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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I was looking for something fun to watch, and settled on Tropic Thunder. Someone had complained about it here recently, so I thought maybe it just didn't age well. I hadn't seen it in a decade. It was as great as I remembered. Basically the Vietnam version of The Three Amigos. Just a bunch of hilarious performances. It was a perfect way to end a long week.
  2. I would agree that gameplay and level design are awesome. Story is pretty good, but they drag out the dialogue painfully. I think if you liked HR you will like this. I do not regret the purchase. Of course, I'm only about 10 hours in and still in the first main hub. But I don't think anything dramatic will happen to change my mind.
  3. oby has to be the weirdest person ever. I mean, we've got some peaches around here, but he really takes the cake. The longevity is what is so impressive.
  4. These weird triangles I keep collecting in Deus Ex are frustrating. I love collecting tchotchkes, but they want you to scan it with your phone using their app. That's pretty absurd, but then it turns out that the app doesn't even work for most people. Lame.
  5. It's all part of our mental health outreach program here on the Obsidian Forums™. It isn't about what the OP is saying, but rather that he feels he is being heard and cared for. Good work folks.
  6. So far I've only snuck around a construction zone reading emails. But I will let you know if I end up in any offices.
  7. I enjoyed Human Revolution quite a bit, and I'm enjoying Mankind Divided just as much. Yeah, I'm in the same boat. MD has added a lot of stuff, but it is still very much the same type of game.
  8. You guys don't have different options available when you buy your car? Usually every car model has three different packages available. Then of course you have all the negotiations that need to be made. Basically car dealerships suck and so do video game publishers.
  9. With all the advances in technology, why is dubbing still so bad in movies? Ah well, subtitles are still the way to go.
  10. My wife was commenting on how unhealthy Clinton looks. She seems to be struggling with walking. Given the way her health declined during her Secretary of State run, I'm really surprised that isn't a bigger concern at this point.
  11. Sadly Gromnir is right, the best way to make a healthy soup is to buy the low sodium broth. I use Kitchen Basics, but really anything other than Swanson is a good choice, just check out the salt content. I don't get the unsalted, because I think I'd probably put in too much salt myself making up for the bland flavor. I know Gromnir loves to make it himself, but when he explained the whole process a few years ago in the cooking thread its sounded like a lot of work! My easiest soup is Cauliflower Soup which is really just as simple as it gets. I tend to throw some romano or other sharp cheese on top to give it some character, and there are a lot of tweaks you can do to it. My favorite is Leek Potato Soup (I love Alton Brown.) This one is a bit heartier. I leave out the buttermilk, and I think my wife puts a dollop of sour cream. You can play with the recipe a bit. Both of these are great for dipping a bit of bread. I'm ready for winter now.
  12. Selling performance boosts in a single player game, wonderful. Do they have it locked at the hardest difficulty, and make you pay extra to play on easy?
  13. I'm surprised on the soup. I assume you mean the restaurant and store bought types, since they are typically loaded with salt. But I make a couple really nice soups that have little to no salt in them, so let me know if you need some recipes. There are also a couple good low sodium options out there in stores.
  14. If your party can't put forward a decent candidate, they don't deserve your loyalty. Our vote is our most powerful tool in enacting change. If we vote for the same party every time regardless of their actions, we are giving up our power.
  15. Everybody? Really? How would that even work? You can write in candidates in 43 states. Each state handles this different, but we are not locked in to two candidates. I get that the GOP and Dems have represented the vast majority of the country for over a century, and they've has success with more moderate policies compared to many of the fringe 3rd party groups that often sound a but wacky. But both parties seem to be flying off the rails. These candidates suck. If they are not going to put up viable candidates, voters should not feel like they still have to vote for them because of tradition and viability. It's like a self fulfilling prophecy. People are voting for Clinton or Trump because they are being told they are the only options.
  16. Why isn't Johnson a serious candidate, anyways? He is on every ballot. Is it because he doesn't have as much money?
  17. Again with the "serious candidates". How serious would they be if people did not cast negative votes? This whole idea that only the democrat and the republican are the serious candidates is the definition of insanity. We cannot break the cycle of we keep voting for the same two parties over and over.
  18. The only reason Clinton and Trump are regarded as serious candidates over a 3rd party is because of this idea that you have to vote for one of these two candidates. We have Johnson on every ballot. We should have more than that. This is a pretty important office, there should always be an option available that you are comfortable voting for. If people stopped negative voting, how would that change how our elections work?
  19. I expect Johnson to pull in more than 5%. I'd guess somewhere around 12% is likely. Jill Stein will probably pull in close to 5%.
  20. Are you talking about the consoles? We've always had to wait on the PC. I used to plan my day around when it would be time to swap out the next install disc.
  21. I believe you do a mix of estimating based on diameter and comparing to other nearby trees, while factoring possible environmental issues in the area of the time period.
  22. That stumpy thing? It's just a baby, out in California we have really old trees.
  23. I've never understood who even buys season passes.
  24. Not really, friendly fire was implemented/ignored in RPGs according to whatever worked for that particular game since the inception of the genre. I'm more worried about Obsidian dropping 6 member parties and Josh Sawyer mentioning on several occasions that combat in Pillars of Eternity was confusing due to the party size, which quite frankly seems ridiculous to me. Honestly I thought it was a mess in PoE. There were so many abilities and spells scattered across so many characters that I gave up micromanaging early on. I'd prefer smaller parties. In D&D I don't remember having so many abilities for melee and ranged folks, meaning I could just micromanage the magic ones.
  25. Didn't have time to watch the video yet, but I'd imagine based solely on the hormone replacement medication, they would not qualify.
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