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Hiro Protagonist

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Everything posted by Hiro Protagonist

  1. I saw the 5th Highlander movie also known as Highlander: The Source. Good Lord! Is this move the worse movie I have ever seen? This is even WORSE than the second movie and I thought nothing could be as worse as that piece of excrement.
  2. Yrkoon was great. His duels with Dargoth were the best.
  3. I wouldn't exactly call them architects of our economic success. When the Liberals came in back in 1996, it was after a recession and the only way the economy could go is up. And most voters believe the Government controls things like Interest rates. Our economy is very much influenced by the U.S. economy. Also, most Australians stupidly voted back in the Liberals a term or two ago (can't remember which election) and giving them power to both houses, thus putting in place an industrial relations policy called 'Work Choices'. One of the benefits of 'Work Choices' was, if an employer has less than 100 employees, they can sack any of those employees for any reason (or no reason), and the employee can't do anything. No unfair dismissal, nothing. This is what MOST Australians wanted when they voted for Howard and then realised their mistake. It will take years to undo what Howard and his Government have done. Not to mention other things like Medicare and Education.
  4. No, it's better for the independants to have control of the Senate than either of the major parties, which is what it's shaping up to be.
  5. ^^^ hahaha. yeah, that's been going on all day. I got one email from a seller where I won a $16 million dollar bid and he went ballistic and called me a wanker in email. Said he was going to call the cops, etc. Hard calling the cops when you have fake id's and fake email accounts going through anonymous proxies. I processed the ebay checkout and selected bank cheque and sent him an email saying, 'cheque is in the mail'. LOL. Oh well, my fun is over. But with the Sydney morning herald having this story on the front page of their website, it will just attract more people to do this on ebay.
  6. Australian Rage Against The Machine fans are now raging against cyber-scalpers and Ticketmaster after tickets to the rock band's local shows sold out within seconds yesterday. Enraged fans who had been hoping to see the shows, scheduled for January next year, were so dismayed they attempted to sabotage the eBay auctions by registering fake accounts and entering bogus bids as high as $1 billion. http://www.smh.com.au/news/web/fans-rage-a...0486540211.html Note: Now there is a $16 million dollar limit on bids but that hasn't stopped people going berzerk with creating accounts and bidding to piss off the scalpers. Just do a search on Rage Against The Machine on http://www.ebay.com.au and you will see what I mean. have to admit, I took part in it. LOL.
  7. 1. Thank you for following my argument, that the continuing killing of civilians by the military is not having a stabilising influence in Iraq. 2. I don't follow what you're saying here. Are you suggetsing the majority or attacks are against occupation troops and not civilians? Because I'm not saying anywhere that the majority of attacks are against civilians. 3. You can say whatever you want, it doesn't change the fact that military forces continue to kill civilians. Talk is cheap. Especially with responses by the military like, "change the channel," said by Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, after being asked about TV images of dead Iraqi civilians. 4. Try over 70,000 civilians killed in Iraq since the war began. And how was this insurgency created and for what reason? Was it possibly created to get the invaders occupying forces out of Iraq so they can have freedom for their people and not deny it.
  8. It's a wonder the crime lab were able to determine if McDonalds food is really food.
  9. Consider for a moment what it would mean if in your country there were incidents in which a foreign army killed civilians, including the killing of a 5-yr-old girl and entire families with their children. Would this army be a stabilising influence? You know, there are 20 times more civilian deaths in Iraq since the war started than civilians killed on 9/11. Think about how many civilians were killed in the twin towers and times it by 20, and that's how many civilians have been killed in Iraq, all in the name of freedom.
  10. I've just watched The Host and The Illusionist. I've never laughed so much as I did with The Host. I find asians have a funny way of bringing across something so ridiculous as extremely funny.
  11. Hollywood did stay true to the event. The event in this case was Frank Miller's comics. It's good to see Hollywood finally doing movies that stay true to the source material that its based on - the comics!
  12. No, they watched a movie called Screamers with Autonomous Mobile Swords in them. Now in a few years times, the swords will come back to hunt us down as screamers.
  13. As long as I'm alive, I'm against the death penalty. And yeah, poor guy. Sucks to be him. If he's innocent, the judge and jury should be brought up on manslaughter charges.
  14. I downloaded the High Definition 1080p trailer and you can see things which may or may not mean anything. The 1080p HD trailer has amazingy clarity. I saw on the fridge door that there is something written "Exit Mystery St". I did a google search on "Exit Mystery St" and found out I wasn't the only one that's picked up on this. LOL
  15. This guy on Youtube has done an analysis of the High Definition trailer which can be seen at apple.com. What's interesting is a smoky monster? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jc5HoevulDI&NR=1
  16. here's the trailer and I don't see a monster in it. :| http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQWFOgvPE20...ted&search=
  17. I've decided to attach some pictures of what my desk looks like at home. 1. Left, my vcr and portable dvd player (dvd player has built in tv tuner) is hooked up to my pc. my laptop is in front of the vcr. Three remotes (pc, vcr, dvd player), telephone. 2. Centre are 2 x 22" widescreen viewsonic monitors (left one has an ipod port and speakers with subwoofer hooked up to dvd player/vcr), capture card in middle of monitors. speakers behind right monitor are hooked up to pc. I can have the dvd player playing aa well as a music video on my pc playing with two sets of speakers. Turn one down and listen to the other. Or listen to both at the same time. 3. Right is my pc, in front is a mic on a stand, and on top are a broadband modem and 3.5" floppy drive Behind me sitting on some small drawers is a scanner and sitting on a credenza is a colour laser printer and colour fax. Can't be bothered to take the pics. I took these pics with my mobile phone so that's why they're crappy.
  18. mmm, yummy. Just as bad as the Hungry-Man breakfast.
  19. Okay, some questions. Where was there a giant worm in the trailer and when was there flying fireballs in Tremors? Also, when has there ever been a lot of hype about a Lovecraft movie? I was wondering that too Aram. I didn't see any worm monster.
  20. Here's my screen shot of my desktops/monitors.
  21. After figuring out the first clue, I thought bugger this!! I've got better things to do. There must be an easier way to see these messages, and guess what? there is. Youtube has all the messages. Just search on 'ethan hass' and you'll see all the messages.
  22. You know, for a second I was thinking you were describing christian fundamentalists.
  23. Before I could answer any of these questions, I would have to know where the water came from, is it drinkable and are there adequate lavatory facilities available to relieve myself after drinking it.
  24. Why do Smile DK always sing about samurai's??? They're not even japanese.
  25. Da Beat Bros - Jump Up The Faders - No Sleep Tonight Smile DK - Butterfly
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