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Everything posted by Mungri

  1. Also I don't like the arbalest Nerf. The weapon is super slow to make up for its stronger hits.
  2. I'm not butthurt, but chill fog lingers for so long that it was nice tanking mobs inside it.
  3. My priest running around throwing 4 warding seals and one shotting Potd encounters ... Kekekekekekek!
  4. Path oc the damned too easy. It should at least be made the lowest difficulty level with harder ones added.
  5. Holy Radiance is the weakest, its just a single use per battle. The paladin also gets some strong healing skills, even more with kind wayfarer.
  6. You're not speaking for 99% of the player base. If I weren't reading the forums, I wouldn't even be aware of the bugs. Mainly because I never double-click to assign items and I tend to run with a single quick save, so my reloading is limited. The only bug I've actually noticed during play is the cage cursor issue. Which is annoying, but hardly game breaking. If I wasnt speaking for 99%, then 1 in 100 players would have the bugs. That really doesnt seem to be the case. It doesnt even seem to be 1 in 1000 if you consider that the game sold millions of copies, hence 99.9%.
  7. Seems cool, but I cast one interdiction and the whole map gets agroed QQ
  8. Its not more challenging. It just relies more on reflex and micro management, whereas turn based relies more on the understanding of a fixed ruleset. Yes and the increased reflex and micro management makes it more challenging and also more intense.
  9. Wow, I found this hat from another backer NPC:
  10. Actually more colour coding might have been a little fancier. Maybe it could have been based on the amount of used enchants on the item, e.g. <5 enchant points - blue 5-9 enchant points - yellow 10-12 enchant points - orange. This could make a nice mod.
  11. No it shouldn't have been turn based. Pause and play is better and more challenging.
  12. Just cast any of your friendly fire will save spells on your wild orlan tank(s) and voila.
  13. Maybe none of the beta testers got stuck with a bug that prevented them from progressing, like 99.9% of the playerbase.
  14. I found Tha ring that gives 5c a turn. Silly question but must it be equipped to get the bonjs? I assume so.
  15. The game is currently very playable and fun. And patches are already under development. Its impossible for a video game to be released with 0 bugs, especially when built on such a large scale as this one.
  16. So you find it odd for a priest to use a rod ... But an arquebus is completely fine? Id say the quarterstaff and rod are totally the most fitting weapons for a priest.
  17. What's funny is that when I started posting in this thread, I was referring exactly to your OP the backer NLCs, then the SJWs start jumping at me for supporting the offensive limerick and I'm wondering WTH is that? And its not even offensive. Oh, and back to page 1 with this thread, yippee!!!
  18. I send them naked. I already looted and passed all their unique gear to my custom party.
  19. Rogue starts with 30 I think.
  20. Searing Falls Cave: Lighthouse:
  21. Oh this isnt the easy one in Searing Falls Cave right?
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