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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. https://youtu.be/DEKt8hD4QZM
  2. I'm sure me googling "under-age sex workers" has now got me on some watchlist. Anyways, couldn't find the article I mentioned but here's the study it was based off. Link. I feel dirty just reading it.
  3. https://youtu.be/xStYl1NPVsE Might only be funny to long time Smash players.
  4. Something I think would be cool is a portrait without any scars and versions of that picture with battle scars. I could start the game with the vanilla version, then switch when I'm 75% through the game (or when I start the sequel) to display that my character has seen a lot of battle.
  5. Holy crap. That's just totally crazy.
  6. We already knew from the start it would be a Tales of the Sword Coast style expansion. This shouldn't surprise you. It also includes new talents and a new type of talent. The pseudo multi-class talents. They'll be important in PoE 2. PoE 2 is what will continue the story. Personally, I'm concerned about the encounter design. I'm really hoping that Obsidian learned that we need a few more counters in the combat. It's kinda boring just using standard tactics all the time. If being high level will mean that the player is definitely going to stomp; that suggests the combat issues won't be being dealt with.
  7. Was sent an article earlier this year where a bunch of "sex-positive" liberals were fighting to "reduce the stigma around underage sex-work" because it denies their "agency". That's screwed up.
  8. I've got lots of useful advice for you: 1) Don't watch any movies featuring the bane of all that is righteous and just: Ryan Reynolds. 2) Give me all of your wealth so you can achieve nirvana. 3) Don't play Metroid: Other M. 4) Don't buy into the nonsense that Ma-Ti has the weakest ring of the planeteers. Heart is OP and Ma-Ti just doesn't abuse it correctly. Regarding PoE: 1) Don't be ashamed if you need to play the game on easy. I've seen people play games too hard for them on normal and get frustrated with the difficulty. It ruined for them what could have been a good game experience. 2) Don't be too shy to ask for specifics on the mechanics in the future. This forum has people who would be more than happy to help you understand how the game works. 3) Hire some mercenaries in Gilded Vale. Having a full team will make the game's early difficulty easier for you to handle. 4) Talk to everyone. Read the dialog/text and try to get immersed in the game world. You'll enjoy it more that way.
  9. Holy friggin' crap! This is awesome news!!! I'm super happy this is going to be in the expansion!!! :) Anyway, I wonder how this will affect game balance and what class features we can get from classes like the Ranger. Anyone have any theories, ideas, or concerns?
  10. Called it! Rogue girl (well okay, she's a robot) and bald-headed monk. Geez. Get a bit more creative Obsidian! ._. You think mixing it with the construct trope will improve on the age-old female rogue trope? You did so well on most of the original companions and now that. Seriously, a construct companion is not unique or creative at all. In fact, the construct sidekick is almost a standard in RPG releases these days. Grieving Mother was unique. Durance was unique. And both achieved that in a non-gimmick-y way. ... I already miss Chris Avellone's influence... Robots are cool...
  11. Isn't this basically what the previous generation always says about the next one? All those generations were doomed.
  12. Yeah, which is why if I were really pushed to pick the most accurate (though perhaps least inaccurate would be fairer) label I'd call the 'Cultural Marxism' phenomenon 'Cultural Fascism' instead due to the belief that some people are just inherently 'bad' due solely to the accident of birth. I agree. Cultural fascism seems like a more sensible label than cultural marxism.
  13. LOL!!! That man takes card games very seriously.
  14. I suspect that won't be happening the any PoE content ever.
  15. Thanks for reminding me how much I hate, "objectivism" as Rand puts it. What a bs name for it too, as if some one who doesn't agree with her is not objective. I've thought this as well. I mean, when people tell you don't have to be a marxist to be a cultural marxist then why is it called cultural "marxism"?
  16. We're trying to forget about that.I see. Into the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance bin of garbage we'd like to forget it goes then. Make sure there is room for Fallout: Brotherhood of steel. I'll put it next to Metroid: Other M.
  17. We're trying to forget about that. I see. Into the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance bin of garbage we'd like to forget it goes then.
  18. What about Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard?
  19. It shouldn't be. Seriously. Why's that?
  20. I did the test. According to it; I side 83% with Bernie Sanders. That's a surprise.
  21. Visited my mom today. Ate the last piece of her cheese cake without her permission. Now she wants me to buy her a whole new cheese cake from the store (which of course I will buy for her). I have no regrets; I REALLY wanted that piece of cheese cake.
  22. You can completely blame Obama as he extended the patriot act. He didn't have to do that.
  23. That was in the past. The nation is more war weary than before.
  24. That's why it's fun. It's not a philosophy book; it's a friggin' game. Yes, D&D handles morality in an absurd way. Monopoly handles capitalism in an absurd way. That's the way they're supposed to be. There is nothing wrong with that.
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