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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Just our standard political bickering, nothing to see here.
  2. And yet I often feel exhausted by the mental gymnastics routine you put me through. I must train harder.
  3. "The power of acute observation is often mistaken for cynicism by those who have not got it." - George Bernard Shaw Not all of us graduated Magna **** Laude.
  4. Nah, that's more like brown-shirt fascism that anything else And those are different how? This is coming from the left, enabled by one of the major parties. Ah yes, every white kid that that gets beat up by a black kid is clearly part of the left wing agenda. Just to counteract WoD's doom and gloom:
  5. Hockey fans only stab people with skate blades, to be clear.
  6. Yeah, I was rushing off and should have been more clear about Cato, my apologies. It isn't unbiased. It does at least make an attempt to look at numbers, which the Washington Post does not.
  7. The article doesn't look to closely at the actual numbers in New Mexico though, which tend to paint him in a favorable light. Here is a different view: http://www.cato.org/blog/cato-fiscal-grades-gary-johnson-william-weld?utm_content=bufferd3c14&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_campaign=buffer
  8. Clinton just secured the Gfted vote. Can't we just drone the guy?
  9. Trying to lump Ginsberg in with any of them is patently silly. The woman broke down gender barriers every step she took, it is hardly a surprise that she is liberal. That doesn't make her a commie, and it is laughable to lump her in with the SJW movement. She overcame legitimate obstacles to get where she is. I'm not saying anyone needs to agree with her stances, far from it. But if you can't respect someone like Ginsberg for the journey she made, then I feel bad for you. You've been blinded by politics. Maybe take a lesson from Justice Scalia.
  10. I'm excited that the Giants swept the Dodgers, and I know Madbum can win any game, but I still don't think you are in the playoffs until you get past the single elimination WC game. Bring on the Mets.
  11. In a normal election, both Trump and Clinton would have been dead in the water long ago. This is a weird one. Also enjoying WoD trying to channel McCarthy.
  12. Throwing the SJW label at Ginsberg is ridiculous. The woman was born in 1933, she has overcome a tremendous amount of adversity to get where she is today.
  13. He was fishing for a comment on PoE. Huh, I'd think it was a comment on Blizzard, since they are pretty obsessive about balance.
  14. That would be a great scenario for Native Americans.
  15. I hope his dream game is not Armored Warfare.
  16. Star Trek definitely seems like the better place to live as your average citizens. People keep blowing up planets in Star Wars.
  17. GD has criticized the Libertarian party for not being better at the local level quite a few times. I believe he hopes that Johnson exposure (that felt dirty) will help lead to more success at the state level.
  18. It loses it's appeal after driving through it for a few hours.
  19. I'm not sure if that has much to do with youth. In my 20's I could handle all sorts of crazy roller coasters and had some pretty turbulent flights. Now, close to my 40's, I am close to retching if I turn around too quickly.
  20. Trump may be ruthless when he thinks it's necessary, but I don't think he's a nasty guy. Then you are totally blinded by your loyalty.
  21. It would not be surprising if he did. They are both terrible, yay.
  22. Watched the first episode of Luke Cage. It has a tremendous amount of style. I like him a lot better than Daredevil, although I'm not sold on the villains yet. So far Jessica Jones is still my favorite, but this one seems more fun than both DD and JJ.
  23. My commute on Friday has all the characteristics of a great American novel. It begins with a sense of anticipation and excitement, followed by tragedy and loss, acceptance and reflective thought, a sudden twist or two, then a rising story arc before the exhaustive conclusion.
  24. I see myself giving Sunless Sea another shot someday. I think I need to be in a certain headspace, or at least be prepared to do a good amount of reading. But many games are like that, I often put them down and come back under better circumstances.
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