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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So this was nice to watch... I had a charter school close the day before school started in our area last week. The flood of parents to the district office was insane. Hey look, you suddenly have 5 new students in each class while we try to get a grip on the situation.
  2. Yikes. It's pretty clear that the publisher arm of Bethesda (Zenimax) sucks.
  3. The toxicity ebbs and flows with the moon cycles. Welcome back beefcake.
  4. Bojack Horseman season 3 is out. This show has a crazy ability of going from absolute hilarity to absolute depression. They really ramped up the animal element this season, tons of great puns. The last couple episodes were rough, but I suppose that sets the stage for season 4 redemption. Biggest trouble I had was ushering the kids out of the room while trying to explain that the talking horse show is not for kids.
  5. When I had my wisdom teeth out about a year ago, I got a prescription for Oxycontin. One night I came home from work in a lot of pain, so I took one. It was great, pain was gone and I had a bunch of energy to help the kids with homework and make dinner. But the next day when I tried to repeat that, I felt like I as on a bad trip. I was nauseous and the room was spinning. I just tried to close my eyes for 6 hours until it wore off. I stay away from it now.
  6. Found a swarm of termites out near my garage on the back of our property. They are coming from some dead weeds and a pile of some old boards I've been meaning to get to the dump. I sprayed the area down and killed most of the stuff outside, but today I'll be clearing out some crud around the yard and making sure they didn't get in the garage. Yuck.
  7. Exactly. Friendly fire is very complex system that affects gameplay and balance. A helmet toggle is not comparable.
  8. It's not exactly a difficult button to implement.
  9. I am not sure that telling everyone that a 2-year old gravely injured a small dog serves any purpose. The toddler isn't old enough to really learn from it or understand the consequences (outside of the initial moments, disciplining a toddler for their actions is ineffective. Rather you need to demonstrate and reinforce proper behavior with pets continually.) It's a tragic situation, I imagine the parent blames themselves more than anything else, and talking about it sucks. Talking about it would seem to only build resentment towards the child, which is not fair in the least.
  10. Well I start with my local NBC news channel for all my local stuff. I tend to skim yahoo for some easy fluff in the morning, but that is getting worse every day and I need a better casual news source. Once I get to work I check BBC and follow up with any stories that seem worth it. I use CNN student news for the kids once or twice a week, but it's not my cup of tea for the main news. On the way home I listen to a few different radio guys, mostly a local guy named Gil Gross, a conservative guy named Mark Levin, and the local sports guy Tom Tolbert. It's a long commute. Once home I tend to avoid news for the rest of the day. Of course, this forum is probably one of the better ways I get my news. It's amazing how many diverse sources people tend to post here, and I appreciate getting a bunch of different viewpoints on the major topics of the day.
  11. Pillars isn't a game entirely built around exploration. You have a clear story to follow, you develop characters, you meet NPC's that aren't random. Maybe I'm missing something, but NMS doesn't seem to have that going for it. I mean, this is just me, but all that exploring simply isn't as exciting knowing I'm all alone. Honestly I have a similar complaint with Bethesda games. They are great to explore, but once I realize the story and characters suck and there is no character development, I just feel lonely. Oh look, another boring NPC that needs my help. *yawn*
  12. Everything about No Man's Sky makes me think it needs to be an MMO to interest me. I know a lot of people hate being social, but I think I'd just be lonely exploring this great big universe without knowing other people were out there.
  13. Grabbed Dead Rising 2 on sale. I enjoyed the original, and so far this seems like a pretty fun zombie romp. Scratches that Vegas itch (insert STD joke here) and so far I like the main character.
  14. I see the problem as two-fold. One, Heath Ledger put together one of the best performances in any Superhero film ever, and then died at the height of his popularity. That casts a big shadow. Two, they tried to go a very different direction with the character, which makes a lot of sense given you can't replace the Ledger version. But that meant it was a fairly unrecognizable turn for a pretty well known character. Maybe it was supported by the comics, but most people don't follow all the different comics. He didn't seem like any Joker I've ever seen, and then they cut out all the parts that may have developed him as an original version of the Joker. It made no sense to me and his character came off like a candidate for Tattoo Nightmares on Spike TV.
  15. I don't blame him for Joker, honestly. He was put in a terrible position.
  16. I thought Obama's approval rating were pretty dang low. If they've ticked upwards of late, it is probably more a result of the terrible candidates available than anything he is doing.
  17. The real crime is how little he has done for mental health services in the US.
  18. It would be pretty boring if that were the case. Competition is good.
  19. It's weird that you care so much.
  20. And which political group do you think is standing in the way of the new water projects? Also I love Salmon. I don't know, which one? Can't be the Republicans, they've been entirely castrated in CA. Actually digging around seems to show that it is mostly corporations that seem to oppose his plans.
  21. Well our fiscally conservative governor is trying to push through some better water projects, but it ain't easy to get people on board. Also I love Salmon.
  22. It's really not that big of a deal that they don't give me water when I sit down at a restaurant. I just ask for it and, viola, I get a glass of water. But as stated, different states have different obstacles. California is always going to have water issues, the two largest population areas are built in places that have terrible access to fresh water. The drought amplifies all that, but we've been through it many times before. Thankfully California ranked pretty high on the beer freedom category. That's my jam.
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