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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. That DRake video totally makes me think of a daytime Soap Opera.
  2. Some of those bugs can be explained away by the prevalence of acid in the 60's and 70's.
  3. I'm pretty impressed with the apology. Trump has spent a fair amount of time doubling down on his shtick, so this was a refreshing change. It seems to be the first time he has recognized his flaws, and that's important.
  4. They lie about everything else, so why not? Hah, good one. Wait...unless your being serious. Please don't be serious.
  5. I dig Justice Thomas as well. I just can't resist poking fun at WoD's sources every once in awhile.
  6. That is your defense? Everyone else is doing it?
  7. Ah of course. And thankfully their reports always find a way to fit their narrative. What convenience.
  8. You posted the flimsy story. I was just pointing out that it is not real journalism.
  9. Why would I do that? I'm not publishing stories here. Do you really feel sending an email is digging deep?
  10. Damn Shady, sorry to hear that.
  11. Exactly, this is a partial story. Everybody is running with it instead of digging deeper.
  12. It doesn't bother you that every conservative publication is running with this story without receiving any actual response from the museum itself? This is terrible journalism.
  13. This is the Obsidian forum. Do you mean general? No one goes there. This has the best visibility.
  14. BLM is a movement, so it is no surprise that it would be covered in the museum. As Amentep explained, they don't seem to be covering individuals, but rather events and artifacts. But hey, keep jumping to conclusions instead of doing actual research. It makes you a qualified reporter in this day and age.
  15. I'm surprised by all the yes votes, to be honest. Not many of us in the US prefer Federal power over State. I'm all for more unity and working together, but I would be hesitant to give up individuality.
  16. That would be pretty bizarre. Although he is still serving, so he might not fit the criteria for an exhibit. Is there an Obama exhibit? It would be interesting if they managed to get a reason out of the museum, instead of just relying on conjecture. There are also plenty of other conservatives in recent government posts, so if this really were a political issue, I'd imagine Condoleezza Rice and Colin Powell would also be snubbed.
  17. Am I the only one that watched the Wild Card game? Madbum was Madbum. He continues to be the best pitcher in playoff history. Unreal. Syndergard was fantastic too, I question pulling him after the 7th. He was dominant and could have gone at least another inning.
  18. Watching two stud pitchers mow through batters. This game is off to a sweet start.
  19. Yeah, that's probably why I'll avoid an Audi, despite me really enjoying driving my Audi rental. I mean, you can get a BMW or Audi certified pre-owned for a pretty good price around here, but it's the repair bills that will kill you.
  20. There was a concern that the bit had grown stale, but then you posted this. Well played.
  21. I would likely have voted for McCain if it weren't for Palin, so the VP can change votes. Although props should be given to the Obama camp for running a very positive campaign that made it easy to jump ship. Ah, the good old days when we had two candidates that I liked.
  22. Luke Cage continues to be amazing. Four episodes in, and I really enjoyed the homage to the original Luke Cage look.
  23. My first guess would be that it is a golf event fundraiser. But the conspiracy stuff is a lot more fun.
  24. I'm not sure when WoD entered the American education system, but he did so in Texas, so don't put that on me. Besides, we are too old to have grown up with google. We all have only ourselves to blame for that habit.
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