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Everything posted by Gorth

  1. You might want to avoid playing the Malkavians for a while then...
  2. I think I remember that thread. It was when Knights of the Old Republic 2 was still known as "Project Delaware". You had an Avatar with some crates in it and a signature that went along the lines of "Crates, crunchy on the outside, full of goodies on the inside" or something similar
  3. Be sure to check out the other half of the Grindhouse Double Bill, Death Proof. If it's anywhere near the same "type" of humour, I will. Is it out on DVD yet?
  4. Planet Terror What a pleasant surprise. I didn't think they made movies like this anymore Some of the most fun I've had since watching Peter Jacksons Braindead and Bad Taste for the first time.
  5. I didn't really mind the story pacing, my only real gripe being the high level stuff. But then, I didn't like that that aspect of the BG2 expansion either. Nice story, an interesting "problem" for the player and companions that aren't rammed down your throat (this is what you get and you damn well better care about them because we say so). Plenty of little details that makes the world feel less like an empty cardboard backgroung. Best crpg in a long time on the PC.
  6. Yes, that game really redefines the term "Body Bag"
  7. They show true fighting spirit, just like the old Vikings! It doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you cleave a lot of skulls
  8. I have no idea how old you are, but it sounds like you weren't following the olympics back when the US and the USSR took turns boycotting each other
  9. Bleh, give me Europa Universalis any day Ok, so I only ever tried the original Shogun: Total War.
  10. I don't really mind eye candy. I still think games like IWD's and BG's (and PS:T) were pleasant on the eye. Actually, I think they still are. Problem is when you get the feel that you are playing a tech demo.
  11. Bought a tv while shopping yesterday. Now I have to go hunting for a decent DVD player... preferably multiregion, as I have DVD's from regions 1,2 & 4
  12. What do you mean? That it has been so slow lately, that it keeps timing out, both when trying to access the site, and when finally succeeding, then when trying to upload a 7kb gif file Thanks, but... they are all in a folder on my computer Anyway, seemed like it could keep within the time-out limit tonight. Drunk poster - :drunk: Stupid move - Alt account - PC gamer - :pcgamer: Come here and let me maul you - :ihateyou: Thread hijack in progress - :hijack: Uncontrollable joy - :ecstatic: Oh noes... - :nonono:
  13. Gorth


    Is it possible to be a REALLY BAD ENOUGH DUDE even if I don't have an iPod? Edit: As for the music, most of my favourite tunes are from before mp3 was invented I think. As far as PC game music goes, favourites includes Icewind Dale, Kotor2, Fallout & PS:T. Little else games I remember the music as "notable" from.
  14. Hmm... imageshack seems to be going down the toilet. I'll have to find another place to host my suggestions
  15. Gorth


    How about lowering the volume of the confrontational attitude a bit? One could think you were trying to pull an "Avery" on this thread
  16. There used to be one on Team Gizkas website. It was quite fun, suddenly only beeing able to rely on force powers
  17. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. runs nicely on my old 2.8 Ghz P4 with an old 256mb gfx card It is all about sneaking, sniping, ambushing and generally avoiding hostiles, as there is no real benefit to fighting them (unless part of a mission).
  18. Not saying that they are all bad. Just very "unevenly distributed" in their quality.
  19. That would be the three rings of death for this thread... Start of new thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49482
  20. Start of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=49043 End of old thread: http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?sh...5&start=495 Umm... nothing to add. I don't have an xbox. May the best gamer gloat mercilessly
  21. Continued character development after his change to monk would have been welcome. "My life as a monk" by Kheldar Ironfist... I think they ended up with the butter spread too thin over too much bread so to speak. Kheldar, Neeshka and Qara (and Grobnar) started out great, but they (and the rest of the cast) sort of drifted off before midways through the game with nothing else happening (with the possible exception of Shandra who changed quite a bit towards the end). Maybe it is an inherent problem of trying to add as many npcs as possible? Kotor 1 & 2 were based on a similar formula and both suffered from it too. PS:T and MOTB by comparison followed a different formula with fewer and more interesting npcs, which I found led to a more interesting game experience (other peoples mileage may vary).
  22. Yeah right Worked most of the day. Got little else done. Next day please take a number and line up in queue #3
  23. Down to/Up to 30 again... no idea how many until they hit the proverbial millennium bug
  24. Vegemite is the green, glowing goo you see in barrels in Fallout I'll never forget my first (and only) encounter with it
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