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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. Yes that's true. I still think things would have been better off if you could set up an auto attack. And just you keystrokes for combos.
  2. Went to see Hancock today. The whole superhero as a homeless drunk was new and somewhat interesting, though that was about the only thing it had going for it. After he cleans up the movie takes a turn for the really weird, not bad because nobody sees it coming. 3/5
  3. Especially if you are melee, because you have to push a button for EVERY SINGLE SWING! Good grief, I like combo's and everything but seriously, a keystroke for every swing is excessive.
  4. The whole griefing thing is one of the reasons I avoid playing on battle.net. I do not want to deal with some high level character or whatever deciding to screw me over non stop til I just give up.
  5. Found this again. www.spacesiege.com From the makers of dungeon siege, it looks very interesting and I like what they are doing with keeping your humanity or becoming more cyborg for the power. Supposedly it will be out in september.
  6. I started D2 + xpac up a few weeks before the announcement, not playing it at the moment because I have yet to find a NoCD crack for the damn thing. I hate having my older CDs in the drive, each time it spins up I visualize the disc wearing out a little faster.
  7. I would prefer respecs. Though at considerable cost.
  8. Lawful Neutral Human Sorcerer (2nd Level) Ability Scores: Strength- 13 Dexterity- 10 Constitution- 13 Intelligence- 13 Wisdom- 12 Charisma- 11 Alignment: Lawful Neutral- A lawful neutral character acts as law, tradition, or a personal code directs him. Order and organization are paramount to him. He may believe in personal order and live by a code or standard, or he may believe in order for all and favor a strong, organized government. Lawful neutral is the best alignment you can be because it means you are reliable and honorable without being a zealot. However, lawful neutral can be a dangerous alignment because it seeks to eliminate all freedom, choice, and diversity in society. Race: Humans are the most adaptable of the common races. Short generations and a penchant for migration and conquest have made them physically diverse as well. Humans are often unorthodox in their dress, sporting unusual hairstyles, fanciful clothes, tattoos, and the like. Class: Sorcerers- Sorcerers are arcane spellcasters who manipulate magic energy with imagination and talent rather than studious discipline. They have no books, no mentors, no theories just raw power that they direct at will. Sorcerers know fewer spells than wizards do and acquire them more slowly, but they can cast individual spells more often and have no need to prepare their incantations ahead of time. Also unlike wizards, sorcerers cannot specialize in a school of magic. Since sorcerers gain their powers without undergoing the years of rigorous study that wizards go through, they have more time to learn fighting skills and are proficient with simple weapons. Charisma is very important for sorcerers; the higher their value in this ability, the higher the spell level they can cast.
  9. Oh wow, lets see I have quite a list here. Semi auto colt .45 Semi auto glock 9mm .35 calibur revolver 12 gauge shot gun - semi auto and pump ar-15 assault rifle various hunting rifles lot of different .22s
  10. I very much doubt we will see the necromancer. The witch doctor seems to have nudged him out of the spot. Mixed feelings on the subject, on one hand I liked the necromancer, on the other I would rather see more new classes rather than all the old ones.
  11. This looks FRIKKEN AWESOME!
  12. Have to add Diablo III to my list now XD!
  13. I actually liked diablo 2. It wasn't a great roleplaying experience of any sort, but I did enjoy it just for a little relaxing hack and slash. The story wasn't all that great, the cutscenes were damn awesome for the time though.
  14. It's either that or the WotLK beta announcement.
  15. I also got talked into giving AoC a try, and while the setting is quite refreshing and interesting, I just don't think it will retain a very large player base. AoC is setting itself up as a large scale pvp/siege game, but currently there is a huge class balance problem and funcom is being very bad about communicating their intentions toward players. So what this means is we are seeing very random appearing changes with the twice weekly updates, leaving people very confused about the whole thing. I did like the first 1-20 zone, it's no challenge to MotB or Mass Effect story wise but it's a nice introduction to the world. The problem is that once you get out of the zone the game almost immediately turns into little more than a random grind with only brief glimpses of any overarching storyline, it was something of a letdown for me. The graphics look very nice, particulary the player characters/npcs and water effects. The combat graphics are ok, fatalities are pretty cool though. The actual combat, which is a good 70% of the game are a little weird, melee moves involve combos, which are similar to street fighter or mortal kombat actions, you choose a combo and then have to hit certain attack direction keys in sequence to execute the combo. It's pretty easy and intuitive, but spellcasters just hit a button and frontload their damage, so in many ways ranged has quite the advantage due to not having to press upwards of 5 keypresses to use their abilities. All in all it's not a bad game, I like it as something to try for awhile, but I will not be renewing my subscription. If funcom manages to balance things and get the pvp siege thing going AoC could turn out quite well. But it's just not my thing.
  16. I played the 360 version of ME and after a few tries didn't have any trouble driving the mako around. You just have to adjust the driving stick relative to where the turret is pointing.
  17. SLI does not like more than 1 monitor
  18. The PSU, you can cause some damage long term with not having enough power for everything.
  19. Well a couple of my friends started up Age of Conan, so I decided to try it out so we could play together and stuff. So far it's ok, nothing great or revolutionary, Funcom has quite a bit of work on their hands though.
  20. Anyone planning on going to see the Hulk remake this weekend?
  21. Started playing Age of Conan, I am on the Set server, character name is Rodderick, I don't really expect it to last for very long honestly, the game looks pretty but the mechanics of it are just asking for it to fall apart in a couple months.
  22. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am far far more worried about some nutjob behind the wheel of a car than one who has a gun or a knife. ><
  23. Oh good, he definately earned it.
  24. Honestly I liked Indy 4. I didn't really expect anything great or profound from the movie, I just went to the theatre expecting to see a decent adventure flick and that's what it was. My biggest disappointment was that the villain in the movie did not appear particularly villainous or menacing. But it's hard to top SS torturerers or evil priests who can rip the heart from a man's chest.
  25. It looks so awesome. The ideas they have for the SP campaign sound good as well. I wonder what the have planned for multiplayer.
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