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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. Kinda sad that you almost died to near the weakest enemy in the game while spiritshifting.... Also you threw out some minor spoilers in that video.
  2. Sensuki confirmed all hidden objects are based on mechanics level.
  3. And with that they made scouting almost completely worthless. They really missed an opportunity here.
  4. They are not negligible, but potions and scrolls are very overturned as of 480. And there are a lot of spells you missed. Also items.
  5. Better off watching Sensukis videos and reading in game help. The manual is very outdated.
  6. It's sad people put much faith in these reviews... Dragon Age 2 and Inquisitions got 82/85 respectively and they are awful.
  7. /facepalm The manual is very unreliable. And even based on your quote doesn't explain if non-traps are discovered by higher steath, higher mechanics, or something else.
  8. True. But for now I'll settle for just knowing how it works. realllly? No sense? So because of mechanics u can see invisible string of booby trap, but u cannot see grip of the sword behind a chest? Huh? Why would mechanics help you find things that have nothing to do with mechanics?
  9. Does higher stealth increase your chances? Or do you essentially detect all hidden items by default?
  10. Wait.... let's be clear... Mechanics helps you find traps AND non-trap hidden items? It really makes no sense if non-trap hidden items are tied to mechanics.
  11. PC Games (Germany) 91% thats an awesome review for a non AAA title.
  12. Deflection is dodge. Armor is flat damage reduction.
  13. All classes can heal: 1. Pots OP 2. Scrolls OP In fact Scrolls and Pots heal massively more than spell based heals.
  14. The manual is very outdated. http://eternity.obsidian.net/game/manual-errata
  15. If everyone watched this we would could remove easy and normal mode from the game... Remove from the game? Why? How about you worry about how you play the game and stop trying to restrict how others choose to play it? /whoosh
  16. If everyone watched this we would could remove easy and normal mode from the game...
  17. Potions and scrolls are more powerful than spells, especially healing spells.
  18. 100 (plus the difference between accuracy and enemy defense)
  19. http://eternity.obsidian.net/manual/errata
  20. I think you are right. It used to be x4. Man that sucks for priests.
  21. Pity. I'm set on my high Intellect/medium Perception and Resolve first character, but still trying to decide on class. Sensuki is right that that are probably not the absolute best tanks but they can still do a damn fine job and can fill some interesting niche rolls. They have the same health mult as chanter's which people use to tank and their deflection can be offset by thier "Divine Terror," "Circle of protection," and "Despondent blows" spells which all reduce enemy accuracy or increase ally deflection. With 2 of those spells up they actually have higher deflection/accuracy reduction than all other classes
  22. http://eternity.obsidian.net/manual/errata Confirmed crits are 150%
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