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Everything posted by Hurlshort

  1. Jean Claude Van Johnson is ludicrous and fantastic. I can't wait to see HUCK in theaters.
  2. With the crazy numbering issues that early Final Fantasy games have, I do wonder if FFVI was the one I was thinking of...ah well. I tried to vote for the one with the Opera.
  3. I think it is pretty amazing that there are only 106 that made the cut. It means we will have some heavy hitters at the top.
  4. Yeah, I paid $105 a ticket for down behind the Knights goalie for 2 periods. The prices just didn't budge.
  5. Huh, well I love Star Wars and I have really enjoyed sharing it with my kids. I was a bit puzzled by Episode 8, but it was still a fun flick and I look forward to the conclusion.
  6. Awesome, I will be at the Sharks game in Vegas at the end of March.
  7. I convinced my wife to watch it by making the Alien Nation reference, so you are in good company.
  8. I feel bad that I didn't vote for Monkey Island and move it up the list. I think algroth might want to start a new thread or two for this thing. It's very awesome though, good job.
  9. I spent more than I should have on a Specialized bike.
  10. Plus AssCreed Origins is a pretty solid game.
  11. I keep waiting for Vegas to come back down to earth.
  12. I am hoping to get a Specialized Road Bike, but realistically I expect some decent headphones.
  13. You can always play on easy. Larian always loses me in the 2nd act. But I enjoy the 1st act enough to keep buying.
  14. Today my 7-year old son asked for a sandwich, and I told him to make it himself. After a bit of discussion, it became clear that we have been pampering our youngest for too long. I walked him into the kitchen and went over the process. His dexterity with a butter knife is terrible. This is a kid that can handle a mouse and keyboard for gaming and can play ice hockey, so the capability is there, but with a Grandma, big sister, and mom all making him whatever he wants, he has put no time in. So I explained in video game terms that he needs to grind out some dexterity points and starting making a couple sandwiches a day.
  15. Merry Christmas everybody. Our family Christmas Eve plans fell through since the host is sick, so we will be spending the evening at home making enchiladas, and I plan on cracking open my Goose Island Bourbon Country Stout. Then I've got a few things to build in the middle of the night.
  16. I am planning on doing a triathlon in May and I need a decent bike. I'm set on the run/swim portion, but these bikes are crazy expensive. I'mm be keeping an eye out for a used one, the shops I've visited have been 1k and up.
  17. Geralt is a douche, you have good instincts. Maybe the original Mass Effect?
  18. I am uncomfortable with the size if that monitor and how close he is sitting to it.
  19. Elex is 33% off, I might grab it for that...or would I be better off grabbing Dragon's Dogma? Grim Dawn is also on my radar at $7.50.
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