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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. The same mission is in the first game, they even ask you what version you are. I mean homage is all well and fine, but more or less doing the same thing ?. Huh, well I played the original 15 years ago, so I can't really say I noticed much repetition. A funny bit near the end...
  2. Just finished Mankind Divided, and now I am stuck on the end credits. So I figure it is a good time to share my thought. Simply put, I enjoyed it. Great gameplay, good level design, and decent storytelling. It scratched that B&E itch we all have. My only complaints would be the long loading times. The game ran well on my laptop, which is less than two years old, but there were some performance issues. The ending was a bit abrupt, but it did feel like a bridge game. I imagine the next one will wrap up the Jensen mysteries. I didn't kill anyone and it felt great.
  3. Yeah, I read a lot of the books in Dishonored. I do remember playing it a couple times and never getting into the setting, then one attempt just grabbed me and I was hooked to the end. Timing is everything, I suppose.
  4. Ah, the brainwashing guy, that was a fun side mission. I'd go so far as to say the side missions are the best part of the game. The Harvester questline was excellent.
  5. Redneck Rampage is a cultural gem, and Ros needs to get a clue!
  6. That's definitely a bug (or someone died accidentally.) He thanked me for not killing anyone. I had a number of comments about my lack of a body count so far.
  7. I hope I can get through Narcos Season 2 by the end of Labor Day weekend, otherwise I might need to take a day off work.
  8. Sure, that would make sense. I imagine a lot of development houses do this when they can. I just don't see why it would matter to the player unless it looked out of place in the game.
  9. It's a weird list. The first 25 seem geared toward younger audiences.
  10. I'm surprised that they would budget that much for a Deus Ex game, but it is definitely at the bleeding edge of current technology. Also not sure what you are talking about with reused assets. edit: Pretty sure it's a different engine.
  11. And that is why you are the best candidate!
  12. I own it but never got around to playing it. Story of my life.
  13. Speak for yourself. You don't speak for me. He speaks for the collective. You are we, we are you.
  14. I think HR took me about 30 hours to finish. I am already at that with MD and do not seem close to the end. Granted my 10 minute train rides inflate the time played a bit.
  15. We as in the people reading the forum. Not sure what the family remark is about but oh well. We are family Get up everybody and sing
  16. Well, I tend to wait until they yawn, then shoot the dart right at their gaping maw. So I use that to justify how quickly it acts.
  17. If it makes you feel better, you suffer a full reset after the tutorial and are back to having very few abilities.
  18. Well, you are entitled to that opinion, but there is a fair amount of people disagreeing with you. It was pretty well reviewed, way better than all of their iOS shovelware, that is for certain. Have you tried it since the big patch redid the graphics? I found it more aesthetically pleasing although some people complained about the camera angle. It wasn't a triple A title, but for an indie project I think it pulled off a pretty decent game. Again, these are just opinions. It was a playable product that met a fair amount of expectations.
  19. Huh, I enjoyed it quite a bit. The crumbling luxury resort was a cool setting, and I loved that at the end you had quite a few options for saving Singh and blowing up the chopper. Plus the game even let you fail at those objectives, which is rare for a tutorial.
  20. I did not pledge either. I got Wasteland 2 with my PoE pledge. It was good enough that I will probably buy Torment when it comes out. But yeah, they didn't have the track record of Obsidian or Larian, making it a more risky investment.
  21. There is a lot going on in this post. First off, of course it is using nostalgia, that is going to be pretty standard for any niche product like this. The mainstream market isn't supporting these types of games, so they crowdfund. The best way to stand out in a crowdfunding situation is to offer something completely new or something nostalgic. As for it being a cash grab, that implies they aren't actually delivering a product. So no, it is an investment in a company that has already successfully delivered one project using such a business model, meaning it is a pretty safe investment. Now whether you think they've delivered good games or not is pretty subjective. They have a pretty tiny library, so what exactly are we judging? I didn't like the Bard's Tale remake, so I didn't bother backing them, because no track record. But I enjoyed Wasteland 2 quite a bit, playing through it twice. I believe a fair amount of people did as well. As for being a flop, there are no numbers to support that. Maybe it wasn't a grand slam, but it seemed successful enough to keep the studio moving forward.
  22. Is not granting an interview considered blacklisting? That would seem to be a pretty easy list to make. I guess my bad poetry blog has also been blacklisted. And no, I'm not sharing the link with you guys.
  23. I've never understood it. I mean, is the aim to come across like a petulant child? "Here is my opinion on this person, now let me call them names to make sure you do not take my opinion seriously." And yeah, I see the hipocrisy.
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