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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Yeah, especially Amon Goeth ...
  2. I'm not playing a lot of games at the moment, and I have Fallout, Half-Life 2(:Episode One), Hearts of Iron II:Doomsday, and Space Rangers 2 installed ... as well as about half-a-dozen other games waiting to be installed ... best I can do is play a bit of HL2.1. Fallout is an intersting story hampered by the interface and combat, SR2 is an okay space-sim hampered by StarForce, HoI2 does not lend itself to "a quick game", and I am not motivated to install anything else. Guess I just need NwN2! ) *spies Deus Ex* ...
  3. Some jerk.
  4. They are making an offer that cannot be refused. :D
  5. ... On a poor sales day. Every game the made failed at some core point: story, combat or poorly balanced and each game was buggy on release. They definately had vision, but they never did get all the pieces to fit together. I
  6. That means you are 0.000096012 circumferences of the Earth. )
  7. And don't forget Project New Jersey. Judt go back through your posts (accessed through your profile) and you can verify as many of them as you can be bothered to. Seriously, what are you contemplating: that there is an accident (bug) or deliberate (malicious) Post-Count saboteur?
  8. I like having my breath taken away. Not forcefully, of course. I mean it would not be fun being thrust into a vaccuum, for instance.
  9. I feel the will to live draining away from me, just staring at his hypnotic, narcolepsy-inducing gaze ...
  10. You look blind. "
  11. But, you get all the excitement of the anticipation all over again! With no disapointment due to unfulfilled expectations!
  12. Isn't that what I just said?
  13. Well, I think Civ 2 is the best Civilization game ever made ... my friend just downloaded it (it uses 4MB of RAM!) and hasn't been able to stop playing it since ... and he just bought a new Core 2 Duo XPS system (and just finished Quake IV). Some games defy their age. For example, there isn't a lot you can do to Tetris ... or Deus Ex!
  14. Plus Three Vorpal Sword? Hmm ... don't remember getting that ...
  15. Not hard, boring. Yes. I do that too. Or are you a game-masochist?
  16. Hey! Zombies were people, too! I think your zombie-bigotry is going too far, Darque. You are a rabid zombist. A zombophobe!
  17. BenQ isn't a bad brand: they differentiate themselves in the market with respect to price, but the quality isn't too bad. I can't remember who's factory they come out of at the moment ... remember there are only a couple of plants that make LCD screens (all in Taiwan, IIRC).
  18. I was more making the point (which you conveniently avoided) that IF it were possible to change people's minds, why would the "controllers" stop at just the population of the US? After all, they need only get the six permanent members of the UN Security Council and they can rubber stamp ANYTHING. Let alone if they decide to target EVERYONE. You would need to drill the ancient ice stores from centuries ago: the perma-ice of the poles or mountains (above the snow line), e.g. the Rockies, the Alps and the Andes ... though who knows if the chemtrails have seeped and leached into the Rockies, so it's probably safer to use geographically distant stores ... though the convection forces of the atmosphere are concentrating all the CFCs in the cold polar regions ... I am sending off for enough Harmonic Protector
  19. Pffft. I thought my nine-foot frame was small, considering my family are all taller than me. (Apart from a brother, who is only six-foot-twenty-four, but we don't talk about him.)
  20. Ah, but you're forgetting all the radio-borne mind-control waves keeping the Usians docile.
  21. I am led to believe that the neurogenesis triggers a new phase of neuronal pruning after the creation. There seems to be a measurable difference in neuronal activity, so I assume this would presume adequate blood supply.
  22. All indications are that the alignment management for NwN2 is modelled (and improved) on the KotOR2 one. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But that raises some issues. Would you only be able to multi-class into being a paladin or monk? If you start off at true neutral, you wouldn't be able to yet utilize all class abilities when taking an alignment-restricted core class You'd have to do a LOT of good, lawful deeds before you could utilize the paladin? What then, eh? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Just like if you pick a character class that has minimum scores for attributes and that character cannot score lower than that in the generation phase, so too the alignment restrictions would prevent a character choosing to be a Paladin (say) as a neutral character. I imagine the character generation will be pretty much like NwN. It is still feasible, too, that the class will also determine the starting alignment, meaning that it is possible to start as true neutral (as a standad fighter, say) or as neutral good (as a Ranger, say).
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