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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. No, it's very much about the burning of forest fuel. The Greenies hate back burning, controlled burnings of the bushland and forests. Don't be fooled by Greenies saying, 'We're not against back burning, etc'. They're lying. The Greens want all bushland to be untouched - which is unnatural. It's quite natural in the history of the Earth for forest fires to happen. What the greens are trying to do is not let nature take it's course with forest fires, and the ground in this bushland continues to increase with forest fuel which makes bushfires even worse. And the legislation has changed so much that even if the Fire Brigade, Local Council and Residents want an area burned to decrease the risk of bushfires, the legislation can hold up that controlled burning for that area for years.
  2. Travelling around China for 3 1/2 weeks, I didn't miss the internet, TV or phone. However before I left, I had 4 computers (including my laptop) downloading with two turning themselves off after 5 hours. When I got back, there were a ****load of downloads as I left both my g/f's and my own desktops on downloading 24/7 with 45 torrents on each computer.
  3. I loved how Hurley was writing Empire Strikes Back and going to send it to George Lucas with some 'improvements'.
  4. It was interesting to see the difference in rules between Honk Kong officials and Chinese officials (Customs/Immigration) when entering each country last week at the airport and also crossing the border at Lo Wu into mainland china at Shenzhen. When we arrived at Honk Kong airport, we had to sign declaration forms concerning the swine flu. When we entered China at Nanjing airport absolutely nothing to declare - even the food we had in our bags we didn't have to declare. Even, at the border of Hong Kong at Lo Wu entering Shenzhen, the Chinese officials didn't care and never asked, there were no signs or any indication about the swine flu. However leaving Shenzhen to go back into Hong Kong going through Hong Kong immigration, it was very prominent with signs, etc with the swine flu.
  5. I think it was just intuition or a guess and if he was wrong then Sylar can heal himself, but if he was right then he could catch him.
  6. I agree.
  7. I'll be reading some Three Investigator books on the plane to and from China. I'm halfway through Secret of Shark Reef at the moment. It'll allow me to catch up on the books I haven't read yet (about 6 or so books in my collection).
  8. The Customs clearance industry has always been screaming for people in Australia but it's a job which is not widely known. However, I haven't seen it this bad, nearly no Customs job vacancies which is practically unheard of since the last recession back in the early '90s. Fortunately, my main client (importer) has doubled their imports since last year (Mining equipment parts). So, for the moment our company seems to be doing okay. I've heard of other companies in my field that have had redunancies or people taking pay cuts to keep their jobs. Despite this, I'm off to China for holidays this Wednesday with my girlfriends for the next 3 1/2 weeks and stopping off at Hong Kong on the way back for a few days.
  9. I just watched the entire season of Leverage (only 13 episodes) over the last few days and it was pretty good overall. I think the first episode was the best and a few middle episodes dragged it down a little and then picked up at the end of the season.
  10. I feel the same. Other shows like Babylon 5 had terrific endings and I would have preferred Guard Dog's suggestion ending the series at the ruined earth than the one we got.
  11. They always knew how the ending would happen since the first season with Lost. By the third season they had the plot outlined for the next 48 episodes with all the writers.
  12. it's been on on of the showtime channels lately, as i recall. not having plot holes seems intriguing, since so many slasher flicks are one big plot hole with stuff lined around the periphery. maybe i'll give it a watch. taks I saw something somewhere that High Tension got better reviews in Europe than America - maybe because it's a european made movie? You might be disappointed with the twist. For me, I was a little puzzled, shrugged and thought 'ookaaayy - I get it even though there's some plot holes'. I think it was trying to do something different but kind of failed for some people.
  13. I thought High Tension was good with a couple of plot holes, not unlike other slasher films.
  14. ^ Perhaps a new TV thread in the same vein as the Movie thread.
  15. We're sorry, but the clip you selected isn't available from your location. Please select another clip. and people wonder why so many download from torrent sites.
  16. From people's reviews on imdb, I'll definitely watch this and make a comment next week after watching the first few episodes.
  17. Yep, it's still pirating even on free to air TV. I made a thread about this some time ago. The biggest amount of pirated downloads is not music, movies or video games - it's TV Shows.
  18. It wouldn't surprise me if half the people on this forum downloads torrents.
  19. It was the one thing I really disliked about Cloverfield - the shaking camera. I found it annoying to the point of wanting to yell at the screen and say, 'Stop shaking the god damn camera so I can watch this!' I couldn't wait for it to be over.
  20. I agree. That's what torrents are for.
  21. I went to a news website, made a few arguably distasteful remarks about the two plane crashes that happened yesterday looking for any reactions. Basically trolling, and did manage to get a bite with someone replying to my post with "Classy comment from a tasteless git!!!". Ah, so satisfying. My work is done.
  22. No, been to a few gyms and never heard of spray bottles and small towels. Sounds like a lot of hard work to have to clean up after you. I find it easier to sit/lay on the towel when I use the equipment.
  23. gyms are like that these days. The first time I went to a gym a couple of years ago, I noticed everyone carrying a towel and was wondering why. Then I noticed people putting towels on the equipment and them lying on the towels so their sweat doesn't get on the equipment so other people could use the equipment after them and thought... duh!. I realy felt like the odd one out, so at the time I just used equipment where I didn't have to sit/lie down on. I guess if you see some sweaty guy not using a towel and sitting/laying on equipment with their sweat soiling the equipment and wanting to use the equipment after them, it's quite a turn off.
  24. The ending reminded me of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy TV Series ending with Arthur Dent and Ford Prefect being stuck on pre-historic Earth, lamenting the eventual destruction of it.
  25. Star Trek to have its world premiere in Australia next month on the 7th April at the Sydney Opera House. http://www.news.com.au/entertainment/story...5-10388,00.html
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