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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. When Clinton became the frontrunner, I was positive that any reasonable candidate the Republicans put forth could beat her. Then it ended up as Trump and I hedged my bets. Now I am fairly comfortable saying in 4 years any reasonable democrat can beat Trump, but I am not going to put money down on a reasonable choice. Pelosi 2020?
  2. So...is the sarcasm implying that whites ARE the only ones with a history of enslavement and holocaust? Edit: Trump made the step and disavowed the whole movement, which is good.
  3. Not really even close to what I said, but whatever makes you feel better. Also I like how I always have to look up Malc's futbol references to really appreciate them.
  4. Not to mention "oppressed minorities" and "SJW's" don't have have an actual history of enslavement, holocausts, etc. A bunch of white people in a room yelling "hail" and doing Nazi salutes is a tad more terrifying than spoiled college kids crying about an election.
  5. We are at Univerals Studios Hollywood, and we stood in line for a wand fitting at the Harry Potter area. It was cool, a group of about 20 people are herded into a room full of wands and then a lady shows up in dramatic fashion and talks about the wands. My daughter was chosen as the special wizard, so she got to go up and try a few wands before she found the right one, at which point they shine a bright light on her and hit her with air. It was impressive. We were pretty lucky to get singled out, but then again most of the people around us were adults. Of course they then hit you with a steep $50 price per wand, but I was in no position bargain at that point.
  6. Hah, the Apple is a work computer, so if it makes you feel better I didn't pay for it. My gaming rig is too big to fit on that tiny bar. I have the equipment to homebrew, but haven't started it yet. It will probably make a good summer project someday.
  7. We recorded our 3rd Podcast episode today, here is a look at the studio... You can find it here if you are interested: https://historyofhops.com/feed/podcast
  8. Eh, they are both rotten, no need to try and justify any of them.
  9. I'm going to LA for a few days (Universal Studios) and I'm trying to figure out which brewery to stop in at. I am thinking Golden Road at the moment.
  10. I do wonder if there is a Lincoln joke layered into that tweet.
  11. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/19/us/mike-pence-hamilton.html?smid=fb-share&_r=0 This was interesting, although I'm more curious what his reaction will be... http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2016/11/19/vice-president-elect-mike-pence-booed-at-hamilton.html Well, I hope that isn't it.
  12. Mexican beers often get a bad rap, but there are a few decent ones on the market. Shame they are all owned by Anheuser Busch and Heineken. Once upon a time I drank a lot of Victoria during Spring Break. There is a craft beer scene in Mexico though. It's just hard to find abroad.
  13. I listened to the last episode earlier, was a bit clearer sound, and you did'nt talk over each other. Was much easier to listen to it, also; I gave this a 'like' but then I was worried it looked like I was 'liking' the horrible Russian documentary. We do what we can to please our international listeners. Er, listener.
  14. I got a twitter account going for my website, which is a weird universe to navigate. Hopefully it helps spread the word about my podcast. @historyofhops.
  15. She isn't really holding that up, it was photoshopped. But the joke is that the new first lady is not from the US, which is humorous given Trump's immigration stance. The joke loses humor when I explain it.
  16. Yeah, that would work for me. Dang energy bills.
  17. Nah. A bunch of them are getting some ridiculous freedom medal from the current President.
  18. Heck, just look at the people Trump is choosing as his cabinet. There aren't a lot of shockers, they are party establishment guys. Also, the current news titans are in a terrible state of transition. They are losing badly to the new internet age. It's going to get worse for them. We should weigh everything we read with a critical eye, because a lot of it is desperation reporting.
  19. That's interesting, I had not read we have been creeping up towards a stronger showing overall for voters. I certainly agree that the media has been a total mess throughout this election. Let me address a few of Boo's points: I love my state, but if my wife and I taught in most other states, we would be able to afford a house. I'm not saying there aren't serious issues in the US and the Western world as a whole, I'm saying it is not in decline. The benefits of the current age still outweigh the bad parts, but that doesn't mean we should not continue to strive for a better world. As the candidate of a major political party, that's pretty much how it works. It was very impressive that he managed to overcome the numerous media and political outlets that tried to throw him under the bus. But temper that with the fact that Clinton was a terrible candidate who also had a ton of criticism, and the fact that most voters simply fill in the bubbles for R's or D's. If he won under a 3rd party, I'd be more likely to call it a revolution. But it's not that.
  20. You are a grown man. You can have a drink whenever you damn well please.
  21. America elected Trump because nobody showed up to vote for Clinton. He got less votes than McCain or Romney.
  22. Well I'm guessing Trump will not be the guy to regulate the banking industry. But hey, maybe he'll be the next Andrew Jackson. Who knows?
  23. My RPG Maker project is the story of an Incan messenger caught in a Civil War and dealing with the arrival of the Spanish. I've got some maps done, but I'm stymied by my total lack of artistic skill.
  24. Then I am not sure how you can possibly characterize the west as in decline. Growth amongst lower and middle classes is terribly stagnant compared to the wealthy, but compared to the past most people are still seeing an improvement in most areas. Food, shelter, clothing, health care, etc. Which past? You can take any time period you want. Food production, medical technology, and housing have all become better over time. We aren't even a generation removed from asbestos in the walls. Just look at the infant mortality rates over the last 80 years. We've had this argument before. Give me some real evidence that the western world is in decline as a whole, not a handful of tragic examples. http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2014/10/09/for-most-workers-real-wages-have-barely-budged-for-decades/ http://www.mybudget360.com/cost-of-living-2014-inflation-1950-vs-2014-data-housing-cars-college/ http://prospect.org/article/40-year-slump https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2012/07/31/wages-arent-stagnating-theyre-plummeting/ I am not disagreeing that the stagnant wages are a major problem in our society, in fact it is the one thing I mentioned earlier. But that is one issue among many, and despite decades of it being a problem, people are still driving around in their increasingly safe cars, getting increasingly sophisticated medical care, and eating fairly inexpensive junk food that makes that medical care so important.
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