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Everything posted by metadigital

  1. Hee hee: Kaftan's economic policies ... :D Kaftie, start your own party! Seriously. There was a guy in Australia who started his own party. He got a lot of air time on tv, because he only had one plank to his platform. Whenever he was asked a question, he'd just blurt it out: Free BEER!
  2. No wonder the place got burnt down.
  3. Nearly. The car is accelerating every second by an additional 1.6m. (1.6 meters per sec per sec) So, not devided by 1.6, you need to use: where u is the initial velocity (m/s) v is the final velocity (m/s) t is the time interval (s) elapsed between the two velocity measurements (also writen as "Δt")
  4. * casts Summon Darque *
  5. Take off the sound bit. ∴ 2.5 seconds (total time) take away 16.5
  6. You're right, I missed that.
  7. You make a strong case ... for being committed.
  8. The vast majority of murders are by people known to the victim (and usually family).
  9. Well, it wasn't just "don't be thin", it was check your BMI ratio ... there is a happy medium.
  10. Oh ... you're serious ...
  11. I wanna play as the Huguenots.
  12. I don't know of any problems with under-clocking (you'll need to mess with the BIOS on the mobo, of coures, just like over-clocking, and probably lower the voltage across the RAM, too) ... though I'm not an expert. You definitely will be paying a premium for faster DDR2 RAM, though.
  13. I didn't say it had speakers ...
  14. You're right! It's like you're not even trying anymore!
  15. The Green parties are where the communists all fled to after their bottoms were shaved and they were all frog-mached backwards around red Square. Remember, not voting is a vote for the incumbent. :D Go right. No party should be in power for a long time: they get lazy, greedy and corrupt. The whole point of a democracy is voting out the people you don't like.
  16. I have changed my advice. You should form your own political party.
  17. Apparently it has a volume control that turns up to eleven, too.
  18. Emigrating. Finland is nice. :D
  19. Might just draw a discreet line under this ...
  20. And they last longer than video cards!
  21. I don't think the pain fades; I think we get better at managing it. Just like bravery is not the absence of fear, just the determination to do the right thing in the presence of it.
  22. Well, if the theocrats are completely outnumbered, then they can't physically keep the people down. (Riot Act celebrates the pregnant possibilities. :D )
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