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Everything posted by Bazy

  1. I have a feeling the writer's created characters that will be sufficiently nuanced so that labeling them "good" or "evil" will be a matter of opinion. Or more likely... sometimes good, sometimes evil.
  2. 1:04 Best moment from all your videos. Keep up the accent.
  3. When you spiritshift you lose all benefits from your currently all equipped gear/enchants. Thus, in most cases your character is significantly LESS powerful when you spiritshift. (In general spiritshift is very very very bad.... please fix :/)
  4. No. It's just plain rubbish. Shapeshift lasts about 10 seconds, it's not very powerful. And you LOSE all of your stats from your gear when you shapeshift. It makes you LESS powerful. For an especially absurd example, you can have a tanky druid with 90 deflection and 12 DR. If you shapeshift to Bear form (the tank form) your stats go to about 30 deflection and 8 DR.
  5. There is an in game guide that covers much of this. Beta not really the best time to create a guide though since stuff is changing all the time. Almost all of it undocumented. Even the wiki that was pretty good now has tons of outdated information.
  6. 1. You have the option to be either 1) killed at 0 HP or 2) maimed at 0 hp, and then killed if you don't rest before reaching 0 again. 2. On a practical level the system doesn't work any differently than for your enemies. If one side full party wipes = game over. 2. Resting =/= Sleeping Regarding the OP, it's not a bad idea.
  7. They were.... Spiritshift used to last the entirety of combat, and wildstrike used to work all the time. This was a step in the right direction.... But now spiritshift lasts like 10 seconds. The shapeshifted abilties are still weak. And wildstrike only works while spiritshifted.
  8. Spiritshifting is supposed to be THE hybrid mechanic of all hybrid mechanics. Theoretically you should be able to shift into whatever form is most useful depending on the situation. However spiritshifiting is terribly under-tuned so druids just end up being powerful jack of all trades casters that don't do anything else. I'm actually suprised more people don't seem to notice that druids in POE are not druids. They are wizards. Wizards without blast :/
  9. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/63017-level-scaling-and-its-misuse/page-14?do=findComment&comment=1298679
  10. Better off spending your talent point on something else, and just using the other wizard defensive spells that don't suck.
  11. If you do go 1H... Not sure why you would, but if you did, the talent helps a lot for making up some of the loss. (~20 accuracy) Which makes it mandatory. Which makes it uninteresting. Wizards have a number of good defensive spells without crappy veil. I would say shields are overpowered when it comes to defensive stats, and too punishing when it comes to offensive. In general the game doesn't encourage hybrid builds. It seems to be all offensive or all defensive.
  12. Yes you should be able to choose. But both are awful as per rest abilities.
  13. Druids/Priests are the prototypical hybrid class. Yet wizards have more limitations than they do. Versatility should come, for example, from shapeshifting in and out of different forms. Not from being able to cast 50 different spells. Generally druids use their aoe on group pulls, and on the occasional tough fight use their other spells. But for the vast majority of their time they stand in the back and auto attack. This doesn't seem like versatile gameplay. It appears that because druids are such strong pure casters, that spiritshifting currently sucks.
  14. Agreed, the disengagement thing was silly and the range is too short to be very useful. About knockdown... It is strong, but seems fine because Fighters don't have any other abilities to bring to the fight.
  15. I need to do a lot more testing when I have time but... In additional to what has been said by Sensui and Sock 1. Druid: Spiritshift/Wildstrike is bad. The duration is super short, wildstrikes only work while spiritshifted and require 33% of your talents points. Bear is especially bad... the damage reduction is 8 DR... wizards have more powerful/longer lasting defensive abilities than that. 2. Wizard: Blast: Too strong. Makes wizards autoattack too powerful. 3. Wizard: Arcane Veil: Terrible. Per rest is absurd. 4. One Handed Weapons: Not sure but with DT/DR changes seem to underperfom compared to 2H weapons 5. Potions: Need to be balanced: Healing for 100 Endurance is ridiculous 6. Scrolls: Need to be limited somehow. You can turn a rogue into a powerful caster that can spam spells. Or you could equip each member of your party with +33 AOE heals... lol 7. Shields: I hate using shields but they are mandatory if you want to tank. Shield with the talent ends up being a huge chunk of your deflection/reflex. But as soon as you equip a shield your dps is non existent for a number of reasons. And there is no point in trying to pick up dps talents to offset.
  16. You can make the same argument about wizard, chanter and cipher. I don't feel the need to "tinker" to be a very good justification. Tinkering should come from a new game and creating a different playstyle. An RPG is supposed to be about tradeoffs and meaningful choices. A better way to add spells is to give the player the option to have more spells available for a tradeoff somewhere else. (Ie talents) Ideally you would be able to create a druid with 50 spells or 0 spells. Depending on how you want to build them. Right now there is no choice. All druids just stand in the back and cast spells.
  17. Druids and Priests have far too many tactical options. At level 12 Priest and Druid will have 50+ abilities to choose from. It doesn't even feel like a class at that point. And removes tactics because they pretty much do everything. And because they have become such powerful casters... spiritshift is complete trash... again.
  18. Might -Same Con -Same Dex + Reflex Defense Perception + Deflection Defense Intellect +Will Defense Resolve: + Fort Defense I'm gonna find someway to mod this in. Regardless, people are making attributes way too complicated. They should be super simple and straightforward. Most of the proposals I see are a cluster**** of numbers.
  19. With talents it seems like there are 2 options... 1. Mandatory Offensive Talents 2. Mandatory Tank Talents Everything else is just gimmicky or niche. Which is not necessarily a bad thing. On a sidenote, I really like the World of Warcraft way of doing talents where you have 3 mutually exclusive choices per level. Also, Blast OP = Ranged Barbarian. By far best talent in game. I remember on my first beta playthrough my mage dominated overall damage just from blast alone.
  20. I know probably way too late for this... But it adds so much to be able to choose which spells you have available rather then have them all thrown at you. Ability selection is a big part of RPGing and replayability. Chanter, Cipher, Wizard all have this well implemented. Druid and Priests have 9 thrown at you every two levels.
  21. If the talent don't give some kind of passive/modal/per encounter generally not worth it. Anything per rest is pretty laughable. Envenomed Strike is a tough call, but it got nerfed pretty bad.
  22. General: Dangerous implement... I hate talents that make you take more damage. Let alone do damage to you. Hold the line Graceful Retreat Wound Binding Field Triage Arms Bearer Runner Quick Switch Shot on the run - you have to move to recover faster... wat? Druid: All wildstrikes - only work during short duration spiritshift Bonus spirit shift - duration far too short Wizard: Arcane Veil Grimoire slam: Cool ability, just not worth it
  23. Mirrored image already does that. They could just swap arcane reflection with arcane veil and that would actually fit the purpose and lore.
  24. Seems really small. Feel like with even a decent intellect they have to be standing almost side by side.
  25. It's viable.... If not one of the better tank options. You make make anything a decent tank.
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