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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've never understood the rush. The next expansion won't come out for at least a year, shouldn't people try and pace themselves?
  2. I've got this interesting routine that has been happening lately. My wife has a close friend who has been going through a divorce. Every Friday night this friend wants to go out. Friday is chosen because that is apparently the one night she can get her ex to watch the kids. She wants to go out and meet men, and my wife has become the designated wingman. These nights typically consist of her friend drinking too much, complaining about her ex, and complaining about the dating scene as a 40 year old woman with kids. I could go out on these excursions, but: 1. It sounds terrible 2. I'm tired 3. childcare is a hassle to arrange So I stay home and take care of the kids and get them off to bed. Then I usually fall asleep for awhile. My wife comes home late with a couple drinks in her and an immense appreciation for me as a husband. As you can imagine, this works out well for me. I hate to sound like I'm taking advantage of the situation...actually that's a lie. This is great.
  3. Seems like a lot of paperwork. Although I do like the idea of a CA-OR-WA-BC state because we'd have awesome beer and some decent hockey teams.
  4. I'm pretty sure she'd burn both, except that she's no longer with us. Geez man, you are frighteningly pro-government sometimes.
  5. I agree with you Volo. I thought my statement would get our little contingent of "Men are stronk, women are weak" folks to look at it differently, but that is probably silly wishful thinking.
  6. I'm watching whatever was on HBO. I've never liked Superman. Also when did Batman start shooting so many people? I mean he killed a ton of folks in this movie.
  7. I am watching Batman v. Superman, which is not great, and has taken me a couple sittings to get through. But I did have a funny thought when Lois Lane picks up the Kryptonite Spear, she's gotta be thinking, time to take back some control in the bedroom.
  8. Matriarchal societies, while rare, certainly did exist. Ghana comes to mind. Now certainly the fact that men tend to possess more strength has given them the edge when it comes to dominating a society, but the idea that we need to maintain that status quo for the future seems fairly ridiculous. Next we will be bringing back feudalism.
  9. It's rooted down to basic biology. At the most base level, women are birth and life and men are war. There exceptions to the norm as you pointed out, but that's another story. Historically, women have dealt with different trauma than men. Going off to war is one thing, carrying a child for 9 months and then raising it in an age when infant mortality was incredibly high is another thing entirely. Men may have a physical edge through history, but women have it mentally. Maybe women should handle only command roles, while men do the grunt work.
  10. And I'm sure you know everything there is to know about war and that 'meat grinder'... I drew that conclusion from the cavalier attitude towards it Hurlshot was displaying. I read a lot about it although obviously that's not the same as experiencing it for yourself. Sorry, it's just that men are natural cavaliers.
  11. Would you send your wife to war while you stayed home with the kids? She's a much better shot than me. I'm also a great father. The reality is we would both be willing to sacrifice our lives to save the other and protect our kids. The idea that the government needs to decide who is the better fit for that is silly. OK, so if she's drafted and your daughter is drafted, and you stay home in safety that's fine with you? I'd probably enlist.
  12. Would you send your wife to war while you stayed home with the kids? She's a much better shot than me. I'm also a great father. The reality is we would both be willing to sacrifice our lives to save the other and protect our kids. The idea that the government needs to decide who is the better fit for that is silly.
  13. I'm sure all the guys suffering from PTSD will be happy to know that killing is perfectly natural to them, and they need to get over it. This thread:
  14. I wouldn't force women to fight in the first place. There's no equality on this issue, men are natural killers, women are not. If they volunteer, that's a different story.
  15. Says the guy who logged a thousand hours on Skyrim.
  16. The only issue I see is some of the early season stuff doesn't match up. Logan and Billy are clearly taking part in the more recent narrative stuff at the start, it seems a stretch to say they had the same stuff 30 years ago.
  17. Huh, when I was at Universal Studios last week, they were doing heavy renovations to The Mummy ride they have at the park. I was surprised they weren't just replacing it with something more current, but it makes sense that they are trying to relaunch it with a new movie coming. Looks a bit more serious than the previous iterations.
  18. That seems like a pretty good theory to me.
  19. I am pretty curious how the lack of common core support on a Federal level will play out. But then I just remember that everything in education is cyclical, and it is no surprise that the big new thing is about to become the old thing as we move on to the next big new thing, which will be replaced in 5 years by the next big new thing which looks remarkably similar to the big new thing that is now an old thing from a few cycles ago. Meanwhile my job is always the same, and that is simply to push kids to use their brains.
