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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. I still get confused about some things. The new enchantment system I still haven't wrapped my head around.
  2. It gets really annoying on items/weapons with multiple enchantments/abilities. You end up with this long list of redundancies for 1 item.
  3. Game comes out in a week. The prices are not the problem. Realistically whatever price you pay to sleep at the inn will be de minimis. It's the attributes that matter.
  4. I think it's a great idea. That would be something that I originally expected for a "non-combat" skill.
  5. Josh answered this years ago: I think we've said this before, but the only things we're likely to scale with player level are crit-path special encounters and even then, only within a range of levels. E.g. take a boss like Sherincal in IWD2. Maybe you'll encounter her at 5th level, but it's possible you could encounter her at 8th level. If 5th-8th is the most common range, we'd scale around that, but if you encounter her sub-5th level, you'll have to deal with the difference. If you encounter her at 9th or 10th by some x-treme XP mining, it will be a little easier for you. The reason to scale the crit path special encounters is to allow for the fact that not everyone wants to do a lot of side content. Some people want to (largely) stick to the crit path with minimal side quests. When it comes to the optional/side content, there won't be any scaling at all. Rats in the cellar will still be rats and may explode from your mere presence and the dragon Chrysophylax will probably burn you to ashes if you mosey up to his lair at 3rd level. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63017-level-scaling-and-its-misuse/page-9?hl=scaling&do=findComment&comment=1297921 They also recently said at PAX that the side encounters would be the hardest content. Which makes sense to me.
  6. Mechanics: Number of traps usable in combat and accuracy of those traps Athletics: How long you can go before you recieve Combat debuffs. Also failing scripted interactions gives you additional combat debuffs. Lore: Ability to use scrolls in combat (which are OP) Survival: Duration of combat consumables Stealth is where is should be. Although initial position in this game is 90% of the fight.
  7. That is not something that exists in the game.
  8. Eyeroll all you want, but I want everything to be as clear as possible. The redundancy makes it less clear.
  9. "Of Resolve +1: +1 Resolve" "Restore Minor Endurance: Grants Restore Minor Endurance" /eyeroll
  10. Yep ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ lol
  11. Worked for me. Way to name your characters (.)(.)
  12. 1. 30 copper: No bonus 2. 120 copper: 2 Dex 3. 150 copper: 1 Might, 1 Con 4. 200 copper: 2 Might, 2 Con, 2 Intellect These values are wonky. 99.9% of the time people are going to choose #4. 200 copper is nothing and it's by far the best. And compared to 2/3 it's 50 copper for 3x times the benefit??? It would be much better off it 2/3/4 all gave the same number of attributes bonuses but different variations. Right now there is no decision/tradeoff to make. This is something that can be done before launch.
  13. Do those still exist?
  14. This was a big emphasis during production. That skills would be "non-combat" http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/60578-update-7-non-combat-skills-with-tim-cain/ But as it stands now all of the skills have a direct combat benefit. What happened?
  15. What else does it do other than scripted interactions/dialogue?
  16. When creating a character classes and backgrounds give skills bonuses. Nothing describes what they do unless you level them up, or look them up.
  17. I didn't even know there was a delay after invocation. But I'm talking about the start of combat. They do nothing for the first 4 seconds after entering combat.
  18. And they start with the 2nd song. Thus, as a result the first song you have in the song UI is not sung until 9 seconds into combat. Edit: to be clear I'm talking about the start of combat only.
  19. I've noticed combat healing is still not showing up in the log. Have they taken this out for good?
  20. With my horrible MS paint skills you can see the spell does not always follow the cursor properly. Seems to be effected by "terrain" This is especially annoying combined with this bug... http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/70283-435-projectile-spell-casting-indicators/
  21. That would be very frustrating to learn after leveling up.
  22. This bug still occurring in 480
  23. That would be weird. The base ability is suppressed but the talent that buffs the ability is not.... strange.
  24. +5% duration on consumables seems pretty laughable.
  25. When you drink one of these potions you are supposed to gain +20 deflection. However, this cause 5 deflection from a Fighter's Defender/Wary defender talents to be suppressed.
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