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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Yeah, I also have been trying to convince myself that Fallout 4 is worth finishing.
  2. I disagree with everything you wrote and everything you stand for. Actually I agree about the abilities, but the story was fantastic.
  3. Not quite an RV, but still a pretty sweet ride. Looking forward to the updates!
  4. Looks like it might be a good conclusion to the whole Wolverine/Hugh Jackman storyline. Hard to imagine anyone else filling that role.
  5. Slowly releasing personal emails a month before the election in order to make the Clinton campaign look bad is pretty clearly a biased act. It's also a dangerous precedent to set, Rubio had a pretty good response to the situation: http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/exclusive-rubio-talk-wikileaks-donald-trump/story?id=42895586
  6. I read an article today that a survey of NFL revealed that 29% of them were watching less this season, and 40% blame the protests that Kaepernick started. Which is ridiculous in a game with actual problems like CTE.
  7. Propaganda does not need to be false, it just needs to be presented in a way that is biased.
  8. You can't really blame the left fully, since the Patriot Act was a pretty massive move against personal freedom. But the left has continued the trend the last 8 years.
  9. I don't know man, I don't think you can recapture the magic of The Room.
  10. Fixed it for you. I can't argue with that. As an aside, this last week I spent a couple hours on the phone with my health insurance company. A few months ago, my wife switched jobs, and so we needed to change insurance. We went through my school district. In order to change, you have to show a termination of benefits letter. So we turn all this in and I start paying an exorbitant amount to cover my family (it's about $600 a month.) A couple months go by and I get a letter from the insurance company denying payment on a claim because they say we are covered under another plan. So let me try to explain the ridiculous chain of calls that ensue. First, I call our 3rd party insurance administrator. Anthem Blue Cross is our plan provider, but we have a 3rd party that handles the school district. The 3rd party tells me to call Anthem Blue Cross. Anthem tells me the 3rd party rejected it, so I call the 3rd party again. They transfer me to an administrator, who asks me to email a picture of the claim rejection letter. THIS LETTER WAS SENT BY THE 3RD PARTY! Still, I do it. Then another woman from the 3rd party calls me and asks for the letter of termination from my wife's last job. I tell her to talk to my school district about that. A few days later I get another call from the administrator asking for a copy of the termination letter, saying he has talked to my school district and thry do not have it. I email my school district and they send me the form after about 5 minutes. I send it on to this effing administrator. Just to remind everyone, I pay an exorbitant amount for this circus of clowns to pay my health care providers. Gah.
  11. Are you on Obamacare? I know my insurance kept rising even before Obamacare. I am no fan of it, but I think the health insurance industry as a whole is terribly broken.
  12. You couldn't keep your previous insurance?
  13. The goal is to get more than a token seat in congress for these 3rd parties, and there is historical precedent for it. The trouble is the modern era has been more difficult for smaller parties. But given the current levels of unhappiness within both major parties, this would seem to be a good time to try and capture some more seats. edit: There have been 111 3rd party folks in the house of representatives since Reconstruction. But right now there is just one. That's an issue.
  14. I'm a bit cranky about the treatment he is getting. I mean, sure, I'm a Giants fan and it is in my nature to hate the Dodgers, but the guy has a lot left to do before he sheds his playoff history. So far he's had a great game and a great relief appearance, but he is still sporting a 3.72 ERA for this postseason, and a much worse over his career. He ain't MadBum.
  15. Thanks everybody, just needed to use the High Res patch for Fallout and now everything looks better.
  16. That's a fantastic flyer. I feel like I need to show that to my students.
  17. I started a game of Fallout, I have the GOG version that was free from awhile back. It's ok, but it looks pretty dated. I wonder if the Steam version is any better graphically. Anyone know?
  18. That's very big of you, WoD. I know we have a lot of disagreements on policies, but I admire that you are sticking to certain principals regardless of party lines.
  19. Is the dog what were are supposed to be seeing? I'm interested to see how the Sharks respond to making it the the Finals last year. I hope they can keep the momentum going and have a great season. We've only got a few more left with the current core that has been so good for so long.
  20. I like how the editor of that video complains about controlling the narrative while completely forcing his own narrative on the speech.
  21. Ok, but it doesn't mean we should torpedo the guy.
  22. I loved the whole Ken Bone story, it was a nice distraction from the terrible election. It's sad that we live in a world where as soon as someone gets a little bit of positive attention, others look to tear that person down. I suppose it is a good lesson to be careful with social media. I mean none of the stuff they dredged up on him is actually all that wild, but I doubt any of us want every post we've ever made combed through with a fine tooth comb.
  23. Obama is a half-witted fool. We do not want Russia as an enemy right now. This shows how reckless and idiotic the democrats are behaving. This type of statement makes it hard to take anything you say seriously. It undercuts your entire argument.
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