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Everything posted by injurai

  1. It's already been linked to the wizard though, partially in PoE1 by at least one animancer turned necromancer and the fact that necromancery is connected to magic. And in the White March expansion, it's linked by two of Concelhauts apprentices and Concelhaut himself. edit: Ninja'd somewhat. Also, DeadFire is supposed to have much less focus on animancy/necromancy, or at least it won't be THE major focus. It's supposed to be more focused on the artificial gods and their reawakening if I remember correctly.
  2. Should the necromancer go to the wizard or the cipher? Seems like it should be cipher to me.
  3. When 18 core chips are standard and consumer friendly, we may finally see that revolution in AI that has been a decade over due. Still probably a decade out. Maybe more. Enthusiasts never truly win in the end when nobody builds to their specs.
  4. Man, I thought the concept of a berserker was brutal but corpse eating... that is something entirely different...
  5. Sí Señor, but in consolation we got some fantastic new screenshots.
  6. 2077 will likely be announced in 2018 and released in 2019. I'd be shocked if we saw more than just Gwent at e3.
  7. She looks good. My only gripe she's quite "yellowish" and the over exaggerated bloom is not up to my tastes Yeah well, my gripe is your avatar is quite "defaultish."
  8. I certainly agree with that sentiment. For example, when PoE is more or less "wrapped up" maybe after 3+dlc. I'd love for them to try their hand at a sci-fi isometric. Maybe something like low-scifi cowboy bebop-esque. Full of planet hopping, space ports, bazaars, etc. I feel their aren't enough games that do the whole "commoner within a space-opera" story. It's always some larger than life hero. Prey 2 seemed to almost be that until it got canned, of course that wasn't an rpg.
  9. I like beckoner... and agree with blotter. How about Maestro for a Chanter Summoner subclass?
  10. They wouldn't give it without a licensing fee or royalty checks. Obsidian wants out from under publisher insecurity. PoE is all about them owning their first IP, and they want more. I'm not opposed to them licensing, but not when it conflicts with their own IPs. Kotor III however would be welcome, but surely that would go to Bioware first...
  11. Typical Ogre discrimination. Did Dreamworks teach us nothing?
  12. Pillars was sublime, the team does AAA quality work on a budget, and sequel momentum of course. The sequel momentum really has me excited. I'd say your math checks out. But then RDR2 got delayed to next year...
  13. Since we can have custom portraits, how about they enable the mic and I can dub my character as I go along.
  14. The lore already indicates that half-races aren't a possibility in Eora (for a source on that, search for "half races" in this old gamebanshee interview with Sawyer: http://www.gamebanshee.com/news/111978-project-eternity-social-round-up.html). Subracial mixes are an established possibility as per Xoti, though. Yup. I had to dispell some reddit musings people were having a while back. Wait what... I don't remember ever encountering this tidbit.
  15. I can already tell the models look better in the standard view on Deadfire vs PoE.
  16. S3 was great. I haven't watched S4 yet (will soon) but I've never liked Ghost Rider so I'm not sure what to think going into it. At least they have order up S5.
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