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Everything posted by JamieKirby

  1. runs on mine, and I'm having a lot of fun playing the game. P.S. and I didn't have to make any adjustments to my drivers or my settings. It just so happens, I'm lazy and never update my drivers. I'm still using 4.11 drivers. In fact, I rarely update drivers. I alway say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My games all run good with 4.11 (except morrowind which has ctd issues, but I don't think that is a video driver problem) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> finally someone is getting intelligent, alot of people are saying to use 4.11 and i don't think these guys are listening. the slowdown bug accurs on drivers 4.12 and above on Kotor, so it will effect Kotor II as well, even though the Developer said all ATI Specific bugs are fixed by them or ATI. lol Well, i will find out tomorrow, whe my copy arrives.
  2. You should know that the Radeon 8500 is faster than the 9200. Don't trust the Ati denominations, some of them are quite confusing. For example, the 9500 Pro outperforms a 9600 Pro or XT, and the 9550 is also completely outperformed. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> oh.....well, they always do confuse me. lol i wish ATI and Nvidia would work together to make a video card with the good parts of ATI and the good parts of Nvidia....now if that happend, a VERY good card would be born. and for a good twist, both ATI Catalyst and the Nvidia drivers would be compatible with it.......now that would be cool, but i doubt it.
  3. it is not ATI, Obsidian simply released a buggy untested progrm <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, would you do your job if your boss wouldn't pay you for it??
  4. you did notice that a ATI Radeon 9200 or better is required??? also, from what i have read on multiple threads, 4.11 is the best driver for the game, but others have had bad luck with the 4.11 drivers and use the latest or someone even managed to use 3.10. lol The game has not arrived at my home yet, but i don't fore-see any problems since alot of people with ATI cards don't have problems. Some people do, some people don't, i guess its based on hardware and alot of luck. but what drivers are you using?
  5. yo random_evil_guy and atilladude, can you tell me what video cards you have and what drivers?
  6. Catalyst 3.10. Yep, I'm REAL lazy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> really? 3.10? wow, i am surprised it is working....if 4.11 has problems, i will give them a try.
  7. Well, when i install Freelancer, it sometimes crashes during installation, so its just blind luck that it did crash.
  8. from what i hear, 4.11 are the best drivers to use with Kotor II, your crash is just probably bad luck.
  9. well, i just hope mine works fine and if it doesn't, i will just wait for them to release a patch which they should do because they must have known about the bugs when they released the game.
  10. No. Neither have you. So quit assuming OE can do whatever they want with the license. Perhaps they can put out patches at their own discretion, or perhaps they don't. I don't know. YOU don't know. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yo dude, can you tell me what drivers you are using??
  11. bitching about it won't make a difference, they will either patch it or they won't.
  12. its alllllll about money. if LA weren't funding it, OE weren't fixing it.
  13. Just me and thousands of others you mean? The PC version is plagued with problems. Maybe you're just not observant enough to catch the problems. The game was not tested ... or the product was knowingly shipped with major problems. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dude, just wait for a patch. it has only been 4 days since it was released in the US and only 1 day in the UK, give them time to release a patch. Just imagine Vampire Bloodlines, the game using Half Life 2 Source Engine, being SOOOOOOOO slow and activision says its our machines being too slow for it. (even a 3Ghz has slowdowns. lol) Basicly, give it time and the problems will be fixed by lucasarts or by some fan. (which Lucasarts should do anything about since they should have ok'ed the patches anyway.) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> yes every one who says kotor 2 is buggy or has bad fps should really be forced to play v:bl,man this game was buggy and had **** fps,kotor 2 is really far from beeing as buggy like this game. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Dude, i don't have Kotor II yet, i am just trying to calm him down. lol which obviously isn't working. When Kotor came out, how long was it until 1.03 came out? (that is how long i had to wait to play my copy)
  14. They owe us a patch, but that means bugger all. Look at MOO3, a great example of a company owing fans a patch but not delivering. I have to wonder how Atari is feeling, considering they're expecting Obsidian to deliver a quality NWN2 product, and everyone here has basically just been given a big dose of 'Bioware->Obsidian' conversion juice. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> MOO3 sucked like nuts, MOO2 is far more better and superior.
  15. well, i think it should be a law that the company that owns the rights to the game SHOULD pay towards as many patches as required to fix bugs. (you know, make it a requirement like paying the bills.)
  16. I hate you all. But i laugh, forseeing the moment when you finish the game, and me, discovering it for the 1st time <_< :'( <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, you will play it, just wait for it to come.
  17. Just me and thousands of others you mean? The PC version is plagued with problems. Maybe you're just not observant enough to catch the problems. The game was not tested ... or the product was knowingly shipped with major problems. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> dude, just wait for a patch. it has only been 4 days since it was released in the US and only 1 day in the UK, give them time to release a patch. Just imagine Vampire Bloodlines, the game using Half Life 2 Source Engine, being SOOOOOOOO slow and activision says its our machines being too slow for it. (even a 3Ghz has slowdowns. lol) Basicly, give it time and the problems will be fixed by lucasarts or by some fan. (which Lucasarts should do anything about since they should have ok'ed the patches anyway.)
  18. I haven't got the game yet, but i have seen alot of threads about bugs, so the game obviously needs at least one patch to fix the important bugs. I would suggest a 6 month test period to find out all sorts of bugs and the players that finds it, posts it in a special thread and they need to post what hardware they have and how to re-produce the bug. (ie. click on 'start game' to crash the game etc.) lol But in that 6 months they could fix tons of bugs, but if the Kotor II game is gonna be as is forever, then OE and LA have really damaged their rep for most and destroyed it for me....but only time will tell.
  19. Well i hope so, for your sake. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> i wonder when he pre-ordered his. (probably AFTER i pre-ordered mine) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I ordered my copy 15th Jan. It arrived just after 1pm, Friday 11th. Not bad considering I'm on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides and all our mail has to fly in. Sorry to hear Amazon.uk has been bad for some of you but I certainly have no complaints! Now back to the game (just under 12 hours in thus far) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, i cancelled my order since they couldn't dispatch it on time and i ordered it at play.com and it was dispatched the same day, so it should be here on monday.....hopefully. If not monday, it will be here on Tuesday.
  20. Well, some people have played the PC Version with no problems, so i might be just as lucky. I will find out next week.
  21. If you have suffered few problems then you are extremely lucky. The main bug I have found to be extremely game breaking is the freezing one - and saving does nothing for this by now it freezes before I can even load a savegame. I should have waited to buy this game, and I severely doubt I will touch anything by Obsidian evr again. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> well, some people haven't encountered any problems, i think it is based on hardware, i just hope they do release some patches, but only time will tell.
  22. I would think that LA would go along with anything if it would increase sales of their products.
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