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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. So much potential went down the drain with Lionheart. :'(
  2. Don't forget there were these bits in Diablo where the goal was to destroy your own mouse through incessant clicking. I think they called it gameplay. Diablo was nothing more than a mindless clickfest. Now, it was a good mindless clickfest that I found relaxing. Nothing like not having to think at all about what you are doing. Just clicking on the bad guys on the screen.
  3. I'm all for robbing banks, but not for a 360. You don't rob banks for $300-$400 unless you have drug problems. You rob the 7/11 for that much cash, not a bank.
  4. Maybe in a year or two after release. They did that with Jade Empire.
  5. Man what state allows you to carry a 5 inch knife around in a school?
  6. Street Fighter is by far the most hilarious action flick I have ever seen. I still watch it to laugh through the entire thing.
  7. At this point an armed on call swat team on campus is starting to sound like a good idea.
  8. Yeah the Aliens vs. Predator games were surprisingly good. I especially had fun during the first one playing on hardest difficulty with only 3 saves per level.
  9. They surely will write him in a whiney way...because the gals today like these sort of "men". It's called "Emo."
  10. Baldur's Gate 3 Icewind Dale 3 Freespace 3 C&C Red Alert 3
  11. I don't know about the rest of you but I never take my games seriously. Way too much stress lies that way.
  12. The only thing the halo storyline is comparable to is the cheap sci fi novels you can buy at the supermarket.
  13. DotA at the moment. Waiting for MotB next month. For those who don't know Defense of the Ancients is a popular Warcraft 3 custom map.
  14. Man comparing the Halo games to ancient sagas is so pathetic it's not even funny.
  15. Everything I have heard and seen about ME sounds awesome. Fortunately dad got a 360 for his birthday so I will grab a copy and play it over at the parents place.
  16. I read the first couple books and it was way tooo much of a tolkien rip off for my tastes. But I know quite a few other people loved his books. Too bad he died before he could finish.
  17. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLD! :edit -- I wonder if this means we will be getting the rumored sept. 27 date instead of sometime in october.
  18. It's far more likely that we would still be going at each others throats til the very end unfortunately.
  19. Religion is more often just an excuse for behavior than the reason for it in my opinion.
  20. Looks like none of mine are up there anymore. My account expired in july this year. Probably for the best, I played that game way too much.
  21. In my experiences most mac users are computer neophytes that have bought into the "Macs are cool" hype apple is putting out. They don't brag at all, just some complaining about compatibility issues that pop up now and then.
  22. Maybe so they can play it in Germany? As any well behaved little german kid should be able to tell you, blood can have any colour but red Germans are still massively overcompensating for WW2.
  23. In no particular order: HK-47 Mira Viconia Annah Morte Sarevok
  24. No, I have no problems with humans getting beaten up pretty badly, what I had problems with was the image that I had got that humans couldn't even scratch those damn robots. But if they can, my apologies for the rant. Uh in the movie humans killed the scorpion thing in the desert, and the captain dude killed Blackout if I remember correctly.
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