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Everything posted by archangel979

  1. Yes. I loved being able to roll the dies. Allrite, maybe it opens for unlimited rerolls, but I feel its a fun part of the game starting with rolling your own character. Does not matter in PoE, attributes don't change much in PoE anyways. They influence conversations more than combat
  2. That is why I said almost everything. Exploration was awesome in BG1, and pretty relaxing. Just running through maps, uncovering black and watching lots of green (which is considered a relaxing color) and listening to nature sounds. Plot was OK, but not BG2. I never liked Durlag tower or any huge dungeons. If the dungeon has more than 2 levels I just want to leave it. I actually like that Mega dungeon in PoE will not be finishable in one go and that I will need to come back to it more than once. Otherwise I would never finish it.
  3. BG2 is not just epic because of Mage duels (although those help), it is just expanded in almost everything compared to BG1. More and better companions, Strongholds, more interesting quests, more epic battles (even the non mage duel ones), more different areas to explore (under see, underdark, other planes..), better main villain, Bodhi vs Shadow Thieves choice, more classes and races, more spells, better weapon proficiency system and so on. For PoE 2 to be as good as BG2, it will need to expand on PoE 1 design a lot as well. They have stronghold and massive dungeon from the start but we have yet to see how that will actually work. NWN2 stronghold was badly designed as you could not lose even if you didn't put a single gold piece into it (or lose anything else), I would rather have 7 different strongholds BG2 style than another NWN2 one.
  4. I must say that D:OS feels more like IE game when talking about classes and class/skill diversity and that game is basically a classless game outside character creation.
  5. I think you put this in wrong topic. If you want to be heard, you should put this in your own topic.
  6. You were talking about flat damage in numenera compared to random damage from IE games. Flat damage is less interesting combat. I play numenera not for combat, but better and nicer roleplaying mechanics. I don't see anything wrong with Numenera systems, it is perfect for what it was made for. Shadowrun has both hit chance and critical chance, critical chance determines from 0.5x to 2x
  7. That is not what QA does lol. That is what game designers are supposed to do. (well maybe some QA is asked to go extra mile)
  8. As a Numenera GM, that system does not work in combat heavy games. It was created for roleplaying systems. Flat damage is here to make combat faster, not more exciting. Random numbers up to a certain level (not aRPG level) are fun and exciting.
  9. I am just playing BG2EE and having loads of fun. I don't expect PoE to beat BG2EE on its first try even if all the complaints are taken more seriously and implemented into the game. That is why I didn't mention it at all. Just like BG had two games to reach BG2 perfection, I will let PoE get to #2 before expecting it to compete vs BG2.
  10. I am a late to the party. Tnx Sensuki for everything. You should do live streams (even with your bad connection), you would soon have many followers.
  11. I don't have beta access but by watching streaming, youtube videos and reading discussions here I am also in the middle but lean more towards spiritual successor. As I didn't really expect a same game (and didn't really want another 2e D&D system) I don't mind many systems changing as long as they make sense. For now I trust Obsidian to make a better game that NWN2 but I also hope it will turn out better than BG1EE in the end.
  12. Hmm a good RPG is just Good. Some modern RPGs dont have a Free World - I dont Play them like what happened from Witcher 1 to Witcher 2 and Gothic 1-3 to Risen Some RPGs dont have Sound and exciting Gameplay - So.. same thing Good Games have Deep Gameplay, a Free World AND.. Good Gameplay. because of that they are Good And I hoped that crowdfunding will do that, but err.... Not really what happened to it all. Except BG2 is still better than all those "good" games and does not have full voice acting. And the amount it has is 10x better than for instance Skyrim.
  13. Yea, I also don't want spell FX to ruin combat readability. NWN2 was way over the top, please have spell effects more like IE games with minimalistic FX for any spell with durations more than instantaneous.
  14. Well it is not like this is new to them. I am still pissed off each time I remember Orcs from NWN2 and their 90 HP or whatever. Whoever though it is cool to create a whole tribe of high level orcs that still act like lvl 1 orcs was smoking something fierce... Cases like these are the exact reason why you need simulation systems and lore
  15. While IE games did allow you this, I personally I didn't do this. I continued until I was left out of good spells and healing spells. Also I tried to avoid resting in areas where there was a big chance of being interrupted as I didn't load the game unless someone died.
  16. It should never be a better choice to on purpose let yourself go down. That is the most degenerate game play I have seen in any game ever. Until that is somehow fixed I will not consider this game finished.
  17. You cannot really claim people playing badly as problem when the base systems are such that you are always going to be damaged and lose health as result. Those playing badly are just going to lose more.
  18. How is that different than just giving everyone bigger health pools or just giving everyone 1/8 health/stamina damage ratio? My suggestion lets you keep you health pool intact if you play well. Losing health pool and/or needing to rest is purely result of playing bad or using up all daily abilities.
  19. that is bad. It is also against their goal to have fast regenerating stamina out of combat. Or do you plan to keep that as well?
  20. You must not have read my posts properly if you quoted me and then said that. Your solution is also a lot worse than mine and is effectively HP with two pools. However as I have already said (many times) that I don't mind the current system. D&D 4E Healing Surges was one of the good things that 4E did though, so healing your stamina from Health wouldn't be too bad either I don't think. OK I read it again and yes, I misunderstood it. I read it that you will be healing Health pool with spells while Stamina will be healed automatically from available health. It makes more sense now but it is not a better system than mine if you cannot heal stamina during combat.My suggestions is also implemented more easily into what we have now. For your suggestions they would need to change spells and high DT armors would be even more valuable as you don't have another way to replenish Stamina.
  21. this is just a double health pool and a needlessly more complicated that in IE while being same in the end.The whole point of new system is that there is a unhealable resource that will eventually force you to rest and use camping supplies. Check out my suggestions topic for a better version.
  22. As a Wasteland 2 beta player from the early WL2 beta version I can say my participation is not going to ruin my experience with the release version. I am sure many of the PoE beta players are going to be like me.
  23. Because it's a fact of life in such fantasy settings, not a matter of perception. Cosmic forces actually make written rules about what is evil, what is good, it's a fact, material, not a a culture based opinion, etc. That's why you can detect it via spells. Yes. This is exactly how alignment works in d&d. Your character does things and cosmic forces decide you alignment. It does not matter how you or anyone perceives you. Detect and other alignment based spells confirm this to the residents of that world. PoE system like real life works opposite. There is only how you and others perceive you. No way to find out your true self. In the end both systems mean little unless the game uses them. In IE games alignment had almost zero use and was more a mechanical limit in multiclassing, with some magic items or with choice of familiar.
  24. You might be right but so far many different people said otherwise and that is why this topic exists.
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