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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. I've been fighting Wordpress all day. I could start over with my host's website builder, but I'm concerned I'll get in over my head that way. Bleh, it's a mess.
  2. Mr. Right - Surprising quirky little movie, had that whole Grosse Point Blanke feel to it. Sam Rockman was fantastic, and the development of Steve probably made the movie for me. I guess it's a romcom, but more com than rom.
  3. I'm still ENFP, but a mediator. I guess I'm more insecure or something now.
  4. What? He asked Johnson sensible questions, and Johnson didn't have answers. This is the sort of thing that should happen at the big debates and usually doesn't. Often the candidates aren't challenged when they respond with no substance to policy questions. Johnson was pressed and he couldn't handle it. He asked about taxation. Johnson told him what would likely happen if he were in office, what direction he would hope to sway the congress, and what would be a realistic scenario. But he didn't like that answer, so pushed further into the "If you were all powerful" scenario, which Johnson gave his honest opinion about taxes in general, namely wanting a federal consumption tax. Then the guy insulted him and continued to badger about abolishing taxes (he says it about 8 times.) Johnson responded with hostility. Hardly a surprise and I don't see how you can accuse him of not having substance when his first answer was very clear in what he would do if in power in regards to taxes. As an aside, the interviewer is wrong about the consumption tax being panned by economists (although really, he avoids addressing it by just harping on abolition.) Greenspan suggested the same thing a decade ago.
  5. Picked up this today. Pretty solid spin on an Octoberfest beer. I told my wife it was research for my blog.
  6. That interviewer is an ass. Ask a question, wait your answer isnt controversial enough, let me badger you until I get a decent sound bite.
  7. Anthony Davis is putting up monster numbers. If his team can win some games and make the playoffs I'll peg him as MVP.
  8. Wow, I am getting old. I forgot that I took it, and I also got different results. Ugh. Actually I was ENFP for both tests, so I guess I'm not that different.
  9. I think we can all agree that Dragon Age just sucks at city building. Although the Dwarf city was pretty solid in the first one. You guys are making me want to play Arcanum again.
  10. I just don't think they necessarily need the Arcanum licence. Obsidian showed they are plenty capable of creating a complex world from scratch. If they want a steampunk/fantasy game, they make their own.
  11. I'd just dig them reviving the character creation options.
  12. I took this personality test at work today, and it was actually pretty well done. We haven't done one of these around here in awhile, so I thought I'd share: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test I ended up with mediator. Which, after I read the explanation, probably fits.
  13. If you honestly think its peoples salaries that have broken our healthcare system then I guess we will just have to agree to disagree. I'm not saying it is the salaries alone that are breaking the system. I'm saying it is villainous for these people to reap massive profits off the broken system when they are supposed to be in a position to fix it. They are profiting at our expense. We don't have any choice in the matter, either. Auto insurance has to serve their customers because it is a competitive market and it is fairly easy to jump ship. That is not the case in medical insurance. The customer is in a bad position that only gets worse once you actually need it most. As a comparison, the CEO of Geico makes $1.7 million.
  14. That's just their salaries and its a drop in the pissbucket. Do you feel you should be docked pay every time a kid fails a class? I would like access to the $156 million pissbucket, please. I doubt that these are the only people in the company making massive salaries while the results continue to get worse and worse for the American people. If my kids got worse and worse every year, then yeah, I'd lose my job.
  15. They are massively profiting off a broken system. They are in a position of power, and they are lining their pockets while the system continues to get worse and worse for the customers. Not sure how else you would define that.
  16. I grabbed a domain and I've started on a site, thanks guys. I'm not sharing it yet though, still needs work. I love that brew cave.
  17. Everyone's complaining about Obamacare, and I get it, but let's not lose site of the real villains here:
  18. Speilburg from Quest for Glory was the first town that really captured my imagination. The whole series really had memorable cities, except for the last one. Baldur's Gate always seemed so epic and huge, particularly because it took so much to finally get through the gates. All of the cities in WoW made me drop my jaw when I entered them. TOR also captured that amazing look when you get to Coruscant, although it was tempered by the fact there were very few places you could actually go. Not quite an RPG, but Hitman Blood Money and the AC games are the best I've ever seen at creating living cities. Walking through the French Quarter is probably one of the most impressive moments in a game for me. Then AC took it a step further by letting my climb to the top of a bunch of amazing historical landmarks. Jump off the Duomo di Santa Maria del Fiore? Yes please!
  19. Well if they went with the director over the actor, that would have a considerably noticeable impact, since you need a new lead actor. I mean, I guess we don't need to take sides, I just see it as preferable to keep Reynolds involved and playing the role. I'd usually actually side with the director over an actor, since a good director is often more important than a good actor, but in this case I see it differently given Reynold's role in producing.
  20. I definitely agree the lack of a blank slate character in Fallout 4 was a problem, as opposed to the standard unknown prisoner in every ES game. Although that was hardly my only issue with it.
  21. My daughter asked me to update LotRO on the kid's computer last night, actually. She enjoys running around the world on horseback with my high level character.
  22. I'm still looking for an MMO that is better than Lord of the Rings Online. But really, what I'm looking for in a good MMO is a world that I really feel compelled to explore and live in. I have moments of that with a lot of different MMO's, but usually it is fleeting.
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