  20. The bigger the union, the bigger the problems. Of course that goes both ways, the bigger the school district, the bigger the problems.
  21. Except that public schools don't make a difference in those areas, they just warehouse kids until they're ready for prison. Did you feel good about this when you typed it? Because it is terrible. What is? That he said it or that this is truth and nothing is done about it? If your solution is the burden of fighting GANGS on PARENTS (sic?!) then clearly I'm baffled. You sound like the old post soviet gov. clerks that claimed that without them the country will collapse. Are you by any chance involved in public schooling? I think you misunderstand the situation inner city schools deal with tremendously. There are a fair amount of kids in these schools that are second or third generation gang members. Even those that are not involved in a gang community are often dealing with other serious issues at home. However that does not mean we should just write them off as future prison inmates. That's a terrible was to think and unnecessarily jaded. People regularly do come out of these difficult schools and make something of themselves. It's the best tool we have to break the cycle. It should be something we continue to work hard to improve.
  22. Okay, assuming these are the problems, what is the solution? ...And is the first step fighting the DeVos nomination? ...Or can you come up with *gasp* a compromise? I would submit the weakest point is the billionaire non-sense. You can get traction attacking her dearth of experience in public education as anything other than an advocate, but the best argument is to come up with a solution that has enough broad appeal to pass. ...And, if we're really talking about DeVos, what's the strategy for keeping her out of the cabinet, or is it all over except the grousing? Wife's a teacher of some three decades, so I get hell over this specific issue all the time, so I understand all about compromises. I'm not all that worried about DeVos. As a parent, student, or teacher, the list of authorities that you should concern yourself with go School > District > County > State > Federal. A great school, of which there are many, will be great no matter what weird stuff gets done in Washington. Is it a good sign that Trump put a billionaire with no experience in an actual classroom in charge of education? Of course not. Here are some articles on charter schools, as promised. I'll tear apart private schools a little later. As a teaser, let me tell you that on average teachers at charter schools make less and have less education. http://billmoyers.com/story/failing-test-charter-schools-winners-losers/ http://www.commondreams.org/views/2015/07/06/growing-evidence-charter-schools-are-failing http://www.mercurynews.com/2016/04/16/california-virtual-academies-is-online-charter-school-network-cashing-in-on-failure/ http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/29/us/for-detroits-children-more-school-choice-but-not-better-schools.html?_r=0 http://inthesetimes.com/article/18352/10-years-after-katrina-new-orleans-all-charter-district-has-proven-a-failur The list is fairly endless, really.
  23. Except that public schools don't make a difference in those areas, they just warehouse kids until they're ready for prison. Did you feel good about this when you typed it? Because it is terrible.
  24. Yeah, no. That is dumb. It is the equivalent of moving out of your house because it is dirty. You know, instead of doing the logical thing. Do yourself a favor and look at how charter schools are a failed experiment. I disagree with the analogy. Putting money in failed public schools is like putting a bucket under the leaking pipe and wiping the floor instead of exchanging the pipe. As for research: http://www.usnews.com/opinion/knowledge-bank/2015/03/19/new-study-shows-charter-schools-making-a-difference-in-cities I don't see a failure from this report and it's fresh - 2015. Also charter schools in nearly all countries are better than public ones. I never saw any studies that showed charter or private schools doing worse than public ones. If you have such I would check them out. In my opinion instead of giving the taxpayers money to schools it would be far better to give them to students in a form of voucher or bon. This will allow for the parents to choose the best school for their kid and competition between schools to recruit and keep the students will only benefit the quality of education. I'll get to the evidence a little later, but as wonderful as it sounds to have parents choosing the best schools and having competition for recruitment, in reality is just means you are going to create a much greater divide between the have's and have-nots. The biggest problem in public education is not the teachers, the facilities, or even the bureaucrats running the districts. The biggest problem is the parent communities themselves. When you have a strong parent community that supports the school and the students, you will have success. When you have a school in the inner city dealing with gangs, drug abuse, teenage pregnancy, etc., it is because you have that in the home. Vouchers aren't going to solve any of these problems, and instead will take away the scant resources that these schools have to try and make a difference in these troubled areas.
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