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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. So this gets a thread but the Dakota Oil pipeline gets nothing?
  2. How large do you think the BLM movement is? Because it's way smaller than you probably think it is.
  3. The Giants continue to blow 9th inning leads. Losing would be one thing. I can handle them just not winning games. But going into the 9th inning with a lead, and then blowing it over and over is like some horrible version of groundhog's day.
  4. Don't lie. I just said you like to throw the nazi label on people you think are sjw's.
  5. Is there an echo in here?
  6. I don't believe you have ever been called a nazi though. I have gotten it from volo a couple times. You haven't even been called a racist here. I would argue that your immigration arguments are flawed, but that has as much to do with economics as it does discrimination. And that's still not what I would call racism, but rather a very negative attitude.
  7. Nah. I mean GD disagrees with the left pretty much full time, and he doesn't get called racist or nazi. Plus the only one who really throws nazi around is volo, and he aims it at people he thinks are on the left.
  8. Yet you haven't started a thread about it, and are quite active in the US threads...
  9. I still don't get this line of thinking. It sounds a lot like "I don't like the way these people act and what they stand for, so I'm going to act exactly like them but take a stand for the opposite stuff." There is a middle ground here. It's quite large.
  10. Ah come on, it's clear they bring them through a dimensional gate, which we all know is very cost effective.
  11. Yeah, Wildstar is weird. There is some stuff that it does very well, and I think it is worth a spin for any MMO fans, but I also had trouble sticking with it longer than a month. They did improve it quite a bit since release. It's easier to jump into.
  12. DC Universe is a bit of a mess under Daybreak, the new owners. It really pushes the microtransactions. edit: Try Wildstar. It's f2p now.
  13. I'd like to see some real studies on life expectancy of Strongman competitors, but I know professional wrestlers are all dropping like flies after what they put their bodies through over the decades.
  14. Chickens are a lot less endearing than rabbits. We have a few chickens, but we keep them at the neighbors and just pay her a bit to keep them alive. We also care for them when they go out of town, and we get a ton of eggs. We get chicken meat too, but I only like the breasts. The dark meat tastes too gamey to me.
  15. The only type of hunting I support is bow hunting. Specifically by Bo Jackson.
  16. I have also been playing WoW too much. Do it Gfted!
  17. Nothing about Divinity Original Sin struck me as MMO like.
  18. Hey, at least Tetris is getting a movie trilogy.
  19. Good job reading the first paragraph. Just like my students, I swear.
  20. Huh. https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/saving-normal/201303/prison-or-treatment-the-mentally-ill
  21. So...you guys think this guy is normal? Really? That's concerning. Here is the original article, which has details: http://www.cbsnews.com/news/british-man-pleads-guilty-in-donald-trump-attempted-attack-case/ Prison is not a smart option for for people with these types of problems. It's more expensive and does nothing to solve the problem, typically making things worse. They need mental health care.
  22. That's great, I'm really happy for the kid. Now I'm going to go jump off a bridge because the Giants bullpen has blown leads in 6 out of the last 10 games.
  23. I would imagine he has some sort of mental illness, is prison even the right place for him? Has the US worked with the UK over this? The article is pretty light on details.
  24. That means you do care. Because neither Clinton or Trump are going to leave the rest of the world alone.
  25. Bit surprised by the Jill Stein votes, she gets very little mention by folks here.
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