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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Wait, according to gfted1's link, there is already a ban on using the US funds for abortion, and it has been in place since 1973. Also Reagan and Bush both enacted the same policy, so he isn't exactly setting a trend.
  2. I seems so! Its shocking to me that we piss away funds making sure women in other countries can get abortions. We could be using that money to train bums in a vocation or something but instead we concern ourselves minutiae of other countries breeding. Much like Planned Parenthood, characterizing these clinics simply by the fact they offer abortions is usually a gross misrepresentation. It would also be my guess that these are parts of the world where women struggle to get access to decent healthcare, and this funding is part of an attempt to help women across the globe. That being said, I have no issue with the US pulling back on funding other countries while we try to strengthen our own health care systems that sorely need it. I have a big problem with us making it about abortion and turning it into political, though.
  3. Anyone remember that guy that used to spam the Funny Things thread with anime that no one understood? Trashman, I think it was. Although I do like the outgoing President and First Lady laughing it up. I'm pretty sure President is the crappiest job in the country and it has to be a huge relief to be done.
  4. A new episode on a school night? I went over my trip to Ensenada, there was some interesting craft beer happenings in Mexico.
  5. I watched a chunk of the inauguration 5 times today with students. It wasnt until the 3rd viewing that I really got a grip on it. I think it was supposed to be a hopeful speech meant to unite, but the body language and moments of tone change really made it sound more combative. There is an entire part about how we will not force other countries to live lile us, but rather set a great example. That is a great part, but it was overshadowed by rhetoric on ISIS. :/
  6. Enemy Within totally changed the experience, so I am not sure why you wouldnt just play through it twice.
  7. Nothing has been announced, although the way they are marketing Long War 2, it almost seems like that IS the expansion. As for buying the complete game, the game is massive, buy it and enjoy. I'm having a blast on my second playthrough and experiencing quite a few new things.
  8. I'm a bit behind, but I have one thing to say about the crowd for the inauguration - Who the heck cares how many people attended? Who cares if it was the largest crowd or the smallest crowd? It means absolutely nothing. It's a fluff story. The media is dumb for running with these stories, but it is even more unforgivable that the White House is wasting time addressing this stuff. Go govern! Stop talking about stupid stories that have nothing to do with the future of our country. Take the high road!
  9. Just got back from a 3-day cruise to Ensenada. It was a bachelor party trip. We had a good time, but I'm happy to be home.
  10. I do wonder if the people freaking out about this also freaked out about Scooter Libby being commuted.
  11. Every state and plan is different, so it's hard to generalize, but the bulk of my rates raised before Obamacare. That being said, I put the blame on the insurance industry above all others here. The government deserves a heaping too, but they are down the list a bit. http://www.factcheck.org/2014/11/the-great-premium-debate-continues/
  12. He was commuted, which is a lowering of the penalty. Pardon means forgiveness.
  13. Eh, your insurance would probably cost twice as much anyways, since insurance rates had been rising terribly well before Obamacare came into play. He failed to stem the tide, for sure, although I do give credit to the pre-existing conditions work done. edit: You folks are missing the point of the thread.
  14. True the other 'recent' military personnel I can think of charged under the Espionage act (George Trofimoff, life in prison; James Hall III, 40 years; John Anthony Walker, 25 years) all had more comparable sentences to Manning than the non-military ones (Jeffrey Sterling, 3.5 years; Stephen Jin-Woo Kim, 13 months, John Kiriakou, 30 months) Sure, but aren't all of those examples people who sold secrets to other states?
  15. This was a pretty fantastic appearance: I'm a big fan of the work that has been done with Cuba.
  16. There are dozens of articles comparing his sentence to other spies, and most are less than what he received. Although this is a fairly unique case because he was giving secrets to the public. Typically you have financial motives, and the secrets are going to an enemy that is willing to pay, so that would seem to be more damning. Yet his sentence was more harsh than many people convicted of spying in the traditional sense. https://www.techdirt.com/articles/20130821/18434224275/people-who-got-shorter-sentences-than-bradley-manning-spies-selling-secrets-to-russians-active-terrorists.shtml I know you love HP, WoD. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/08/21/shorter-sentences-than-bradley-manning_n_3789754.html?utm_hp_ref=tw
  17. 7 years seems like a pretty long sentence for someone who is clearly mentally unstable and is more in need of psychiatric care than prison.
  18. I defy you to find a single post where I stated such. I'm just shocked Hoonding responded to something. He's typically a one-liner type of poster. I'm shocked no one is noticing he is literally quoting president Trump. Hah, that must be it! He is clearly a writer for SNL.
  19. I defy you to find a single post where I stated such. I'm just shocked Hoonding responded to something. He's typically a one-liner type of poster.
  20. You had used New Vegas as an example of a good lengthy game, so I was curious if you thought it was old or new. I would agree that it is a newer game. I'm just not sure how that helps your statement that old games were longer than new ones. You could argue that Fallout 4 is longer and has more to do than any Fallout game before it. Granted it is rubbish, but that's a different argument.
  21. I don't agree that games are shorter now than they were in the past. Particularly with RPG's, it just depends on how you play them. Deus Ex was about 30 hours, which is about the same as the original. Tyranny is a bit shorter but Pillars of Eternity quite long, so it's not like there is a pattern here. Witcher 3 seems to be way longer than the original, etc. Wait, is New Vegas an old game to you Quillon? Games like Fallout and Baldur's Gate could be finished extremely fast if you knew what you were doing.
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