.
  5. I don't. He's rich. How dare you tolerate Black Widow being flawed or have emotional issues! Proper female heroines don't have self image issues or anything else people can relate to. You need to listen and believe more.
  6. I completed it. I play a lot of games.
  7. Who's taking you for a fool? Gaming companies should just do what they want. If the females of the games don't appeal to you; play something else. Uuuhhh, I did, I played Pillars of Eternity...... *scratches head* Then quit being pissed off. In other words, you want me to just pretend Inquisition never happend, be totally passive, don't give any information to Obsidian, then regret not saying anything when Pillars of Eternity II has naked dancing gay men everywhere, extremely ugly females and shemales walking about trying to trick you into sleeping with them. LOL. Passive straight men is why TV is plagued with gay scenes everywhere. It's fine to have/state preferences, but no need for the indignation. Just don't go, "This pisses me off! Stupid feminist agenda!" If there is content you want to see (or don't want to see), go ahead and let Obsidian know, but keep the political bullsh*t out of it. SJW's are bad enough. You seem to be the same annoying thing; just the opposite spectrum.
  8. Who's taking you for a fool? Gaming companies should just do what they want. If the females of the games don't appeal to you; play something else. Uuuhhh, I did, I played Pillars of Eternity...... *scratches head* Then quit being pissed off.
  9. WHY DO YOU CARE!!!!??? I don't want other gaming companies to do crap like this. I don't like being taken for a fool. Who's taking you for a fool? Gaming companies should just do what they want. If the females of the games don't appeal to you; play something else.
  10. I liked your comment except this part. I'd insult the crap outta people's religion if that religion warranted the insult. At least if I was asked my opinion on the given religion.
  11. And they all had exactly the same personality and lines, which was a great saving on the writing . . . Skyrim's "romances" were . . . weird. They weren't romances, they were marriages. It wasn't "weird" as much as it was shallow; which was on purpose. Getting a spouse was just supposed to be a neat little doodad; like getting a house or furniture.
  12. You honestly think the game wouldn't become better if the AI didn't circle jerk the very first person they run into? If they just realised there's some people made of glass just a few meters further, that'd make things a lot harder already. Now it's just: a) get tank in position. b) kill everything. You're overestimating how much harder that would make things. Not to mention it would do nothing to fix the issue that the same tactic works on every fight. Sure, what that tactic is might be slightly adjusted, but it wouldn't have to change when adjusted a single time to deal with the better ai. Just use the same plan over and over and over. We need heavy resistances and weaknesses.
  13. Excellent question Op but I can't comment as I still haven't played PoE, I'm getting there ...I'm getting there WTF Bruce, stop letting life get in the way of playing a video game. Priorities man. Pallegina, no contest. I'd be a white male as I am a white male, so I'd be most comfortable remaining a white male.
  14. Waitin' for the expansion...

  15. Who is only considering you a sex object and not a person capable of contributing to the adventure as an equal? What did the prostitutes ever do to you? Just leave them alone.
  16. All we really need is a few quests with in-game time limitations, like say, a week to be completed, and a dungeon you can't leave until you complete it (just make sure the player is aware of this before they enter it).
  17. Considering Starcaft 2 lacks lan support I'm not so sure they were all that focused on eSports. More like they were focus on online multi-player.
  18. Better ai would do very little to improve the combat. PoE's single biggest flaw is that there are no real hard counters, weaknesses, or resistances and thus a good tactic can work in every single fight in the game. This is what must be addressed in the expansion. More so than any other thing. There needs to be at least a few enemy encounters in the game where my standard tactic isn't enough to win.
  19. He's switching sides again. It's all a progression. 1: He starts as a nazi. 2: He takes a step in the right direction and becomes a SJW. <--- Annoying as they are; I'd take a SJW over a nazi. 3: He's taking another step in the right direction and is going to be critical of both GG and SJW's. 4: Eventually he'll take another step and say he's more sympathetic to GG than SJW's. The trend will keep going until he's a straight up right wing libertarian.
  20. A number of monsters are immune to damage from weapons with an alteration bonus inferior to +3. Plus I believe that the spell to make a mage immune to the same is also relatively low level. You do realize I could just skip +3 weapons and go straight for +4/+5 weapons right? I don't need +3 weapons.
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