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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. With 2 months to go, I don't think Johnson can afford to lay low for a couple days.
  2. I'm guessing the difference is Johnson knows he came out looking bad and has admitted he needs to get better moving forward, while the interviewer probably thinks he is awesome for creating a situation like that. As I said earlier, a good interviewer should be establishing context as they ask their question, both for the audience and the interviewee. But again, MSNBC is on the same level as Fox News.
  3. It wasn't a gotcha question. Would it be the same if a question was asked about Nice during the same week of the attack? Aleppo has been in the media all week including comments from other heads of state like Merkel. It's a relevant question at the time since it's being covered in the media. Why wouldn't the interviewer ask something that's current? I get the impression Johnson isn't reading up on what's happening in world current affairs. I can see that now. "What are your thoughts on Nice?" "Niece?" "Yes, Nice" "Why are you asking about my family?" But seriously, Aleppo hasn't gotten anywhere near the coverage of Nice, certainly not in the US. Terrible example.
  4. Do you think it is a worse state because that is what Trump is saying? Is this part of the plan to lower our debt?
  5. Johnson clearly needs better support staff. Let's not forget that Trump looked just as bad on foreign affairs last year. I doubt Trump has suddenly found the time to read through more newspapers, he simply has better advisors that are making sure he is somewhat versed on international affairs. It's embarrassing, but it's also a fairly terrible way to interview. Are you trying to find out Johnson's take on a terrible situation in Syria, or are you trying to make him look silly? Typically an interviewer is going to briefly run down some of the specifics of Aleppo both for the audience and the interviewee so that everyone understands the context of the question. But hey, MSNBC is just Fox News for liberals.
  6. Maybe Obama is just trying to cash in on the Trump strategy?
  7. The Giants have been extremely hard to watch. They've blown two ninth inning leads in the last four games.
  8. Geralt, for sure. At least Jensen doesn't say much.
  9. There is also an Oregon Trail Zombie called Organ Trail that I enjoyed.
  10. I think the Clinton health concerns are a real issue, and I raised it a couple years ago when it first came out that she was going to run. Whatever you think of her politics, it is very clear that she is not the kind of person who can step back for her health. She ran herself into the ground as Secretary of State, and it is hard to imagine she will not do the same as President. On the other hand, Trump's personal physician sounds like a North Korean doctor reporting on the health of the Supreme Leader.
  11. I don't think it is too surprising. They do two things well, and that is creating large open worlds, and then letting people mod the heck out of them. Plus people love to larp.
  12. Yeah, there was a bunch of different ways for the last mission to go down, depending on choices you made. It seems to have a pretty solid replay value just to check them out, plus the fact you can go with different playstyles. I'll wait on DirectX 12 though.
  13. Ok, finished Narcos, then preceded to run to the internet to try and see how much of it is true. Crazily, it seems like most of the important stuff is accurate! What an insane story. They are doing another two seasons with the Cali Cartel. I'll watch, but it will be hard to replace the gravitas of Pablo. That actor deserves an award. At least it sounds like Pena and Murphy are still on board. Because, you know, they are real people and all. Crazy. DEA agents are nuts.
  14. No, Tom Hanks is. But they share a lot in common.
  15. Of course, the Santa Clara Police Department saying they will boycott 49ers games is also completely inappropriate. Police departments should be above throwing a temper tantrum because a football player hurt their feelings.
  16. The Kaepernick stuff is weird. First off, I'm not a fan of the way he went about this. Not because I don't think it is fine to have athletes speaking out against police brutality, but rather because it looks more like a guy trying to distract from the fact he is supposed to be a starting QB but has looked terrible for the last two seasons. But then the crazy thing is, it ended up working. Not because people were like, look at that guy making a stand by not standing, how interesting. But because people FLIPPED OUT. It became this huge thing that a backup QB struggling to make the team was not standing. Honestly, if it made you angry that he did not stand, you need to rethink your entire life. He's an athlete, he throws a football for a living, get over it. This would have been a tiny footnote on his wikipedia page before he was cut if people did not flip out about it. At the same time, if you think boycotting the national anthem will end police brutality, you also need to rethink your life. Now the team is in a weird spot, they can't really cut him without it becoming a politically divisive issue, even though he's not starting and making too much money for a backup. His jersey sales are through the roof, because now he's basically a figurehead for anti-authority types. It's a crazy world we live in. The President is being asked about a backup QB on a mediocre football team.
  17. Little disappointed they left out Bruce Versus the Volcano.
  18. Netflix has done some pretty great stuff, but Narcos is simply a cut above. Second season is moving a bit slower, but I'm one episode away and super excited to see how they end it.
  19. I dragged my kids out to a 2-mile trail today for a bit of exercise. First quarter of a mile was complaining from them and terse words from me. Next mile and a half was fun and they seemed to enjoy it. Last quarter of a mile was back to complaining. Kids are weird. They are mad at me now but I am proud they finished.
  20. I'm sure my form is crap, but my scoliosis has always left me wary of such endeavors.
  21. Those things hurt my back just looking at them.
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