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Everything posted by Shakyr

  1. I'm using a Chanter as MC (if this is relevant) and this bug has appeared since the latest patch, for me. It's making it incredibly frustrating to move around.
  2. ... and you are encouraged to have your main character on drugs, for a certain class Yet accidental nudity should be patched out asap?
  3. If you don't like it, play a different way. If you want to use guns, switch to pistols and dual-wield Scordeo's Trophy and Eccea's Arcane Blaster or Thundercrack Pistol. EDIT: Likely not many people playing Rogues, turned off by the dearth of skills at P8/P9. But that's a separate discussion
  4. Personally I just took the whole bunch of them on. More fun that way EDIT: And had a few NPCs help out, which was amusing. Unfortunately they survived, so I couldn't loot them
  5. I'm abusing the bow while I can, with Driving Flight and Precog. I might setup her alternate as a pistol or two though, on reading this.
  6. As someone mentioned these back on the 2nd page, I figured I'd post a screenshot of the stats. Unfortunately you don't seem to be able to acquire them for yourself!
  7. It's great for dealing with those curse pillars, as she casts it from outside the range. Since it's not technically in combat either, you can chaincast them (as 0 Zeal is used for casting outside of combat).
  8. Personally, I found it fun. Been quite a few times I've just sat in that screen and blown up a ship (even if I get less loot). Do that a few times and your crew gains massive amounts of experience. Higher ranks improve things like travel speed on the world map, as well as higher chance with cannons, healing speed of injured crewmen, etc. First off, equip 4 of the basic cannons on your ship. Then in a ship battle, close to ~250m (Full speed ahead). Turn to port or starboard, doesn't matter which. Fire grape shot. This injures crew and ends up taking out sails as well. Injured crew means less people to man the cannons and maneuver. Sails damaged or gone, means they're less likely to get a wind advantage and more likely to stuff up a turn (especially compounded with injured crew). Now jibe, which will turn you around. Fire grape shot again, then jibe and repeat. The aim is to get the crew down to 0 or 1 (bottom right, first number), which if you trigger a few events, easily done. At that point, switch to cannon shot and start filling them with holes/injuring below deck crew. Once you get their hull < 10-15, you can choose to close to board (more loot), or just blow them up (more crew experience). Once you have 3rd rank cannoneers, you should be able to attack from 300-350m (less turns spent moving forward at the start). What you have to watch out for, is that while reloading one side, they have a lower chance to hit with the other side (-20% or so). Being at the lower range of a cannon, increases chance to hit. So you need to pick a distance that nets you ~95% for the first volley and ~75% for the following volleys.
  9. Just had the game crash, exiting the Boars Area in Tikiwara. I'll try again later to see if it crashes again, I was planning on stopping afterwards for the day, anyway. Figured I'd upload the crash log in the meantime and it might help solve any issues.
  10. Update: - Can still acquire the Cornett of the Waves from Takano (yay something right) and you can even show him the Cornett of the Depths if you want. - Once you talk to Dereo after finding the mosaic, there's nothing about showing him either of the Cornetts, just reporting the mosaic. At which point, the quest is done and dusted. - You seem to be automatically flagged as friendly with the Undercroft peeps, once you pickup Cornett of the Depths. This also impacts the following quests (to one degree or another, as once you're in the Old City, you're forced to leave via the Undercroft: - Trade Secrets: Jumps this quest forward. You go from having to get closer to Dereo to learn more about the smuggling, to "Oh look, there it is, better tell the prince", after having one conversation with Dereo (to get the quest The Cornett's Call). - Goods and Services: If you've gotten the note from Captain Aeldys, but haven't gone to her yet, you'll run into Mad Morena (who potentially becomes hostile after chatting). Needs option to say you're friendly with Dereo or the Principi (I didn't notice one).
