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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. I wonder if this means MS expects Halo Wars to tank.
  2. Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Starcrat: Brood War Dawn of War Hellgate: London - if only the game was as good as all the media they produced
  3. I don't know why this is surprising. Groups like RELOADED go through copy protection schemes like a chainsaw through butter.
  4. Personally I'll stick with firefox 3 for a few more months. Just to let them work some of the bugs out. But I plan on switching to chrome in the future, 100%.
  5. Ewww.
  6. What ISP do you use that limits you to 30GB?
  7. I use a Raid 0 for performance. All my files and such are on a separate terabyte drive. It works well.
  8. It would have been nice if the alignment wheel actually affected more than your choice of dialog though. If I remember correctly it didn't present much in the way of gameplay effects aside from a couple times where it was much harder to avoid killing everyone.
  9. You should try the DS2 expansion. The classes it introduces are somewhat subpar but it still has lots more good stuff.
  10. The only sameness I really noticed from Bio's last few games was the ONE GREAT PLOT TWIST thingy. There was one in KotOR, JE, and to a slightly lesser degree ME. Now I have no big problem with this kind of plot but come on. The amnesia thing is also something I really do not want to see any more of but that's not solely a Bio deal.
  11. First as samm said, clean it, once a month works for me. Also get dust filters on the intake fans, hopefully you have at least a couple. Those are the simple and cheap approaches to keeping the temp down. You won't really be able to reduce the overall temperature generated by your machine, however you can disperse the heat more quickly so you won't have to eat more soup, install a couple more big 120 fans, new heatsink for the cpu, et cetera.
  12. I did like the dark crusade/soulstorm single player campaign model. At least the first couple playthroughs, after that it becomes repetetive and annoying have to kill the same enemies on the same maps. Your race may be different but once you get enough of the commander upgrades and a big escort the game essentially becomes a "point starting army toward enemy, then watch your elite strike force pile up the bodies" kind of game. The more I read about DoW2 campaign the more excited I get about it. Can't wait for this game.
  13. Well, the lack of choice is there, in reality there are only 2. The whole cybernetics/no cybernetics thing plus that one at the end. In all honesty this didn't bother me so much as the fact that you don't even really see much impact. Though I have only played through once with no cybers installed. Working on a second playthrough with all the goodies this time. As for the control issues I didn't really feel any problems. There was alot of stuff you could do so the bars filled up fast. Biggest problem for me was that harvey could be really stupid sometimes, that happens with AI controlled party members in just about every game though. My single biggest beef is that the environment is so sterile and very much the same. GPG should have taken a page out of Doom 3 and added some dark parts where you could only see muzzle flashes, would have made the cybernetic eye useful too. Overall a good game, not much from a roleplay perspective, better than Dungeon Siege 2. But DS2 edges it out in the gameplay and world departments. I do like it though, will definately play it for a couple more weeks. Which is high praise from me for an RPG/action game.
  14. What game is that anyway?
  15. Playing Space Siege now. Not as good as Dungeon Siege 2, but it's a good dungeon crawl.
  16. From a technical standpoint WoW's graphics are amazing. They look good on a computer that is 10 years old. And I have always liked the style, WoW is supposed to be cartoony and over the top, depends on your taste I guess.
  17. People graduate university without that faculty, though. People teach university without that faculty. : /
  18. Street Fighter was so damn cheesy it was hilarious. My friends and I still watch that movie every couple months just for the laughs. It is sooo damn funny.
  19. Very much so too high. Heck 50 celcius is high.
  20. Yes, yes they do.
  21. Quiet you. Supreme Commander was an exceptional RTS game.
  22. It looks like footage from the game. Forged Alliance looks almost that good at high graphics settings, so with some improvements to the engine and the new technologies available I can see how it would be.
  23. Man that looks so awesome.
  24. For the most part I found NWN combat to be just as boring as KotOR. All you did just about every fight was queue up your party's moves for a couple turns then hunt for loot.
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