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Everything posted by tripleRRR

  1. That says he would do it. Not that he has already been offered anything. I do hope you are correct but at this point it's too early to tell.
  2. That continent is so messed up.
  3. The only part about the ending that I didn't really like is that
  4. Well I canceled Age of Conan so now I am replaying the Forged Alliance campaign as the UEF instead of Cybran. It's not as easy but that is not a bad thing. Also playing the War3: TFT Dota map. It's hard finding good games, quite a few people leave as soon as something happens that they don't like. But I still manage to find a couple good ones per week so I keep playing.
  5. Well I am no expert but over nearly 70 years of comics I am sure we can dig up some villain that will fit the current incarnation of the Dark Knight. Since the last 2 movies showcased 2 villains; Scarecrow and Ras Al-ghul in Batman Begins, Joker and Two-face in the Dark Knight. I think we can expect 2 more for the next one, there is quite a huge list to pick from. Personally I would like to see a catwoman, mainly to redeem the character from the farce that was the last movie, and then perhaps Bane or riddler. Riddler I think could easily be made to fit into Nolan's vision of Batman. Something of a genius who is arrogant enough to announce his next crime in riddle form or something. I did hear that Nolan only reluctantly came back to direct for the Dark Knight, I hope he returns for the next one.
  6. Honestly I am waiting for the day when you can use the same disc on either a console or a pc. That would be awesome. Probably a few years away though.
  7. Uh that kinda depends on what kind of MOBO you have. Processor to a degree also. My setup has a monster CPU heatsink, 2 input fans and 3 output fans plus the PSU is below the MOBO and blowing air out. So my temp is 89 fahrenheit on north and south. A good idea would be to look up the manufacturer's website, if they have forums you can search for info you need. If they don't have it then a google search might help.
  8. Well I just saw Dark Knight. It is definately the best comic book movie yet. Absolutely fantastic. Must see this movie.
  9. In this generation yes. Thats what I thought of when I first saw the demo. Of course I only started playing games in the mid 90s.
  10. She just tagged along. I liked her.
  11. Eh the hit key to swing thing got old for me very fast. Plus pvp as melee with it is a godawful nightmare ><. The game is ok but doesn't grip me enough to pay for it any longer.
  12. All I am doing is leveling all the classes that interest me to the early 30s then starting a new one.
  13. Less than 10 hours really. If you do all the quests and listen to all the dialog then you might hit 12.
  14. At age 15 I damn well knew hand grenades killed people. And that throwing them at people would probably get somebody killed. I also knew that killing someone would get me into trouble. Now how much trouble and for how long I would have no idea. But the basics were there.
  15. This looks incredible. The cinematic was even better than I expected. I had thought that blur would have a hard time topping the cinematic from the first Dawn of War. But damn. I watched that thing 5 times today in HD. Awesome!!!! I am so excited about this game.
  16. My last PSU was an Antec Neopower. It nearly fried my entire mobo when I first turned the damn thing on. Kinda scared to get anything Antec right now.
  17. Yeah, despite everything that was said I was very sad to hear EA buying Bio. EA has ruined too many awesome franchises with it's stupid little development philosophy.
  18. Yes Intel is leading the way in the processor market these days. And with the upcoming release of the Nehalem chips that gap will widen even further. And I highly reccomend getting a quad core, it will last longer than a dual and if you are into the whole graphics thing it will make life easier for you. As for price drops I don't really know much, I have a friend who is absolutely obsessive about that sort of thing so I usually just ask him about it. I do know that Intel and nVidia are in a huge fight over nVidia's SLI technology. How that will affect things is anybody's guess.
  19. 32bit XP cannot use more than 3.98 gigs of RAM, vista has the same issue I think. I use XP 64 which is fairly stable and does not have any of Vista's many issues. For graphics cards I am an nVidia fan so I would reccomend the 8800 GT. Great performance for it's price and it is SLI capable. For motherboards I would reccomend just surfing around newegg for something with the specs you want then looking the board up on a couple PC hardware review sites and see what they think. I prefer to build my own PCs but if you want something prebuilt you can find something for about the same price. If you really don't want to hassle with things and want to have someone you can run to screaming for help then getting a prebuilt may help.
  20. Meh on chaos, they don't wash enough. Imperial Guard!!!!!
  21. OooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooo!
  22. Well that trailer was complete crap.
  23. Well you could try searching google for an app that would let you measure your PS output. I don't think you will find any, that sort of thing requires hardware support IIRC. My advice would be to open the system up and take a look. If all else fails you could look around the manufacturer's website and see if you can spot the model there.
  24. It would make more sense/be slightly better if it was a superman type thing. For the first half of the movie that's what you are thinking. After the big reveal/plot twist you spend the rest of the movie doing a WTF is THIS crap. That whole thing made me really regret paying to see it. First half was awesome and funny though.
  25. I dunno, the game still looks interesting enough for me. I liked playing DS I & II just for a basic hack and slash that they were. If I want "deep" storyline and whatnot I would go play MotB or something. The setting is also a nice hook for me, I don't know about the rest of you but the whole fantasy setting for god damn near EVERYTHING that says RPG in it is getting tiresome.
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