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Everything posted by thelee

  1. For console release, you should be directing it at Versus Evil, not Obsidian. From what I gathered, Versus Evil is aware of this issue and is desperately working on a patch.
  2. yeah, especially puzzling because i thought unity was suppossed to make multi-platform development easy. but bizarre things are apparently broken (like lay on hands not working). but +1 to what @draego said. Obsidian handed this off to Versus Evil, so your ire should be focused on Versus Evil to get some patches out. PC version is pretty stable, all things considered.
  3. No you misunderstand. The PEN check is separate. There's a "total weapon damage" that goes through PEN/immunity. The lash is based on that total weapon damage, with its own PEN/immunity check. Put another way, the input for the lash isn't the weapon damage number you see in the combat log, it's a number BEFORE pen/immunities are checked. The weapon damage number you see (or don't see, for immunities) in the combat log as the final result is something else entirely that isn't directly related to your lash. This isn't hypothetical. Go get a spiritual weapon with contrasting weapon damage and lash damage types and use it against an enemy with immunity to your weapon damage. You will still do lash damage. You can get NO PEN alerts even if you have full penetration on the enemy, because your lash is underpenetrating.
  4. lashes stack. additively. you can see this with like flames of devotion on a bleakwalker, you'll see three different numbers for each hit in your combat log. Edit: so two 15% fire lashes will combine into one 30% lash. A 15% fire lash and 15% corrode lash will still combine into net 30% damage, just as two distinct damage types. This matters for PEN issues and also how it gets rendered in your combat log. Two fire lashes will just show up as one bigger number attached to your weapon damage, whereas you'll see a distinct fire and distinct corrode number on top of your weapon damage. I don't think there's a limit. they are based on % total weapon damage (including bonuses like sneak attack or might); this is why lashes are really good in deadfire because they are multiplicative damage bonuses. they each have their own PEN/immunity check using their own elemental type and your weapon-based PEN. this is why woedica spiritual weapon is best spiritual weapon because their lash is raw, so even if the enemy you're up against is immune to your fist damage, you will still be doing full lash damage to them. Edit: also unlike all other sources of raw damage, it doesn't get a damage penalty compared to the alternatives, which is normally the case to balance its complete bypass of AR. Edit: this is all in my gamefaqs guide along with other mechanical stuff, if you're curious.
  5. oh yeah, i missed out on spelling that out in my post. in all dialogue - your watcher always does the check. only party assist matters from allies, their specific skill doesn't matter. in scripted encounters - depends. sometimes your watcher, sometimes you can pick an ally, rarely sometimes you're forced to use a specific ally.
  6. are you sure this actually works? Ancestor's Memory at last check can only be targeted on allies not yourself. So this could work for two separate characters, but not one multiclass. (And really, anyone plus ancestor's memory is powerful, I don't think assassin is particularly any more powerful than e.g. a priest being able to spam BDD and Salvation of Time on everyone.)
  7. Party assist always works except: for actually using the skill (i.e. actually stealthing, actually pick-pocketing, your actual use of explosives or traps). the exception is mechanics, which uses your party assist mechanics to disarm traps (but uses your un-assisted skill to set traps). The oddity about skill checks IME has more to do with the fact that sometimes in encounters only your watcher is allowed to pass a check, and sometimes anyone can volunteer to pass a check, and it's not always consistent or makes sense with the encounter. (And in rare cases, sometimes a specific arbitrary ally is picked to have to attempt a check, which is extremely annoying). So it sort of depends on what @fced means by "dialog" and "can't pass." If you can select the dialogue option (e.g. it is not red) then you by definition you have passed the check. But not always does selecting a dialogue option unlocked by a skill mean a good resolution, so it might still seem like you "failed" even though you were able to use the dialogue option. If however by "dialogue" you mean "scripted encounter" then it's possible that a character has 10+4 diplomacy, but a different character is being selected to actually pass the check and they're failing.
  8. Luca should be back in the office during the day. (FYI, there is a day-night cycle and people's locations and schedules can change) They won't talk shop until its day time.
  9. To be even more precise, even if you're not getting the water dragon's help, if you abandon your allies at Ukaizo, then you don't have to fight the boss because the boss will be too busy taking out your allies (at least this was true in all versions before 5.0, I haven't tried this specific ending route in 5.0 yet). If you were promised help from the water dragon, but abandon your allies, I don't think the water dragon has a chance to come in and save the day, if that's what you're saying happened.
  10. imo using summoned weapons a druid/wizard is "viable" but not great, and is probably worse than either a pure spiritshift/summon druid build or a pure conjurer build. A druid/wizard can be pretty great, but not in the angle you're going for.
  11. depending on your actions with the watershaper's guild and in the lead-up to landing on ukaizo you can have a boss fight, or a limited fight with just two engwithan titans.
  12. i think there would be less complaints about the grimoire mechanic in deadfire if they actually managed to build in the "Compare grimoire" UI that you can clearly see hints of. Right now it's pretty tedious and requires massive metagame knowledge to take adantage of all the spell selection, and i suspect that's why the complaint about customization crops up.
