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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I am super thankful I hooked up with my wife before the days of all the internet dating, that's for sure.
  2. Let's break this dumb list down... Ok, so there are three examples here. They aren't clear which party the dead people voted for. Ok, this has more potential. Although it sounds like whoever was behind this fraud messed up by not letting the fraudulent voters know what there job was. How many of them successfully lobbied a democratic vote? 700 people cast two ballots! That's terrible. Who did they vote for? Who organized this? I'm going to stop there, but Pennsylvania actually come up two more times, so it is clear that they've got issues. But are they rigging it for one side? I mean, sure, you could assume allowing illegals to vote is clearly an attempt to get more Democrat votes. Except no one seems to have let those illegals know what their role is in this. It is also pretty clear that the registration is tied to driver's licenses, which is more of an example of dumb bureaucratic paperwork practices than actual fraud. So basically all of these examples don't clearly favor one party, they seem highly disorganized, and in a nation of 300 million, they are still a drop in the bucket. I'm going to go with stupidity over fraud.
  3. If Clinton really were rigging the election, she is doing a terrible job. Why is Donald Trump a shoe-in to win without a rigged election? He has alienated multiple voting bases with his words. What facts do you have to support that? edit: What I'm trying to say is, given a decent candidate running for the Republican party, you might have a good argument. But Trump is not a decent candidate and it doesn't take election rigging to predict he has an above average chance of not winning.
  4. This is a very empathetic and eloquent argument, Volo. Well done.
  5. May be you should try winning an election for a change, since people like you claim that that stuff is so popular. Guns and religious freedom are both in the Constitution, abortion and gay marriage are not. Hobby Lobby may not be a person, but its owners are. I have no idea what any part of this sentence means. I am not running for office. Do you feel I represent the left? What do you mean by "that stuff is so popular?" I'm against abortion, btw. I'm also against marijuana. But I'm not going to make either illegal because it is not the government's place to do so. I'd rather see resources put towards education, so we have less unwanted pregnancies and dumb potheads running around. Also not sure where it says in the Constitution that my employer gets to dictate what type of health care I receive.
  6. Examples? Major examples would be abortion, gay marriage, immigration enforcement and voter id's. I do not know enough about most issues to comment on them, but the right to abort and gay marriage sound pretty good to me, wouldn't you agree? No, but it's not the question of whether I agree or not, it's the question of "what does the law say?" Maybe the right should stop trying to step in the way of personal freedoms, that way they would stop losing court cases. The right does the exact same thing with guns and religious freedoms, btw. Hobby Lobby is apparently a person, now.
  7. I feel bad for that Martinez guy. Congrats Cubs!
  8. I hope GD is watching this. Rajai again.
  9. It's like they didn't even consult NASA about this stuff.
  10. This is a crazy game 7. I'm having all sorts of trouble with the calls Maddon is making. Hendricks is rolling, bring in Lester with a runner on? Lester is rolling, bring in Chapman in the 8th? Have Baez bunt with a 3-2 count?
  11. Hah, I love the children's book part of your post, but worry about the editing of angry female's text part.
  12. I'm rooting against Chapman but for the Cubs. So yeah.
  13. That isnt really an option though. Being a terrible person will not get you arrested. Plus his doctor says he is the healthiest 70 year old ever. Clinton has much higher odds of struggling to stay in office, whether it is legal trouble or her health.
  14. I just don't know if I'm read for another commitment at this time. We can still be friends.
  15. I'd actually probably enjoy a Fallout MMO by Zenimax. Elder Scrolls Online is a pretty solid MMO, and it stands to reason they have learned enough to make it even better.
  16. In education, the vice principals are the ones always trying to make changes and introduce new stuff because they need to prove they deserve to step up into the principal spot. It sucks. They also tend to come and go quickly.
  17. The Cavs overcame a 3-1 deficit to win the NBA championship, and now the Indians may have the same thing happen against them. The beautiful narrative of sports.
  18. I ordered a microphone, going to give a podcast a try to add to my new website. I was going to call it a Hopcast, but that is already taken.
  19. I just don't get how these people email like it is private. Nothing you do online is private.
  20. Picked up Wolfenstein: The Old Blood to scratch the halloween itch. It's loads of fun.
  21. wait what Your decoding skills could use some work. I automatically read that as emaciated because given the context, that was the only word that worked.
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