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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. And isn't this topic from before the game was released? Yes. Sad thing is, I even remember some of those guys from the start of the thread. I wonder what became of Ghostofanakin and Product of the Cosmos has the rare honour of being one of the few regular inhabitants on my ignore list back then
  2. I know that feeling... Currently busy with: 1) Tearing off the shrink wrap of my Alien Quadrology DVD set (bought quite a while ago) 2) Determining which pizza to take out of the freezer 3) trying to decide which wine will go with pizza Then, after pizza and wine, I am going to watch an Alien movie or two.
  3. I usually buy special editions/collectors editions of games (when possible/reasonable)... I noticed that there wasn't any special or collectors edition of Mask of The Betrayer availble. Did I miss something or isn't there any? If not, are there any plans to make one? I was sort of disappointed in not getting a little plastic mask and a jar of neon green spirit essense jelly :sad:
  4. Did they ever make posters out of any of that concept art? Some of the stuff would make excellent merchandising, I for one would love a poster sized jeanette on my computer room wall Umm... no pictures of my desktop. It is a plain blue Windows XP desktop with way too many icons cluttering it :blush10:
  5. Ironically, if eye witnesses (including a US reporter/photographer on site) are to be believed, none of the suggested measures would have made any difference. Apparantly she was shot when she stood up in her car, waving at the crowds. A bullet proof vest under her clothes would have gone a long way to prolong her political career. The gunman blew himself up after the assassination.
  6. Lets see how good my negotiating skills are: "...suggests that the sexual innuendo takes the backseat and keep a low profile, in return the thread can stay open..." Was that good or what?
  7. Not sure what you have there To the best of my knowledge, the only available "real" patch for PC is 1.0b (which I downloaded manually as sw_pc_english_from200424_to210427.exe). There is also a 1.0a if I remember correctly, but that one just updates the manual/readme or some such. Another slightly independend patch (not officially supported by LA, but made by Obsidian) is the media patch which gives you higher resolution FMV's and better quality music. A bit on the large side though
  8. Is she one of these: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Female_serial_killers ? Edit: Today was the first day that my brain realised that I am on annual leave and not at work. I think I will go out in my garden, grab a chair, sit in the shade and enjoy a cold drink. The world be damned
  9. Try imagine North America without fuel for 5 years...? No phones (including cellphones), no computer networks, no tv, no radio, no cars, no trains, no airplanes... No delivery of produce from the country side to the cities, no deliveries of farming equipment from the industrial areas to the farmlands... No schools or education save whatever books and papers you might be lucky to find, either in libraries or abandoned book stores... A system made up of specialists, who are all bricks in the wall, starts to crumble. It doesn't matter that you have a degree or two in physics if you can't catch your food once the canned stuff have been scavenged from the grocery stores. The most likely survivors will be the generalists, who can do a variety of essential survival tasks. Fishing, hunting, growing crops (without advanced technology) and perhaps a few demagogues who can BS others into doing the work for them. Without an infrastructure in place, we are nothing. I would say, it is quite easy to imagine really
  10. Agreed. This is where the tech savvy people hang out.
  11. Oh noes, can you ever forgive me? In that case, I wont tell you who you are going to face in the end... But I am busy fighting her minions.
  12. Hey Gorth buddy, two JA2 questions: (1) Is there any way to slow the mouse cursor speed down? The cursor seems to fly across the edge of teh map now. (2) Is there any way to disable the "command acknowledgment" when moving your whole squad at the same time. Hearing each of my merc's bark is pretty cool individually, but having them all at the same time is insane. Not sure about the first one, since mine doesn't "fly across the map". But then, my rig is getting pretty old by now. I noticed that the scroll speed is slower when running the game in 1024x768 mode (supported in version 1.13) The second one would be a no, you still get the chorus, acknowledging team commands. Particularly noisy in big battles, where you have close to 18 merc's ... "They try to kill me, but I am professional!" - Barry Unger
  13. The first one is notoriously bugged, I only completed it once (out of several playthroughs). The second one is unsolvable because of a bug in a dialogue script. There are fixes for those two bugs on the net though (try team gizkas website). I installed those and played the game through again, this time the two criminals and the fuel for Telos quests were solvable. Not sure if it will fix the quests retroactively though :sad:
  14. Decided to satisfy my curiosity and downloaded the 1.13 patch for Jagged Alliance 2. Too many guns... just too many guns
  15. Dusting off some old cd's that I haven't heard in a long while... Falco - Mutter, Der Mann mit dem Koks ist Da.
  16. And the one you didn't ask about:
  17. Is it the one with the Sith "Codex"? If so, there is an answer somewhere in the same area... Or is it the one with "Logical" questions? If so, I can give a hint: A Gizka is not a suitable pet for a Sith (sorry, the only one I can remember from the top of my head)
  18. Remember, the crates are not to be opened until Christmas!
  19. At least we got rid of the PMS mess that spammed us with 10,000 one-smiley posts. No names mentioned. Incognito. It'll be ok there little guy. Don't cry too hard about it. He doesn't really seem like a happy man, does he? :) :) :) :) :) :) :) Better stop it here, as it seems to enter the realm of getting personal and discriminatory.
  20. Maybe it doesn't like your computer or laptops in general? i have much worse computer and MotB run just fine It runs excellently on my laptop in 1024x768, water effects, far distance clipping, highres textures, 2xaa and just about all other bells&whistles (only simple shadows though). Not quite 40fps, but good enough.
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