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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Rumors are that the Nazis were actually big proponents of steroids.
  2. KP is right, that's not a good thing. I mean, a cycle only lasts 5-7 days, so that's pretty much the longest you should need to stay away. Honestly the most important part of relationships is having a teammate to help deal with the personal stuff. There is a problem if that is not happening.
  3. This reminds me of an episode of Highlander where a kid had become immortal, but he had been using people's sympathy for centuries to manipulate people into fighting for him, and then he would kill them when they were vulnerable.
  4. I've been getting whooped on NEO Scavenger. The first few made sense, I was fresh out in the wilds with nothing to protect myself. But the last time was a bummer, I was almost to Detroit with a good amount of gear, and some Blue Frog church guy got me with a crowbar. Ah well, probably would have died of the rot if I won. Might be time to make a melee character.
  5. Life seems pretty short, I'd be happy with a few more decades of being in my prime. I also love the idea that you get to see long term events unfold and really get a sense for historical scale.
  6. Sorry, my mind wandered. I appreciate your voice here on the forums, WoD. Never change.
  7. Magna **** Laude from Rice University?
  8. Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation - False advertising, this movie had nothing to do with beer.
  9. That's why he gets new games. It is terribly frustrating to try and jump into an old saved game and have no idea how you got there or what all these buttons are for.
  10. Off the top of my head, I feel Silent Hill, WarCraft, Prince of Persia, Tomb Raider, Need For Speed, Doom and Mortal Kombat are better video game adaptations. Nope. The original Resident Evil beats every one of them. That is why they are on number 6. It's embarrassing, really. Milla Jovovich has managed to be better than Jake Gyllenhaal, Angelina Jolie, The Rock, Timothy Olyphant, and all the other people that have taken a hack at a video game movie. She's a goddess. I think a lot of people forget how good the original was. Plus it was a good step ahead of the whole zombie craze that has been going on for the last decade.
  11. Kenya wins it! Makes me want to put on my running shoes, but it is hot out. Maybe later.
  12. Yep, that is usually how it happens. Nobody gets away with cheating forever. I am loving the marathon. These girls are flat out sprinting for 2 and a half hours.
  13. Not to mention Armstrong has completely fallen from grace, lost all his sponsors, and is basically jeered wherever he goes. Not exactly a great example of a guy who beat the system, although he did still walk away with a lot of money.
  14. Hey, it is still the best video game to movie adaptation around. Milla Jovovich is amazing.
  15. Welcome to old manhood, Malc.
  16. I would guess that the good guys will die at the end, it's supposed to be a suicide mission. Of course, they will probably find some way to make it a hollywood ending.
  17. Let me guess, Communication Arts? I got my degree out of a Cracker Jack box. But it came with a cool decoder ring.
  18. Please understand that the education system in Texas is very different than the rest of the country. (just kidding. I think WoD went to school in Eastern Europe anyways.)
  19. Damn you... Alright, going into the black hole. Wish me luck.
  20. I certainly hope not, Calax. Honestly I don't see how that is even feasible or realistic given the fact that guns are all over the place. It's unenforceable without going to war over, and it certainly isn't worth doing so. Who would even fight that war? Good luck convincing the military to side with the government on such a ridiculous change in culture.
  21. It's not even feasible or realistic to throw out the 2nd Amendment. As a gun owner in California, I am not worried about the new legislation in the least. My biggest concern is that more than half of it is unenforceable, making it a largely useless and likely to be thrown out in the lower courts. But hey, give the NRA credit, they are extremely effective at spreading their narrative. People love to talk about the liberal media bias, yet the needle never actually moves towards more gun laws.
  22. Except they can't do just anything, and they are limited in their power.
  23. Can you understand 5-4 Conservative majority vs. 5-4 Liberal majority? You are taking an incredibly complex situation and grossly simplifying it. The Supreme Court can not just throw out the Heller case, or McDonald vs. Chicago. Your gun rights were considerably more at risk 30 years ago than they are today. You also might want to notice that even the dissenting opinions in the Heller case varied, in fact you should read how different the tone of Breyer and Johnson are, because it makes it clear they are not really on the same page. Simply put, this isn't a black and white, liberal versus conservative issue. You should also note that Ginsburg and Breyer are both identified as liberal, and both are well into their later years. They aren't going to live forever. Kennedy is up there as well, of course, but he's often identified near the middle instead of a full conservative. So yeah, there is pretty much no evidence that as soon as Garland is elected, the government is going to take away all our guns. That's just hyperbole.
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