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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. I really don't believe authorities will be able to make significant progress against the drug trade as long as there are people willing to pay a great deal of money for it.
  2. Starcraft 2 NWN 2 Expac Hmmm, I was sure there was something else but I can't seem to remember at the moment.
  3. It's only cool if it happens to someone else. Besides, nature strikes back at humanity all the time; tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis...etc You think all those people getting killed is cool too?
  4. Proof please!
  5. Congratulations! Best of luck to you all.
  6. I like: Red Alert IWS BG Bloodlines
  7. I am somewhat pessimistic in my expectations of random people on the internet.
  8. But they would do it for a power trip. And I wouldn't really trust many of the decent, polite people in that game to know what to do with creating content. If you want to enjoy player created content with other people stick with the NWN2 modules. I would very much enjoy seeing some nice GM run events though.
  9. I played WoW for little over a year. And given the number of jerks and extremely immature players I encountered I wouldn't want most of them posting on a forum the developers read, let alone given ANY control of the game.
  10. I am in favor of the death penalty. I believe that individuals who kill other individuals "in cold blood" should be made to face the fate they inflicted on another. As for whether or not rapists, child or otherwise, should be sentenced to death, I do not beleive so. However in every case except perhaps under the influence of mind altering drugs, I believe rapists should be sentanced to life in prison without parole. Castration or some other form of esoteric punishment would not be be an effective solution in my opinion. Because rape is, as I understand it from my limited knowledge, a power trip more than anything else. As such the offender would probably seek another outlet for his/her issues. I hope that made sense, I am not the most eloquent of people. On of the reasons for my low post count.
  11. Awwww I wuv kitties!
  12. That would be awesome if they did it right.
  13. So you were going out of your way to grind for these traits and deeds? That does seem boring. I don't know why you would do that when you could naturally progress your character and simply accept the titles and traits that your adventures led to. The combat is rather slow, although it depends on your class. It's also a low magic world, so rather than spells, you rely mostly on combination fighting moves. I'm enjoying it, but it's another aspect that is very similiar to other MMO's. Well I was playing during open beta, if you couldn't get a group for the downs then there really wasn't much else to do.
  14. I was not specifically referring to the quests, but the traits and such in the deeds system. To earn the title "Fly Swatter" you have to kill 30 of these misquito things in the swamp. After that is finished you can kill 60 of them to earn a trait that enhances some aspect of your character, and then there is an advanced level you can have access to if you kill 120 or so of these bugs. Very annoying way to customize your character in my opinion. Though I could live with it if the combat system wasn't so...slow. Too many long cooldowns on my abilities. Though I did only reach lvl 15 so there is probably much more to do when you hit cap.
  15. I gave the open beta a try for a week or so. Not too bad, but not nearly good enough to buy and play. Too much of go kill 30 of one type of mobs, then go kill 60 of them, then you get a little buff to your stats, and now you get to go do it over again. The combat was a bit too slow for my preferred style of play, and the lack of pvp to make things interesting didn't help much either. The next MMO I am looking forward to would be Warhammer Online. Which is looking pretty damn awesome already.
  16. tripleRRR


    Music from the Godfather movies.
  17. And have her become a martyr? To who? Spoiled rich kids?
  18. o_O That could either be very good or very bad.
  19. According to a friend who works at Blizzard, they are currently working on SC2 which is an RTS, Diablo 3 which is currently a single player action RPG, though it could become an MMO at some point. And they are working the beginning stages of a new MMO that is supposedly going to be a new IP. It is for this last project that all the want adds are referring.
  20. I really do not like the sound of this "revamped combat system" thing. The old way was about as close to perfect as it could get in my opinion. Why should they change it?
  21. For all you wow players out there.
  22. I liked the first one, not so much the 2nd. The 3rd just looks kinda stupid or maybe I am just too old to enjoy these kids movies. I'll probably still get dragged out to go see it though. Will just have to try not to think too much when I am watching it.
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