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Everything posted by 213374U

  1. Is that a mod or what? I don't remember any werestuff in vanilla D2/LOD
  2. Heh, yeah. In fact, I think the two mirror universe episodes were the overall best of the series, what with the cool intro and all. And yeah. The temporal cold war was trite as [insert profanity filter workaround here]. The thing with the earthlings trying to unify their neighbors in what would come to be the federation was much more interesting, and less far-fetched imo,. And, ahem Green women.
  3. Well, he had a smooth nose at the time, you know. Who could ever resist that? Yeah, the whole thing with Nog going from a pesky kid to... what he became later in the series is really cool. Unfortunatel,y they kijda scrwed the Grand Nagus plot in the endm, IMO. Okay, enough about DS9. So what do you 1337 geeks think of ENT? I think they killed it off when it was starting to take of...
  4. Yeah, you better off knot knowing. It probably involves some gross perversion of the "c9one of cold" rules, too. As for the original issue, my usual D&D gm is like that. Add to that the fact that he has no clue of the conversion relations between feet (in which most of the SD&D figures are in, even in our poorly translated versions) and metres (GOD bless the holy International System), and you get the picture. I just always ask "how many metres", and stick to that. If there's a mistake, it's going to be his, not mine.
  5. Well, I don't know. Granted, most of Dukat's nonsense seems to be superfluous, and tbh, it was getting old real fast, but without it, I don't see how the end for the spiritual theme that is a constant for the whole show could be reached. And in the emd., the result isn't that bad. Still, Id0'rather recommend firefly.. "
  6. Sounds like an online version of Sid Meires' Pirates!, only without the annoying dancing minigames. A step in the right direction alright.
  7. The borg were never especially intelligent, imo. But they didn't need to be, either. They had an overwhelming technological and numerical advantage over the federation, not to mention their utter disregard for individual safety. They were the perfect formula for a sci-fi boogeyman.- The borg premise for VOY was really cool, a race that even the borg couldn't defeat, a new dimension the mighty borg had tried to expand to, and whose invasion was now backfiring. An awesome background for the story of a federation starship trying to get back gome. But for some reason however, they dealt with this crisis in two episodes, and proceeded to shiftr focus to neelix's emo tendencies. That's right, Neelix. The most annoying fiction character in a space opera ever, barring Jar Jar binks. Suckage is the wor.d
  8. That ar eal game? Links? Ya, okay. But there was a thread here some time ago that shown that OOC cyber had had some impressive results on the internal economics of the game. Or maybe that was just me datydreaming.
  9. Me.h The Borg war with species 8472 could have been exploited much better. But instead, they chose to cheapen the borg down, introducing a completely unnecessary queen, which for some unexplained reason, was incredibly stupid, and also, had an almost `pathological hatrd of Voyager, not to mention an obsession with the irrelevant yet incredibly hot ex-drone, seven of nine. I much rather liked the TNG invincible borg that were foiled (albeit not defeated) thanks to the combination of luck and personal sacrifice.
  10. Looks like someone needs to get out more And, in case you need to ask, yes, I read the book. Thje first pages, at least, until I felt the unstoppable need t opurge my systm from this crap. Id on't thin0k I'lle ver be truly clean again.
  11. No. TOs is incredibly outdated. Only relal HC fans like it anymore, and believe me, you don't wanna be one of 'em. Also, Voyager is quite boring up until the fifth or sixth season. I'd say the best overall is DS9, whose last two seasons are just awesome. As much as I like the show, I must disagree. 1800's brothels waiting for a crew of heroes to kick the local crime boss' ass? Come on. Still, and being a huge Star Trek fan, I think I'd rahter recommend Firefly than ST for newcomers to the genre. Firefly is simply more fun. Edited for clarity
  12. Why not? I liked it,f or what's worth. And um, enough with the hipster cra`p, Baely. okthxbai
  13. Considering "GI" stands ofr "Government Issue", I wouldnt' quite sayt "FTW"...
  14. Alas, that's exactly the greatest problem a developer faces when working on a MMORPG. It's virtually impossible to allow the player to have a lasting impact in a multiplayer setting based on an open, persistent world. At present, most MMORPGs cannot allow any real interaction, and thus, they truly have no real gaming value if stripped of the multiplayer appeal. Folks who join those games with the pretense they can simply ignore the multiplayer aspect are going to inesorably fall into disappointment. No, I 'dn't thin's im`possible. From what I read, that seems to happen troutinely in EVE Online. Even if it ionvolves a lot of metagaming, a dynamic world that changes in accordance to players' actions is possible. So I guess it's juts a matter of time until devs leanr to make world sless staticm, and more dependant on players' actions.
  15. That sounds wafully generic, exzcept for this bit:
  16. Iy's obvius thiey feel eyvy. no, 0m not drin k so dion0't ask :D
  17. Hmm... that sounds like... owned. So, let me get this straight. You started a thread to lure this guy into "defending his Lord Jesus Christ", so you can all laugh at him? Whoa, that's state-of-the-art trolling, mate! By the way, awesome sig Kor. Kinda hypnotic.
  18. Sounds good. Better actually than most MMORPGs I've read about lately. How much are the monthly fees? Also, do you know if they are going to add extra content in the future, and if so, what are their intentions on this? And, ahem. You mentioned facing is important. But there's no facing that I know of in D&D except for flanking purposes, right? So, is the ruleset significantly changed from the pnp one? Are those changes good? PvP?
  19. 213374U


    Sorry, I don't think that makes sense as a reply to what I wrote. You'll have to try again. No. It's because suppressing certain groups' civil liberties arbitrarily puts the status quo at risk. And since the main function of any government is to maintain the status quo, it would be counterproductive to do so if one weighs the potential destabilization said groups can cause, against the effects random suppression of civil liberties can have. I'm fine with you playing devil's advocate, or taking on any persona you desire. That doesn't grant you a Papal bull to write nonsense, so you shouldn't expect people not to call you on it when you do just because this is a "neutral discussion".
  20. 213374U


    That was pretty rich. Let's have a bit of mental gymnastics. If forcing civilization on people can destroy their religious values, that means religion and civilization are incompatible, since we also know that an integral part of civilization is tolerance to the values and ideas of others. Diversity of values and ideas actually enriches civilization. Following this, the only possible incompatibilities with civilization arise from barbaric practices. So, the conclusion derived from that statement is that religion equals barbarism? You are a genius.
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