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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Lord of the Rings Online. It's pretty amazing how well that game has held up graphically after 7 years. My kids have been playing it a lot, they love just running around the Shire and Bree lands exploring.
  2. Am I the only one playing this? Blacksmithing seems to be pretty hard to improve, but I guess that should be expected. I'm having a blast exploring, just like with most ES games. I played my first public dungeon and it was a lot of fun. I got whooped by a deadra lord early on, but with some patience and a few more buddies I was able to finish him off my second go around. I'm really happy with the amount of quests where you can pretty much avoid combat altogether.
  3. It shouldn't be surprising, there are a lot of sports where large fellows thrive. Linemen in football are huge and it seems to be a prerequisite in bowling
  4. Prince Fielder is a dominant big guy Pablo Sandoval hit 3 home runs in a World Series opener.
  5. I'm not one to ever question Billy Beane, I'm guessing Choice will have some fatal flaw in the majors The Hunter Pence contract is summed up nicely here. It is eye popping, but Pence is a pretty valuable player to the team. People are more upset that they wouldn't give Pablo Sandoval the same deal, but it all comes down to health. Speaking of which I think they Giants are a very solid team, but they are one injury away from catastrophe. Of course, the Dodgers are in trouble if they lose Kershaw for an extended time, so I guess that is applicable to all teams.
  6. It's a bit crowded in the newbie zones, but I'm having a blast. I really am enjoying the crafting, I hope that sticks for me. I'm struggling with the pick everything up disease of all ES games. I have a lot of different types of grains right now.
  7. Much to my surprise, this game is now live. I kept thinking we had until Friday, but I had forgotten about the 5 day head start for most preorders. I jumped in and created my Redguard named Taranto. So far so good, they changed things a bit from the beta, namely that the whole world is opened up right away.
  8. Just bought Hitman Absolution for a few bucks on Steam. I remember a fair amount of vitriol about it when it came out, but it had a pretty decent rating and I loved Blood Money, so it's worth a risk.
  9. It's an even year, so I look forward to watching the Giants win the World Series.
  10. I just beat up some gnomes in South Park in a very uncomfortable setting.
  11. That seems like a decent place to go with the series, although I dread what they will do to the history.
  12. A trifle? That's a bit of an understatement.
  13. Am I missing a thread somewhere? The response has been pretty reasonable from what I've seen in this thread. Some people are uninterested, some are curious, some are excited.
  14. Now I want a piroshki, which is near impossible to find.
  15. I'm guessing they will make money the same way every other free 2 play game makes money. It isn't exactly an uncommon business model in today's industry. That being said, it does make it likely that this is a smaller project for Obsidian, much like how Dungeon Siege 3 was smaller and came in at a lower price point. This is going to be the first Obsidian game that is not an obvious RPG. Weird.
  16. I did not win a billion dollars.
  17. The game itself is kind of uninteresting.
  18. They're the developer. This is their other big game announcement. Huh... Where the heck is the press release?
  19. If this is anything like their Skyforge deal, than it is a low risk project for Obsidian that helps keep the money flowing in. Nothing to really be worried about. It's a bit odd to think what their role is in this though.
  20. Pretty much in love with Beck's "Morning Phase" It's super calming.
  21. If they're in the same industry they're competitors. Apples and oranges are both fruit. If oranges want to succeed, people have to buy less of every other fruit. Not really. They are literally apples and oranges. There is plenty of room in the marketplace for both, they are both successful independently and they work together well in juices and salads. I doubt apple farmers spend any time at all worrying about the strength of the orange market, or vice versa. It would be entirely different if Obsidian and Bioware were on a similar release schedule, or their product were a closer match. But Dragon Age and PE are very different products that have been marketed in very different ways.
  22. I've never really thought of Obsidian and Bioware as competitors. Given that they've shared two different IP's, I doubt anyone in the two companies thinks of their relationship as adversarial.
  23. With that type of criteria, good luck finding any Presidents that don't meet your definition of a tyrant.
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