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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. My biggest issue above all others is the lack of transparency and statistics by police across the US. There is really no excuse for why we don't have cold facts to tell us how many police shootings there are in a calendar year. It's inexcusable.
  2. I'm really not sold on the idea that European cops as a whole are just better than US cops. One, the US is made up of 50 states that are comparable to 50 European countries. Two, where are the actual statistics here? Is this stuff really all that common, or is it just getting a lot of media attention? It's tragic and it needs to be addressed, but trying to paint the entire US police as some sort of Wild West gunslingers is dishonest.
  3. We do not need to move on, because questions need to be answered about why there was an assault rifle pointed anywhere near an autistic man with a toy fire engine and his behavioral therapist. There seems to be multiple breakdowns here. Pulling the trigger may have been an accident, and the officer will likely lose his job for that. But police are subject to hundreds of training hours every year, and the way this entire situation developed points to some serious flaws in that entire process.
  4. This is a classic thread. Ender, Hades, Hell Kitty, Llyr. The golden years of the Obsidian forums. Even Sawyer gets in on the arguments.
  5. The Gambler with Mark Wahlberg - I thought it would be a good pre-Vegas movie, but it was lame and made me want to stay away form the tables completely. The main character just has money fall into his lap, repeatedly squanders it, puts people around him in terrible positions, and then walks away scott-free. Possible one of the least rewarding payoffs in recent movie history for me.
  6. A lot of people played the beta and weren't happy with it, despite a number of concerns being addressed for release. Plus I think a lot of people just didn't know what to make of it. It was a hybrid of a number of genres. Also the PvP had issues, but I never spent much time on that aspect. There was plenty of single player content for me to explore, and that is usually what I care about.
  7. I loved The Division, as did a few others here. It's a lot closer to an RPG than a shooter, hence the health bars. You have stats, you level and unlock abilities, you have gear that you can upgrade, enemies drop random gear, etc. It was well worth the money for me. Heck, now I want to play it.
  8. Just watched Black Mass - The dark version of My Blue Heaven. Johnnie Depp is going to give me nightmares, those eyes are creepy. Pretty solid, I watched the documentary on Netflix awhile back and both were well done.
  9. Wait, it has a picture of the doctor and a quote from Master and Margarita? And that cat is supposed to be Behemoth? I have this one: Bu really, as the resident Russian expert here, isn't it Oby's job to teach us about this stuff? Would you rather use this moment to enlighten and educate, or would you prefer to just be dismissive of anyone who has shown interest in Russian culture?
  10. Huh...I never had load time issues in PoE.
  11. Kind of missing the point there. The more people you get using the app, the more corporate sponsors the app creator is going to be able to attract. Look up how freerice.com works if you are still skeptical about this stuff. I'd imagine it is using the same model and people have dissected that one pretty fully. I'm suggesting that it's still a zero sum game nomatter who gets the money. I don't see how that is. The more users you have, the more time (or miles) you can show that they are active, the more advertising dollars you are bringing in. Each mile may be a drop in the bucket, but zero sum would mean the charity receives the same amount no matter what. That is not the case here. It seems like an unnecessarily cynical attitude towards an industry that raises money and awareness for charities while encouraging mental and physical activity among its participants. http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/charity/freerice.asp http://tellmewhytheworldisweird.blogspot.com/2012/09/how-does-freericecom-work.html
  12. Ah, they used something other than Master and Margarita. My bad. Although a Heart of a Dog would make a good shirt too.
  13. Kind of missing the point there. The more people you get using the app, the more corporate sponsors the app creator is going to be able to attract. Look up how freerice.com works if you are still skeptical about this stuff. I'd imagine it is using the same model and people have dissected that one pretty fully.
  14. Sorry to hear that Tale. I've been thinking about adopting a cat, actually. I miss mine, plus I'm a bit worried about rodents in the area. They are planting corn next door, and I think our previous strays have moved on. Although I know the garter snake is still active.
  15. Heh, pretty sure Malc was yanking your chain. I would guess that the app receives money based on use, like hits on a website. Instead of clicks it is reporting miles walked. It probably has a relationship with a philanthropic organization that targets fitness or health improvement. Just a guess.
  16. They blew the guy up with a robot. That seems pretty high tech to me. A former member of the US military attacks police, and the answer is to make the police more like the military?
  17. I have been thinking about getting into brewing myself, might just need to adopt a cat along with the process.
  18. Hah, we have a heart and a handprint scratched into the hood of our car.
  19. I hate plagiarism, but I agree with Gromnir, this is such cliche stuff that the overlap means little to me. Love the stuff at the end about the history of 3rd parties.
  20. I might be able to do that. Volo is my choice for VP. I know he's Kanadian, but he's got the charisma and I trust he will smear my opponents while I take the high road. GD for Chief of Staff, Grommie for Attorney General, Gfted is Homeland Security, shady is Secretary of State, WoD is in charge of Energy, Drowsy is my NATO rep. I'm sure I'm missing a few, but we can work it out over time.
  21. I'm already polling ahead of the Green Party!
  22. Write in Hurlshot. My campaign is really starting to pick up steam.
  23. I do have to say Sheriff David Clarke is pretty awesome.
  24. We hang out on a video game forum folks. While all these pokemon go people are jumping on the nerd ship, ours set sail long ago.
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