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Everything posted by Falendor

  1. I cant even get to nedmar i have noone with mechanics 4.
  2. Been looking around at this thread. In the past i have been a big supporter of AoO systems for many of the same reasons as the devs (long history with table top RPGs), Sensukis vids though have moved me several steps away. One thing i have always thought (after years of playing 3.5) is an attack was too big a penalty for moving away then it should be (at low level in 3.5). For PoE maybe we should make engagement slow the targets movement by 50% instead? It would make front line characters literally "sticky" and would help the "things are moving too fast" problem some of us have been having with the game.
  3. And the game is working? Like i said this is a clean install of windows 8.1 and it happens every time i play the game.
  4. Still running into this. obviously others can play the game, anyone else running it on windows 8.1?
  5. Having the bars and actions under the portraits would unclutter the battlefield quite a bit. Im all for this.
  6. Game crashes about half a minute after getting past character creation every time. Three logs are attached below. Made the same character twice with the first then made slightly different character. This was done on a new hard drive with freshly installed windows 8.1 on it. Sorry about thread name, guessing I am a bit tired. output_log_1.txt output_log_2.txt output_log_3.txt
  7. I've heard the German localization for PoE is very good so maybe there doing a better job there than in English. Even though this is the most pedantic bug report ever I do agree with OP it would look better with fancy curly quotes, and probably some other fancy text stuff.
  8. I'm pretty sure the skills our your out of combat toys so a damage bonus would be inappropriate for lore. Lore is mainly for conversations and intractable puzzles. Im betting its going to be used a lot.
  9. Seems like fan opinion is actually a pretty important aspect of determining which bugs are a big deal. Not really, no. The bugs the playerbase dislike the most should be priority, not the only priority for sure, but defiantly a big one. I've tolerated more than a few "bugy" games because I liked them, while I have also quite some games when bugs ended up just in the right place to piss me off.
  10. I have also encountered item loss, specifically the grappling hook disappears from inventory on game load.
  11. Also not enough pics for the non-human races. Got a fealing there thinking the community will make tons of character pics, probably going to hapen to.
  12. Left handed and all i use it for is hitting the space key and eating while i play. Turn based games, and easy pause games are all about confort while playing.
  13. Im ok with the no res magic. Ok with no health healing magic as long as the current health/stam system get a serios adjustment (though i find the compliete lack of healing magic in the setting a bit odd). i think it would be nice to have some type of rare health healing for last pushes through dungions though.
  14. Have you repeated this to see if it was a one time bug? Reinstall? plus this should be in bugs/support.
  15. Proper sound effects will also improve the games feedback, helping the player figure out what's happening in combat.
  16. (cut down OP to point out what I like) 1. all of the cut ability's would be great I would like to see any one or all of them added to the ranger. 2. At first having module auras the ranger uses to buff himself and his pet sounds like a great way to make INT relevant to the class, but I think in play this would prove very annoying every time your bear inches out of the aura and gets beet on for it. 3. Every animal companion should have one activated ability and one passive ability, 100% true IMO. 4. Both ranger and companion should gain ability's, making you pick which one gets an ability will make people FEEL like there playing half a character (even though there closer to playing two). almost all abiltiys should alter how the animal companion and the ranger interact though, and some might focus on one more than the other. 5. the focus should totally be on the animal companion. without the animal companion the ranger is just a ranged focus hippy version of a rogue.
  17. I don't think he said 'skill.' I think he said 'maintenance.' Fighters are lower-maintenance than, say, wizards, meaning you can basically park them and have them auto-attack, and they'll mostly do fine. Your totally right on that one. with up to 6 party members you don't want to have to micro manage every single one of them, or at least most people wont.
  18. Mostly played a ranger so far, so I know what your talking about. Fighters seemed ok to me, I believe Josh said that different classes will have different levels of skill needed to play them, if any class should be "low skill" then its the fighter. that'll be a discussion for another thread though.
  19. I think the problem comes from the fact that many classes are pigeon holed into certain party roles (Rogues are DPSrs, if your not DPSing with your rouge you are sub optimal.) if the class system could be expanded so all classes could fill several party roles (with the correct stat/talent picks) then this stat balance would be perfect. I think we can all agree that a full class rebalance is totally out of the question, but some class rebalances (Sensuki sounds lake he want to take on that next) could work with this system very nicely. (I want me my dodge tank rogue).
  20. Wow, first thread longer than I could bear reading through. At first I like the symmetry of the 2-2-2 system, but now im thinking it forces all DPS characters into 2 attributes and all tanks into 2 attributes, etc. Mixing it up so each class TYPE needs all 6 attributes would be a closer to the stated goals of the attribute system, going to be tough, messy, work, but I think its doable. Looking forward to more from the Sensuki/Matt516 team, make sure deflection gets on a stat! MOST PRODUCTIVE THREAD EVER!
  21. ran into this one before, haven't been able to find what causes it.
  22. Been running into this bug too, but have been unable to constantly reproduce it. just listed it in a multi-bug thread I made for all the bugs that I cant pinpoint "when" they happen.
  23. Im glad someone else remembers going back to town and looking/selling all your loot fondly. I used to call it "taking a logistics action."
  24. This thread contains multiple bugs I have been running into since V278, but have been unable to constantly reproduce. each bug has happened multiple times under different circumstances. 1) Grappling hook disappears from main characters inventory on loading save file. 2) Character sheet is scrambled, all text moved to the top few lines, overlapping. 3) text on intractable story events is clipped by image at right of text. 4) Many odd health/stam bugs with ranger (I know these are known but there are SO MANY of them). 5) When out of combat if you order a character to use an ability that is part of an attack (rangers hobble, fighters knockdown, will not trigger on non attack ability's like AOE wizard spells or rangers prey ability) on an enemy: character will give confirmation and move into range but not activate ability, character can be ordered to move but will not use ability until you reload the game.
  25. I knew there was something I used that zoomed on mouse that had bugged the **** out of me. wish google maps had a way to change that setting. Current workflow in Google Maps with zoom to cursor, if you want to zoom on a particular point on the map: 1. Put the cursor where you want to zoom 2. Scroll with the wheel until the camera is at the position and zoom level you want You're telling me that you'd prefer: 1. Scroll with the wheel a little 2. Pan a little to approximately recenter the camera where you want it to be 3. Repeat until the camera is at the position and zoom level you want - this may take arbitrarily many repetitions This is clearly a lot more work and fussing about. Basically what I run into with Google maps is I tell it to center on a location and it does, then I zoom in to get a closer look at it and it zooms on my mouse instead leaving me looking at something miles away. PO does not zoom out nearly as far Google maps but as a game I would find mouse zooming to be very counter intuitive.
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