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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Ah yes, all successful athletes must be using PED's. How else do we explain them being better than us at stuff.
  2. I hope Russian hackers don't find out I use an inhaler for seasonal allergies, I might get banned from my rec hockey league.
  3. Yeah but cloak is for cheaters. (I used the cloak too. )
  4. It's not a good bill. It's a tragic situation, but this is misplaced blame. It's the same thing with victims of gun violence going after gun makers.
  5. Did you try the Beyond Earth expansion? I heard it made it a lot better, but I'm not sure if I'm willing to throw more money at it.
  6. This joke has taken on a different look...
  7. You are free to pray, but when an authority figure creates a situation where a group is expected to pray, that violates your rights as an individual.
  8. As I said before, Clinton is clearly the kind of person that will work herself to death. Admirable that she is so committed to her goal, but not exactly ideal if she is already having health issues before the election. The job doesn't get easier.
  9. To be fair, Larian has always had 'quirky' writing. It's bad, but in a campy way.
  10. don't doubt you, man, but if that's the case, why not say it directly to the mic instead of having it caught on a hot mic by accident? Most people talk differently in one on one conversations than in speeches and interviews. This was about missile defense, I believe. The way to tell if this was some shadowy deal is pretty simple, did something sketchy happen with the missile defense plan?
  11. Actually I could totally see a Yoga Simulator working.
  12. Huh, did not expect the Raiders to pull that off, that was a good game.
  13. That's just common sense, it isn't cryptic. Of course he has more flexibility after he has been elected for a second term. He know longer needs to worry about being elected, his campaigning days are behind him. People chasing shadows.
  14. I took my dog in for neutering a couple days ago. He seems pretty upset about it. They also gave me a cone to keep him away from the stitches. They kept calling it an e-cone, and I have no idea why. I thought it was called the cone of shame. He's recovering well though.
  15. I think it is a terrible misstep for Clinton to go full bore on the name calling. Trump is better at it than her.
  16. I actually think Nixon is a better person than the majority of our politicians today, based on two facts. In 1960 the election was extremely close between him and JFK, and he could have challenged the outcome, there was plenty of whispers of fraud that might have turned the tide. He chose not to, he didn't want to come across like a sore loser. Then, after Watergate, he chose to resign. I can't even imagine a politician doing that today. Those both struck me as kind of honor among thieves moments.
  17. Huh, well I guess I may be buying into the whole EA propaganda that DA:I sold like hotcakes. They got me! I do remember there being a lot more issues in development with DA:O. I would guess that is what had them veer off the development model.
  18. The weird thing is the 'ending' could be different depending on the order you did stuff. It felt lit should end with Marchenko, but I ended up fighting him first before I rescued the board.
  19. Dumb and dumber To - The original is a favorite of mine. This one was really bad for the first 20 minutes, then it settled into a decent rhythm (and I was on my 2nd beer.) The writing and gags were probably on the same level as the original, but Lloyd and Harry were a problem. These guys are older, and it was painful to watch their lack of chemistry at the start. I felt it mellowed out though and had some good laughs. Still not anywhere near the original, or course.
  20. Funny, that 2010 Bioware have them beat in this regard. In DAO you could try and fight your way through a party that was obviously designed to be, if not unbeatable, certainly overpowering. Defeating the encounter meant missing the jailbreak sequence. Beyond that, the consequences for your choice there weren't that far-reaching, but at least the game allowed for it, mechanically and narratively. Fast forward a few years, you have Biower producing a turd of an ending in three different flavors, and an Obsidz that wants to protect its players from "bad choices". DAO isn't spectacularly profound in its C&C, but when it does it better than your game, well, maybe some reflection is warranted. Don't do drugs bad choices, kids. (brb just signing up for a KKKodex account real quick) This reinforces my point. DAIII sold way better than DAO. It's the players that are pushing this crap.
  21. I own Halcyon 6, but I haven't played it yet. Seems like a cool concept so I backed it.
  22. Well being a hardcore RPG and offering lots of ways to lose are two different things. Did PoE have any other game enders other than the Pit?
  23. Don't blame the developer, blame the players. You don't stay in business by ignoring the people that buy your product.
  24. No. Not really even close. They've got a few modules out, and they seem to be still working on it pretty regularly. I wouldn't expect it to drop in 2016, but delays are hardly unique in game development, and given the scope of the project, should be expected. I've got a few kickstarted projects that are much less likely to ever ship. The Space Quest one, Quest for Glory one, and some game by the guy who designed Civ V. Those games look dead and are years behind schedule. And all of those were pretty small scale games. edit: I haven't followed too closely, but it looks like you can already fly a ship around and shoot stuff. No idea how good it is, but it's not vaporware.
  25. I'm never going to understand this line of thinking. It is self perpetuating. We have a system in place that allows for change. We have the means to do it. We even have historical precedent to look at. The odds are it will not happen in this election. But that doesn't mean everyone should just roll over and accept our new overlord. Over 40% of people don't even vote, and I doubt self defeatist statements like this help move that needle. Ross Perot captured nearly 19% of the vote in '92, but he was an independent and was not able to build on that momentum. Johnson may pull of similar numbers by the end of this. I don't know if he can capitalize on that either, or if the Libertarian party can build on it, but I see know reason not to place some hope in it.
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