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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I was in bed around 10, although I did wake up at midnight to comfort the dog during the fireworks. I'm not a big New Year's party or resolution guy. Mostly because I'm terrible at staying up late.
  2. FFXV is just charming the heck out of me. I'm really bonding with these people, and riding a chocobo makes me grin like a madman.
  3. Today turned out better than I expected. Me and my small posse rolled out to a brewery for an official tour and asked a ton of questions, and I ended up with pages of notes for the podcast and blog. The taproom manager comped our drinks. Then we went to another brewery down the road and got talking about the podcast again. The guy who runs their tours and education came over and chatted us up, turns out he has a Masters in Beer History and has written a thesis. He had us try a bunch of beers and I geeked out with him, and scheduled another visit in a few months. I'll be writing all this up for my website, but I needed to let someone know how crazy my day was.
  4. Considering the turnout for the two candidates versus what he pulled in 2012, I'm inclined to agree. edit: And of course thankful that we have term limits.
  5. I probably should have added a smiley to my Polar Express comment. Yes, that was a creepy use of CGI. After watching that I was more forgiving of Disney's efforts in Rogue One.
  6. I was kind of excited to see Moff Tarkin. They barely develop his character in episode 4, and I read his book (one of the few SW books I've read) so it made me happy to see him get some screen time. It wasn't any worse than CGI Tom Hanks in Polar Express.
  7. That is an ire provoking pun.
  8. Episode 8 is up: https://historyofhops.com/podcast/history-hops-episode-8-drakes-brewing I also ordered business cards for our upcoming field trip to 21st Amendment Brewery, and I'm busy trying to come up with good questions.
  9. That is wrong, plenty of states will still send you to jail for possession. It has been changing slowly, but right now only 20 states have decriminalized possession. http://www.drugpolicy.org/drug-war-statistics Number of arrests in 2015 in the U.S. for drug law violations: 1,488,707 Number of these arrests that were for possession only: 1,249,025 (84 percent)Just because you get arrested doesn't mean you're going to prison. Most of the cases in our courts are for marijuana possession, but they normally get community service, may be rehab, but not prison. You said jail, not prison. I agree that most people sent away for any length of time typically needs more than just a possession charge. But getting arrested and going through the court system typically is going to involve some time in a jail, particularly for those unable to pay for bail.
  10. That is wrong, plenty of states will still send you to jail for possession. It has been changing slowly, but right now only 20 states have decriminalized possession. http://www.drugpolicy.org/drug-war-statistics Number of arrests in 2015 in the U.S. for drug law violations: 1,488,707 Number of these arrests that were for possession only: 1,249,025 (84 percent)
  11. My backyard was getting pretty overgrown, so the neighbor brought over a couple goats. They are fun to watch. The dog is having a blast trying to live out his herding fantasies, although he has learned to keep his distance from the one with horns.
  12. Very sad, another very young one.
  13. I went with something pretty simple. I got a car magnet too.
  14. I need to come up with a decent logo for my History of Hops podcast so I can make business cards. I'm thinking about an open book with a hop vine around it, or something. Or maybe a tap pouring knowledge, although that may be out of me abilities as an artist. Actually I have no abilities as an artist. Hrm.
  15. Well I'm loving it. They've nailed the charms of the Final Fantasy series. Rolling down the road in my Regalia, listening to the theme from Final Fantasy V is sublime. I do recommend you watch the Kingsglaive movie, it has added to the experience quite a bit. Yeah my friend gonna let me borrow his movie here in a day or so. Should I watch the movie before I play? That sounds awesome, I've been an avid FF fan since the first one on the nes. **** it's thanks to FF1 and Dragon Warrior on the nes that I've gotten into RPGs in the first place lol. Sigh, trying to tell people those are RPGs now a days is like hitting a brick wall. Now a days, if u can't customize ur character or have options in how to do quests/dialogue it's not considered an RPG lol. Sadly I can somewhat agree with them, but that's all I had back then. No regrets You don't need to watch the movie first, but it does make the transition from Chapter 1 to Chapter 2 smoother.
  16. Well I'm loving it. They've nailed the charms of the Final Fantasy series. Rolling down the road in my Regalia, listening to the theme from Final Fantasy V is sublime. I do recommend you watch the Kingsglaive movie, it has added to the experience quite a bit.
  17. Final Fantasy XV - I watched the movie and the anime series to prepare for this. It's been over a decade since I've sat down with a FF game, and so far it's living up to my expectations.
  18. Battlefield 1 is $35 on Origin right now. Almost tempted me.
  19. Those are synonims. In the same way that a butter knife and a combat knife are both sharp.
  20. Except no one was really defending the food industry in the US, I just said the regulations will typically keep you from getting poisoned and dying. edit: And it certainly isn't a sure thing, I'm sure we've all had food poisoning at one time or another.
  21. Wait, is it unhealthy or is it harmful? Also what is "American" food? It's a pretty big country, that seems like a pretty vague generalization? I live in an area surrounded by farms of all different types. Are they not growing "natural" food? Also I'm not sure how much arsenic the FDA allows in our food, but I imagine if you followed their guidelines, I'd survive your dinner. I mean, there are small levels of arsenic in the air, so do you propose we stop breathing? edit: Also maybe see a nutritionist, and understand that metabolism can change at any time depending on the individual.
  22. Then if you're for regulation why do you defend McDonalds? Why is that we criticize another country when in ours we allow the same poison as long as is within tolerable degrees? If you are argument is that poisoning is bad why are you defending slow poisoning and condemning the fast one? If you want to believe propaganda condemning US enemies for the same crap that we do, the you're free to do so. Just don't expect me to jump from that cliff. So a quick death due to bacteria is equal to a slow death due to unhealthy eating habits in your narrative?
  23. The example simplistic and easily countered by numerous examples of why regulation is important in selling food. Clinging to it is sad.
  24. Don't be sore Don't rely on stupid examples.
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