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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. None. It's all over.
  2. I'm gonna try to make Kaineparker happy by posting this little exchange between Sanders and Rand Paul. Even though I support Rand Paul; I feel Sanders came out ahead on this issue. I'm not saying either side was right or wrong, but I do think Sanders made a much better case for his side of the argument. https://youtu.be/wYgVglm2xFY I can see why this guy is popular on the left.
  3. Some trivia: the Imoen romance mod was actually made by a woman. It's also pretty terrible. It completely fails to emulate Imoen's personality and some of it's flashback dream sequences ruin role-playing by having your character act a specific way that contradicts the way you've been role-playing. Hmm... not sure I agree with that. At least not completely. You have a point with the dream sequences. The fact that they play regardless of how you deal with Imoen is weird and contradicts role-playing (that's why, pretty much, you have to turn the mod off if you play a character that doesn't care about Imoen). However, I don't agree with the personality thing. The problem is: Imoen didn't really sport any personality in BG1 or SoA to begin with, because she hardly has any dialogue (most BG2 dialogue happens when she is pretty-much mind-controlled). Imoen was an afterthought in BG2, as Black Isle decided that the party needs a replacement thief companion for Yoshimo. During the production of BG2, the developers initially intended for Imoen to die in Spellhold. Imoen's personality is established even with minimal dialog. Here's two of the area's where the mod contradict her character off the top of my head: 1: In the mod she will leave your party if you do anything that pisses her off. <--- Imoen is not like this. The real Imoen hides in your shadow and follows you like a lost puppy. You have to be very evil for her to leave; not just a jerk. The mod makes Imoen more emotionally independent and outspoken. 2: Imoen in TOB thinks the idea of "relations" between your pc and her are gross. <--- In the mod she fantasizes about it. She is only reluctant in the mod because she thinks it's wrong, not gross. This is a contradiction. I can't forget the terrible Mary-Sue content for a moment.
  4. @.niamh. You're new to the forums, and that post made a good early impression. I hope you stick around. Welcome to the forums!
  5. Some trivia: the Imoen romance mod was actually made by a woman. It's also pretty terrible. It completely fails to emulate Imoen's personality and some of it's flashback dream sequences ruin role-playing by having your character act a specific way that contradicts the way you've been role-playing.
  6. I agree. Let's take a random fantasy movie. Let's say Conan the Barbarian (old school). Even he had a romance in that movie with the Valeria character. It's all about immersion. She was a companion that hanged out with him through out the movie. Then of course Conan had his thief/archer friend. I too would like to see POE 2 take a shot at romance options, but I'll say this again. PLEASE DO NOT MAKE THE WOMAN LOOK LIKE A MAN THE SAME WAY BIOWARE MADE CASSANDRA PENTAGHAST LOOK LIKE A MAN. LOL, sorry I couldn't help myself. This is an example of a strong woman who still retains her feminine quality. Too human for me. I can date humans in real life. I'd want Obsidian to give us something nuts. Like an Aumaua, Wild Orlan, or Maybe a Death Godlike? I guess the best solution is IF there are multiple romances there could be some that are pretty grounded like the woman you posted, and some that are bonkers. What I don't want to see is a BG2 situation where my choices were: 1: Elf 2: Elf 3: Half-Elf For goodness' sake there are 7 available races and they reused the same one twice! Even the third one is associated with Elves. Shouldn't have made Aerie romance-able and instead replaced her romance with a romance for Mazzy. Now that would be more interesting.
  7. No, the only thing "socialist" about Obamacare is the mandate. Namutree nailed it when he called it a socialist/capitalist hybrid in that is uses the force of law to compel everyone to participate in a capitalist venture. And that is really the most heinous thing about it. It compels every citizen, as a requirement of citizenship, to enter into a private contract with a third party. It forces you to buy something. I'm not saying it's not something important but that should not matter. It has never been a crime to do nothing until that passed. It really sets a terrible precedent. Especially considering at the time the Federal Government had an ownership interest in GM and a few other companies. It's only another small step to force everyone buying a car to buy a GM car. It is horrible. The 20th century word for it was Fascism. National Socialism also functioned identically to this. Nobody seems to want to use these words. The reason is that fascism is also associated with extreme nationalism. We're just talking about economics so it's easier to not use the term "fascism" to help avoid an argument of semantics around what the word refers to.
  8. I grew up on Lloyd Alexander, yo! I've made a Taran in every RPG I've played since then. Really? I always just use names I made up. I do like Taran as a fantasy name though.
  9. I read those too. I didn't like the first or final one, but the other three were pretty good.
  10. Especially around the end after they defeated IT as kids. The proceeding scene with Beverly and the gang is quite screwed up. I wonder why Stephen King even had that scene in the book.
  11. Dying is fine, but I wouldn't include killing in a child's story, but then again, I'm no author. Well, there goes the bible then... The Bible certainly is not for kids.
  12. Dying is fine, but I wouldn't include killing in a child's story, but then again, I'm no author.
  13. in our time they are as well although, that's another kind of "screwed up" I don't believe this was actually meant for kids.
  14. have you heard of this guy? Kids' books in his time were screwed up. That's why Disney had to alter his work. No one in the 20th century+ want to let kids see Ariel be in agony when she walks and dissolve into sea foam after she fails to get her prince. Then again, they then had Erick impale Ursula with a ship so point withdrawn.
  15. I remember that story. He taught them the meaning of dance!
  16. Is it weird if I'd actually want to see this?
  17. I always considered Animal Farm a book for children, I find it interesting, that most people don't (?) What kinda book for children has people being killed by a horse (boxer kills a person in the book IIRC)?
  18. Broad statement that, so is preventing the the genocide of Yazidis in Iraq by ISIS also considered meddling ? http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Foreign-Policy/2014/0808/Obama-intervenes-in-Iraq-lessons-learned-from-Benghazi-and-Rwanda-video I can't decide if fighting ISIS is meddling or just cleaning up our mess. At any rate I'd end all hostilities with Assad.
  19. So you picked the wizard not even knowing how they work? Why? They don't play all that differently from the IE games; so how exactly did you let yourself get into this situation? How is the wizard broken? Sounds like you're not using the wizard very well if this is the case for you. The problem isn't the wizard; it's you. That would require a huge amount of time to balance. How about instead you just pick a different caster class instead? That is the appeal of different caster classes; pick the one that suits you. That would shatter the game balance. It would also make the wizard super OP; basically making the other classes relatively useless.
  20. That's correct. It's a capitalism/socialism hybrid, and yes, it sucks. It's actually worse than socialism. I think the word that you are looking for is corporatism. It's a thing fascists used to fancy. That's the one.
  21. That's correct. It's a capitalism/socialism hybrid, and yes, it sucks. It's actually worse than socialism.
  22. Never underestimate the arrogance and malfeasance of professional politicians and bureaucrats. Prezbident Obongo himself has openly declared his contempt for our founding documents and considers them roadblocks and obstacles to be overcome. Ruth "Buzzy" Ginsberg and others on the Supreme Court have expressed similar sentiments. They're nothing but Ruling Class vermin and are not to be trusted. It's not a matter of trust but practicality. I'm 100% sure that no one will be busting down your doors to seize your guns. At least not within 100 years. I can't be sure of anything after that.
  23. You'll need to be more specific if you want to know what will happen in a given country. For the US though, we'll save a huge amount of money assuming we reduce our defense budget to reflect our more conservative defense strategy. Because the rest of the World is like a sleepy friendly bear. It only causes trouble when you poke it. ...*sigh* No. What's your point though? Is it that our constant meddling in the Middle East is making us safer? Because it isn't, and it drains an already strained budget.
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