  13. This was suppossed to have been fixed in one of the 4.0-5.0 patches. I haven't had it occur since that update. Are you updated all the way? edit - oh no, i had merely hoped it had been fixed by 5.0, and i hadn't had it occur to me since then, but it looks like there was no explicit cofirmation that this was fixed. yikes sorry dude
  14. i think working within the framework of your vision, liberating 1 zeal for 15s and doing base 25s for hastening for 1 zeal (with no other changes) is probably good. even with the added flexibility of 1 zeal cost, i think it's pretty important for liberating to be much better than priest's suppress affliction, because in base game the paladin vs priest comparison was that the paladin was giving up some of the diversity of support in favor of narrow specialization (e.g. spammable lay on hands healing, instant-speed full-health revive, long-lived suspension, etc.). if it was at 10s, then that narrow specialization flavor would be lost (identical to priest), even if mathematically it's very similar to what was before (modulo the action economy). in the base game, hastening exhortation already compared poorly to liberating command (benefiting only from longer duration and the potential for further upgrades), so getting only a minor duration loss at half zeal cost doesn't seem OP to me. I think adding +15% action speed to hastening would sorta muddy the paladin, or rather muddy the monk and barbarian classes.
  15. holy thread necro, batman you should check the timestamp on my post - the metagaming possibilities on concelhaut's draining touch wasn't clear way back then. and even then, a spell really shouldn't need taking advantage of glitches/loopholes to be useful.
  16. these stood out to me as changes i don't particularly like. to be clear - debuffs don't lose duration while they're suspended, so I don't know what "rarely needs more than 10s suspension" means. In practical terms, the 20s duration makes it actually very good, especially with intellect boost. Priest Suppress Affliction suffers because a base 10s suspension means those dangerous stuns or petrifies come back pretty quickly. in addition, a 10s duration buff from the upgrades is real wee. maybe that's more appropriate for a 1 zeal ability, but it makes the ability much less interesting IMO edit - holy thread necro batman! sorry i responded to the OP without recognizing the age of the post, so sorry if these are irrelevant critiques.
  17. only three? oh you sweet summer child. the worst part about wael's incarnate is that being a ranged creature, it's really bad at tanking enemies (no engagement) and absorbing enemy hate - the AI even tries to escape from them using its storm teleport thing. and the damage it does is not nearly worth having a summon that doesn't do two of the things i expect a good summon to do..
  18. i suspect it's to keep the summoning competency firmly in the hands of chanters and druids (who have mostly summons you fully control). though thankfully they left out priest spiritual ally, and honestly that alone makes priest a decent summoner since you have infinite uses of Robust via spiritual ally.
  19. that was half the fun! i also knew every time it would happen because i would hear a rapid succession of *chunk* noises as they switched through their weapon sets rapidly. adds to the dance fever
  20. honestly, i always build sub-optimal parties just so that i can fit some role-playing concept or general party theme, and i can still clear PotD with upscaling and challenges on. There's a steep learning curve to do so, but compared to D&D, Deadfire is a pretty forgiving system. It's a little bit less forgiving than PoE1 (there are definitely bad multiclasses and bad choices to make), but still pretty forgiving. I think you'll be happier with cipher/rogue, so go with that. It's honestly a pretty good multiclass anyway, so you're not missing out on combat efficiency - the sneak attack damage will really supercharge your focus generation, and your cipher powers will help ensure you keep sneak attack up without spending precious rogue ability points. I'm sure there are mindstalker experts who can chime in more. If you feel like you need more survivability, there are many ways to do that (potions+alchemy, using rogue invisibility to escape the heat for a while, using a trickster to cast mirror image + shield + riposte for temporary god mode, bringing along a druid or priest or paladin in your party, etc.). So don't feel like you need to multiclass with a fighter just for the constant recovery.
  21. I set up an AI script with the axe in SSS that upgrades might inspirations a tier. With a blackjacket/barbarian multiclass, whenever I lacked a might inspiration, my AI script would do frenzy (for strong inspiration), then switch to the axe to upgrade strong to tenacious, switch back to main weapon, then switch back to axe to upgarde tenacious to energized, then switch back to main weapon. It took a while to get right, but it was real nice to have this tedious micro happen automatically and get like 100% uptime on energized. (importantly, when set up correctly, the script switches through the weapons so quickly that you only get the 1/2 second weapon witch delay from blackjacket once)
  22. 1. to do this, for each party member you have to enable auto-attack AI or enable full AI and make sure you have "attack as default action" enabled at the very least, and "defensive" or greater. if you don't have "attack as default action" then after one attack, the character will stop attacking and you have to click again to get them to attack again. Which I find really annoying so I almost never disable "attack as default action" (though for my ultimate run, I did, for safe automated buffing). 2. for each party member you have to enable full AI and assign them scripts. I believe the game assigns them some default scripts. But the spellcasting scripts do not cover even a majority of possible spells you can cast, so relying on it too much may be suboptimal. You can do custom scripts to cover more spells; I don't know if you have the same AI scripting capability as PC, but you can get pretty extensive (especially with mods on PC). 3. On "passive" they will never attack unless you order them to attack. Once they start attacking, they will keep attacking. Similarly, if they have AI scripts assigned, they will not start using them until you direct them to attack, at which point they will start using them. If you tell them to stop, they will just stand around until you order them to do something again. Similarly, on "defensive" they will wait around a bit, but if a party member gets attacked or an enemy gets too close, they will start. You can get them to stop, and they will stay stopped for a few seconds, but they will reactivate if someone's being attacked or an enemy gets too close. On "aggressive" they basically are always trying to do something, and you can only get them to pause for a few seconds by telling them to stop. I basically never leave "aggressive" on my party member AIs as a result.
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