  11. Personally I'm running pure Ranger, but then I tend to play her more as ranged backup for my Rogue/Monk. There is a complete dearth of skills to pick at a later Power Level though. Power Level 1 Abilities: Marked Prey, Wounding Shot Passives: Merciless Companion, Vicious Companion. Optional: Resilient Companion. Power Level 2 Abilities: Heal Companion. Passives: Gunner, Marksman. Power Level 3 Abilities: Marked for the Hunt, Hobbling Shot. Optional: Evasive Roll, Revive Companion. Passives: Predator's Sense. Power Level 4 Abilities: Concussive Shot. Passives: N/A Power Level 5 Abilities: Binding Roots, Evasive Fire. Passives: Driving Flight. Power Level 6 Abilities: N/A Passives: N/A Power Level 7 Abilities: Thorny Roots. Passives: N/A Power Level 8 Abilities: Twinned Shots. Passives: N/A Power Level 9 Abilities: N/A Passives: Stunning Shots
  12. Apologies, this was meant to go into the Deadfire Technical Support forum. Could I get it moved?
  13. If you pickup this quest initially, where you have to find the Cornett of the Waves and head down into the Old City on other quests, you can find the Cornett of the Depths. This "jumps" the quest ahead and you get quest updates about stuff you've never discussed with Dereo. Especially once you find Ondra's Temple. Quest Log: https://imgur.com/a/u8iUyZT Personally, if you have the quest and haven't picked up Cornett of the Waves, I would simply add an entry of "Dereo mentioned the Cornett of the Depths was lost, maybe I should talk to him and show it to him." or similar. Then when you reach Ondra's Temple, I wouldn't update the journal at all (as that hasn't been discussed). Instead, when Dereo mentions anything about it, you can have a conversation option of "I think I saw something like that in the Old City". Either that, or disable the event to pickup the Cornett of the Depths, until you have reached that part of the quest. If you don't have the quest, I assume you shouldn't have anything appear in your log (I can't be bothered testing this) when you pickup Cornett of the Depths. Then when you chat to Dereo and he mentions it, you can have the conversation line of "Oh, you mean this item I have in my backpack? It was in the Old City ..." Anyway, hope you rework this quest (even if it's not quite as I suggest), as the journal entry updates are currently severely flawed.
  14. So I mapped out the Narrows (see link) and I think I've found a bug. https://i.imgur.com/EaUHhlK.png When you turn around from B (which places you on the X next to B) and then go left, you should be at the X just before C and therefore have the option to go forward (at which point you'll end up in the Cavern). Instead, you end up in Delver's Row. If you turn around from B and then go forward, you end up at M (as you rightly should), at which point you can duck through the curtain into Delver's Row. Side Note: Enjoyable area, had fun working my way around, thanks Obsidian!
  15. Zip the file and it allows it to be uploaded, providing it's under 1MB.
  16. I reloaded and made a save, at that point. I've also included my history file in the zip. History should be: - Blade Reforged - Master Released blade_bug.zip
  17. Not just companion equipment, all equipment that can be enchanted. It's currently confusing and very much not user friendly. Either one or multiple enchantments will just disappear once you enchant one option, never to be seen again (on that screen). It's quite confusing. I mean it's nice that they update the item description to show the new enchantments, but there is no feedback on the actual enchantment screen. One suggestion (if it's not too complicated, this late): Give each weapon its own miniature enchantment tree, much like our own characters have an ability tree. That way we can easily see what enchantments have been applied already, what are mutually exclusive and more importantly, look at what can be enchanted in the future.
  18. See images. Each location has two map markers for the same location. https://imgur.com/a/NnpE0OG
  19. In the "storybook" event for Fanged Straits (I think it was Straits) @ Wakara Reef, it's referred to as the Teotara Marvel (which is just to the northeast and is a "storybook" event itself).
  20. Not sure whether to consider this a typo or not. Whispers of Yenwood, enchantment "Silence of the Dead" has no Ability listed. https://i.imgur.com/KJlApSG.png
  21. How low do you have your music volume, in the settings? I haven't got time to test it myself.
  22. I had her disobey orders and then strengthened souls (so she doesn't end up exiled completely), but it talks on her breastplate about obeying orders. Sigh.
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