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Everything posted by Namutree

  1. I never thought such an outcome would be as bitter as it is sweet. Oh well...
  2. ??? What do you mean? What is a Hollywood or non-Hollywood idea of what a totalitarian state is?
  3. I'm just pointing out that the complete breakdown of civil liberties people envision as the ultimate and inevitable end result of "restricting freedom of speech in video games" seems not to have happened in Germany (yet). It's on it's way; just you wait. Any day now: POOF! All freedom will be gone.
  4. Yes it is. To quote a classic: "No." To rebuff your nonsense: "Yes."
  5. Rand Paul is still on the fence with TPP. He needs to make up his mind already.
  6. Interesting read, but I was merely objecting to the notion that liberals were justifying the buy and selling of women as opposed to trying to justify paying for access to a service by consenting adults. Whether or not it's a good idea to actually legalize sex work is something I couldn't say with any confidence as I've never known a sex worker, hired one, seen one, or had even really discussed the issue at length with anyone who knows much about the issue. To me sex work is just a concept. Now for something on topic: Gawker sux and I hope they lose. I've always hated GTA myself.
  7. Agency is just a neoliberal buzzword to justify the buying and selling of women in economic destitution. Game's Journalism! Wait! You get to buy the women? Here I thought all you get is access to sexual services.
  8. Lucky for us that's already been confirmed. Oh? When? Where? I'm a bit out of the loop these days. Links: http://www.mmorpg.co...ne-Preview.html http://www.highdefdi...e-hit-rpg/23880 http://www.shacknews...the-white-march
  9. I think you have to go to the new areas to get them, but you can still take them back into the main game.
  10. There's already plenty of morally ambiguous companions and not everyone's motivations are complicated. At least one simple minded people companion with no moral ambiguity would be refreshing. It's not like you have to use her. If Obsidian is just gonna make all the new companions basically the same as the old ones; why even bother adding them? It's not so much complicated motivations - it's more the way previous games have forced the evil alignments into behaving in an incredibly stupid manner. An example is NW2, right at the beggining where your village is being attached and yet - as an evil person you are supposed to kill someone who potentially can help defend the village - just because you're evil. So it's more being evil for evil's sake I have an issue with. Ah, now I get it, and that's perfectly reasonable. Nothing wrong with her having motivations for her evil deeds as long as she or the game doesn't try to make it seem justified. I'm guess is that she has to kill people and drain energy from their soul to use as fuel for her body or something like that though.
  11. Well, it all depends on how they play the soul angle? She could end up like Shale for instance - though presumably more evil. I'm hoping that there is no moral absolutism. I hate it, it tends to be be way too simplistic to subscribe to human motivations . So hopefully she isn't "alignment stupid" as in lawful/chaotic evil. There's already plenty of morally ambiguous companions and not everyone's motivations are (or should be) complicated. At least one simple minded companion with no moral ambiguity would be refreshing. It's not like you have to use her. If Obsidian is just gonna make all the new companions basically the same as the old ones; why even bother adding them?
  12. Jan isn't weak at all. Jan, like all thieves in BG2 (if you have the TOB expansion installed) is actually stupidly OP. Personally, I kinda wish HLA hadn't been so friggin' powerful as they kinda break the game. I'm not into that idea. It would make the classes kinda bland. As for my wishlist: Enemy's with some friggin' hard counters and weakness. Sick of enemies that can be beaten with standard tactics. Not that there is anything wrong with such enemies, but I sure wish we had a bit more variety.
  13. Yay! An evil character. given what we saw from the poe companions as a whole, we suspect you will be disappointed. anticipate moral ambiguity. HA! Good Fun! Dang...
  14. I wonder if the endgame content will be made more challenging to compensate for the new levels. Yay! An evil character. Good.
  15. Scientists are all in on a massive conspiracy under the command of China to screw over US production. Trump is so brilliant.
  16. Just played Stormfront or SJW for the first time. 11/12 right for me. Guess I'm just good at telling the difference (and I got a little lucky).
  17. I'm more excited about the new talents than anything else. Hopefully the new content is good, but even if it's not; the cross class talents make this expansion worth getting in my humble opinion.
  18. Anyone happen to know when the expansion is going to be released?
  19. am suspecting that shady would frequent think terrible thoughts 'bout us. when we ain't specific working on something where time is o' the essence, we... glide. in most circumstances, am preternatural patient and sedate. that being said, we ain't one o' those clowns that give the middle finger to the world as they take their time doing nothing. we will hussle across a street rather than making a guy wait while we saunter. woman behind us at supermarket checkout got a gallon o' milk? we let her go ahead o' us. our lack o' haste does not rob us o' awareness o' our surroundings. even so, am betting the fainéant impression we leave would set your teeth on edge. ... we don't look like a trevor... and the only brevin we know is the former point guard from stanford. we kinda look like esai morales. well, if you stuck esai morales' head on bane from the dark knight rises. so, more like a Grodd than a trevor. we tend to scare folks as is, which is one reason why we smile frequent and glide. HA! Good Fun! What does it mean to, "Look like a trevor"?
  20. https://youtu.be/DEKt8hD4QZM
  21. I'm sure me googling "under-age sex workers" has now got me on some watchlist. Anyways, couldn't find the article I mentioned but here's the study it was based off. Link. I feel dirty just reading it.
  22. https://youtu.be/xStYl1NPVsE Might only be funny to long time Smash players.
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