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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Immigration police? So, just a reminder, being in the US without proper documentation is not a criminal offense. It is a civil offense.
  2. I try not to share much political stuff on my Facebook page, but this one made the list. Needs to be a national TV spot, for sure.
  3. I used to think Hoonding was pretty clever, but then I realized he just steal jokes from other places. Lame.
  4. Pics or it didn't happen.
  5. Every election is bought. It just comes down to how much money you have to throw at it and how effectively you use it.
  6. I believe it is more accurate to say the media spins their stories than to say they outright lie. That's why it is so important to develop critical thinking skills in this day. Of course, everyone THINKS they know how to look at a story critically.
  7. -1000 karma points for that joke, Boo. I have no idea what you will be reincarnated as, but it won't be pretty.
  8. Don't ever delete beer talk! I've been thinking about homebrewing, so please do talk more about it. I've even got the equipment, including a kegerator.
  9. Trump is Walder Frey and Hillary is Littlefinger.
  10. Only on Thanksgiving. Gah, Malc beat me to the joke by an hour, and I was daft enough to miss it. Sorry Malc!
  11. There are quite a few examples of mass murderers that were not religious in recent years. Sandy Hook, the Batman movie theater premiere, etc. Of course, trying to pigeonhole any of these people is dumb. There are often numerous factors at play, and focusing on just one (Islam or mental illness) is folly. Also trying to paint large swathes of people with the same brush because of a very small percentage is dangerous.
  12. I think you need to think about the way you post. For example, I agreed with pretty much all of your criticisms about Fallout 4. But when the game came out, you took over the thread we had here about the game. You posted these long essays about all the things Bethesda did wrong. Given that the game had just come out, many of us were making our way through the beginning and still trying to form our own opinions. You kind of drowned out all other discussions, and you were repeating yourself regularly. When I said something about it, you snapped at me. We all repeat stuff here, in fact a lot of threads are cyclical, but if you take a moment to pause and reflect on whether you've made your point already, it will save you a good deal of sanity. Your criticisms may be spot on, but that doesn't mean they need to dominate every thread. Give people space to form their own opinions, try not to repeat yourself too often, and don't forget this is supposed to be fun. I would hope we all come here to relax and enjoy pleasant discussions on games and other interests. It's not a competition and no one is going to win the forum someday.
  13. Chris Hemworth is at his best when he plays a dumb beefcake. Hence him being a great fit as Thor.
  14. After wasting all of my campaign funds on hookers and blow, I regret to inform my supporters that I am ending my candidacy for PotUS. I urge all of my constituents to vote for Johnson.
  15. That King Arthur clip was super confusing. But it did look entertaining. It looks really light on any historical connection to Britain. I named my cat after the lady Guinevere, so I might be a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to the legend. Edit: Although to be fair, the King Arthur with Clive Owen tried to be somewhat realistic with setting and history, and it turned out pretty bland. So maybe this direction will work out.
  16. I threatened my family with app deletion on every device if they did not move through the parking lot with a bit more haste today.
  17. The narrative would make more sense if 2008 hadn't happened. Hard to compare her to a dictator when she already got beat in the DNC by a freshman senator. Also where is the hillary/kim jong face meld. We have the technology!
  18. Clinton is a guarantee that the next 4 years will look a lot like the last 8. Trump is going to make America great for racists again.
  19. Ah good to see you're going to contribute with answering questions. Here it is again. And who were you responding to (or post) in this thread if not me? Hurl isn't exactly known for purposefully bringing anything of substance to the table in any given discussion. He occasionally does, but sadly more oft than not it's by accident.
  20. Ah good to see you're going to contribute with answering questions. Here it is again. And who were you responding to (or post) in this thread if not me? Affirmative.
  21. There there Hurlshot. Can't even answer a question? Ok, but just this one time.
  22. I don't prefer either. That's just me., Good to see you admit to prefer being passive aggressive. And who were you responding to (or post) in this thread if not me? Are you new here?
  23. Thanks, I've always preferred passive aggression to just outright aggression.
  24. So if it is a Muslim, it is clearly the work of religion, but if they aren't, it is clearly the work of mental illness. I think I've got it now.
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